The Left's Louis Farakhan tells college audience parents should teach kids to throw molotov cocktail


And yet, this vile man is considered a "civil rights leader" by some people. :cuckoo:
Only to the people that matter: His constituents!

Unfortunately' he's as influential in the black community as other race batters like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (probably more), except Farrakhan is obviously more bigoted and anti American.
And yet, this vile man is considered a "civil rights leader" by some people. :cuckoo:
Only to the people that matter: His constituents!

I for Gaels he's as influences in the black community as other race batters like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, except Farrakhan is obviously more bigoted and anti American.
Yes, Farrakhan IS an influence in the Back community because he publicly addresses the pain of Black folks in America; but he is a muslim. Most Blacks who work and go to church are Christians. That religious gap is wide. Christian Black ministers do not, as a rule, encourage their flocks to endorse the NOI or to engage in militant behavior even in self defense. Many appreciate Farrakhan's freedom to do or say what they can't say or do for fear of losing a job or reluctance at working counter to their Christian ideals.

Sharpton and Jesse are Christians. I just wonder why white Christians have not joined hands with their Black Christian brothers to nullify racism once and for all. Truth is, I know why Jesse and AL might be wary of such a liason....: White Christians have a violent history where inquisitions, burning at the stake, murder of autochthonous people and ethnic cleansing has been
well documented. Who knows when they will strike again!
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And yet, this vile man is considered a "civil rights leader" by some people. :cuckoo:
Only to the people that matter: His constituents!

I for Gaels he's as influences in the black community as other race batters like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, except Farrakhan is obviously more bigoted and anti American.
Yes, Farrakhan IS a influence in the Back community because he publicly addresses the pain of Black folks in America; but he is a muslim. Most Blacks who work and go to church are Christians. That religious gap is wide. Christian Black ministers do not, as a rule, encourage their flocks to endorse the NOI or to engage in militant behavior even in self defense. Many appreciate Farrakhan's freedom to do or say what they can't say or do for fear of losing a job or reluctance at working counter to their Christian ideals.

Sharpton and Jesse are Christians. I just wonder why white Christians have not joined hands with their Black Christian brothers to nullify racism once and for all. Truth is, I know why Jesse and AL might be wary of such a liason....: White Christians have a violent history where inquisitions, burning at the stake, murder of autochthonous people and ethnic cleansing has been
well documented. Who knows when they will strike again!

Do you really think Blacks care if Farrakhan is a Muslim? Farrakhan manipulates Blacks by making it look like all their suffering today is the fault of the Whites, Jews and Christians. Which is why he gets so many Black converts to Islam. The last thing Blacks need today is leaders like Farrakhan and Sharpton.

Obama is another similar leader who has failed his people. He is manipulating the situation by diverting the nation's attention to these isolated events of "police brutality", which are controversial at best. But nobody asks why so many Blacks are being killed ruthlessly by other Blacks, nor do they ask why Obama has failed to create the jobs and opportunities for Blacks that he promised, which is the main underlying reason for the crisis in Black neighborhoods today.

In any event, it is obvious to many Americans that the racial tensions we see today are a coordinated effort concocted by this Administration and the Leftist media. Most Americans can see the truth of what is happening, but aren't saying anything because it's not PC in today's environment.
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Black folks sure are lucky to have so many white folks around to tell them what they ought to think, say and do.
Where are the jobs and opportunities for blacks that Obama promised?

Oh, look at the big bad police boogeyman, busy killing blacks all the time. It's a fucking crisis, I tell you! Burn that bitch down!
Moonglow has secret fantasies about taking it up the ass from big black men who hate white people, especially Jews. Would you squeal like that guy in Deliverance, Moonglow? Squeal like a piggie, Moonglow, squeal like a piggie.

This little window into your stream of consciousness confirms my suspicion that you are indeed a racist cock sucker.
And yet, this vile man is considered a "civil rights leader" by some people. :cuckoo:
Only to the people that matter: His constituents!

I for Gaels he's as influences in the black community as other race batters like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, except Farrakhan is obviously more bigoted and anti American.
Yes, Farrakhan IS a influence in the Back community because he publicly addresses the pain of Black folks in America; but he is a muslim. Most Blacks who work and go to church are Christians. That religious gap is wide. Christian Black ministers do not, as a rule, encourage their flocks to endorse the NOI or to engage in militant behavior even in self defense. Many appreciate Farrakhan's freedom to do or say what they can't say or do for fear of losing a job or reluctance at working counter to their Christian ideals.

Sharpton and Jesse are Christians. I just wonder why white Christians have not joined hands with their Black Christian brothers to nullify racism once and for all. Truth is, I know why Jesse and AL might be wary of such a liason....: White Christians have a violent history where inquisitions, burning at the stake, murder of autochthonous people and ethnic cleansing has been
well documented. Who knows when they will strike again!

Do you really think Blacks care if Farrakhan is a Muslim? Farrakhan manipulates Blacks by making it look like all their suffering today is the fault of the Whites, Jews and Christians. Which is why he gets so many Black converts to Islam. The last thing Blacks need today is leaders like Farrakhan and Sharpton.

Obama is another similar leader who has failed his people. He is manipulating the situation by diverting the nation's attention to these isolated events of "police brutality", which are controversial at best. But nobody asks why so many Blacks are being killed ruthlessly by other Blacks, nor do they ask why Obama has failed to create the jobs and opportunities for Blacks that he promised, which is the main underlying reason for the crisis in Black neighborhoods today.

In any event, it is obvious to many Americans that the racial tensions we see today are a coordinated effort concocted by this Administration and the Leftist media. Most Americans can see the truth of what is happening, but aren't saying anything because it's not PC in today's environment.

Do you really think Black Christians care what YOU think? It is warped opinions seen from a jaded White perspective like yours that drives Black Christians to preachers like AL and Jesse. It doesn't take much manipulation to see through your bovine excrement and rush to the opposing side.

The crisis in the poor side of the Black community is no different from crisis in the poor side of the White community. Blacks just don't get the breaks that white perpetrators do Black Christians, though, are ignored and their contributions to peace and stability in many black communities is unheralded. Jesse and AL are just doing Gods will, to adress the evils of White Christianity before it gets out of hand as it did during slavery, the Indian massacres, Nazi Germany and during the heighth of the KKK era!
And yet, this vile man is considered a "civil rights leader" by some people. :cuckoo:
Only to the people that matter: His constituents!

Unfortunately' he's as influential in the black community as other race batters like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (probably more), except Farrakhan is obviously more bigoted and anti American.

Is that what your inside information tells you? Is that the word on the street?
Where are the jobs and opportunities for blacks that Obama promised?

Oh, look at the big bad police boogeyman, busy killing blacks all the time. It's a fucking crisis, I tell you! Burn that bitch down!
When did Obama promise jobs and opportunities specifically for Blacks? I don't remember seeing or hearing him do that! Did you make that up?

The police: We all know that most police deartments are NOT Black friendly and that there have been numerous shootings in the last few decades of unarmed Blacks. Often so many shots were fired it was overkill.
So Backs do have a complaint there. Michael Brown might seem, to them, an extension of all those other murders!
Where are the jobs and opportunities for blacks that Obama promised?

Oh, look at the big bad police boogeyman, busy killing blacks all the time. It's a fucking crisis, I tell you! Burn that bitch down!
When did Obama promise jobs and opportunities specifically for Blacks? I don't remember seeing or hearing him do that! Did you make that up?

The police: We all know that most police deartments are NOT Black friendly and that there have been numerous shootings in the last few decades of unarmed Blacks. Often so many shots were fired it was overkill.
So Backs do have a complaint there. Michael Brown might seem, to them, an extension of all those other murders!

It doesn't really matter what the President said or didn't say when you have so many people around who can just make shit up. They'll tell you what the President said whether he said it or not.
How can any college in this country allow this man on their campus ?

Farrakhan On Ferguson: ‘We’ll Tear This G**Damn Country Up! (Right Out Of The Jeremiah Wright Intolerance Bible.

Or as many of you know him as LOUIS X!!!!

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!”
Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”

“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.
He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.

Farrakhan argued that violence was justified by the “law of retaliation” HE claims is in both the Bible and the Koran.
“In this book, there’s a law for retaliation,” he said, while holding up what appeared to be the NOI version of the Koran, and repeated, “A law for retaliation.

Farrakhan believes white people will only start listening to black concerns through violence against whites.

“As long as they [whites] kill us [blacks] and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us,” the self-proclaimed minister said. “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!”
Farrakhan also criticized President Barack Obama, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and other black leaders for engaging in what he sees as “compromise” and being out of touch with young African-Americans. He believes they are doing the bidding of “white people” by trying to tell protesters in Ferguson to remain calm.

“Tonight in Ferguson everybody is on edge. White folks have never been on edge after they killed a Black man. Tonight they’re on edge; so on edge that our president has come out from behind the curtain to ask young Black people: ‘Cool it. That’s not our way.’” Farrakhan said. “I heard you, Mr. President; and I asked myself a question: What brings you out of the shadows?”

Farrakhan then attacked Eric Holder and black religious leaders for telling “black youth to be peaceful.”

“And you preachers: Your day of being the pacifier for the white man’s tyranny upon black people, you got to know they’re [young blacks] not going to hear you anymore!” Farrakhan declared to standing ovations.

He continued to go after Obama and how he has not gone to “wicked” police departments and demanded they stop killing minorities.

“Why the hell don’t you stand up and tell them that your killing of Black youth and Brown youth is not going to hold no more,” Farrakhan

SodaHead - Farrakhan On Ferguson We ll Tear This G damn Country Up Right out of the Jeremiah Wright Intolerance bible.

Lol...since when did the left claim this fool?

He's as crazy as the right's Fred Phelps!

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