The Left's Louis Farakhan tells college audience parents should teach kids to throw molotov cocktail

Calypso Louie was thought to be one of Malcolm X's murderers.....These days he's so brave he always has to have a dozen "fruit of islam" guarding his chicken ass.

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You know my friend and I were at Wendy's this evening eating a burger, discussing the issues with race relations, after we killed a black earlier and thought enough of this lets just go home and go to sleep.

Funny how Farakhan nailed it.
I'm ready to do battle. A good ethnic cleansing of left-wing shitbags is what this country really needs.
Don't forget to charge your hov around an bring depends



Funny, you say whites are afraid of blacks, Farakhan says blacks are afraid of whites.

I think the reality is most blacks and whites want to get along with each other and dumb shits and assholes like you, want to stir shit up because you have failed at life.
I'm ready to do battle. A good ethnic cleansing of left-wing shitbags is what this country really needs.
It will be class war, not race war.

It will be a race war, and a class war, and liberoid (+rhinos/neocons) vs conservative war.

There will be more warring factions in the United States then in the entire Middle East, however, conservative constitutionalists, will actually be the largest and most uniform among all of the factions (Rule of Law supporters). The left and establishment right will dvidie and decay into hundreds of groups that will all fight each other, and will not be able to unite in order to subdue/overthrow the Constitutionalists.

This is why I have hope for America's future.
There's only one institution necessary to take over this country: the military. Who do you suppose they're going to side with in all this? Faggots, communists, illegal immigration proponents, ballot criminals, assholes, and all the other degenerate scum who hate Obama? Or do you suppose they'll side with the right?
There's only one institution necessary to take over this country: the military. Who do you suppose they're going to side with in all this? Faggots, communists, illegal immigration proponents, ballot criminals, assholes, and all the other degenerate scum who hate Obama? Or do you suppose they'll side with the right?

Why do you think Obama is trying to pack the military with faggots, and firing constitutionalist/pro-rule-of-law generals? Over 100 generals have been fired under Obama for being outstanding men who upheld their Oath.

Is it shocking that Obama, the Oathbreaker, is doing away with those who keep their Oath?
One can only hope Louis leads the charge.......

He's a coward, getting young black men to fight and ruin their lives, meanwhile you damn well know hes never going to take a risk. Hes living the high life and has people worshiping him.
Louis Farrakhan isn't a "leftist", nor is "the left" responsible for him.

But who needs facts when you've got hysterical outrage, right?

If left to him, there would be radical changes in this country. The changes would not be of a conservative nature, they would be on the left side of the spectrum.

No, there would be a lot of dead Honkies.

I don't know of a single white person that Farrakhan has had killed. If left to him, I believe only those whites who would try to provoke a confrontation would be met with equal violence! BTW, he is as conservative as they come. High morals, fervently religious, faithful, and self sustaining abilities are all attributes that make f Louis Farrakhan one of the few true American conservatives.
Louis Farrakhan isn't a "leftist", nor is "the left" responsible for him.

But who needs facts when you've got hysterical outrage, right?

If left to him, there would be radical changes in this country. The changes would not be of a conservative nature, they would be on the left side of the spectrum.
The Nation of Islam
Nazi Party
Democrat Party
^^^ All are left wing

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