The Left's Louis Farakhan tells college audience parents should teach kids to throw molotov cocktail

Louis Farrakhan isn't a "leftist", nor is "the left" responsible for him.

But who needs facts when you've got hysterical outrage, right?

If left to him, there would be radical changes in this country. The changes would not be of a conservative nature, they would be on the left side of the spectrum.
Louis Farrakhan isn't a "leftist", nor is "the left" responsible for him.

But who needs facts when you've got hysterical outrage, right?

If left to him, there would be radical changes in this country. The changes would not be of a conservative nature, they would be on the left side of the spectrum.

No, there would be a lot of dead Honkies.
Louis Farrakhan isn't a "leftist", nor is "the left" responsible for him.

But who needs facts when you've got hysterical outrage, right?

If left to him, there would be radical changes in this country. The changes would not be of a conservative nature, they would be on the left side of the spectrum.

No, there would be a lot of dead Honkies.
When 13% of the population wants to make war against 86% of the population it's gonna be a real short warm
Louis Farrakhan isn't a "leftist", nor is "the left" responsible for him.

But who needs facts when you've got hysterical outrage, right?

If left to him, there would be radical changes in this country. The changes would not be of a conservative nature, they would be on the left side of the spectrum.

Are you under the impression that every political view can be explained by "left" or "right"?

The false dichotomy problem you guys have is a big part of why it's so hard to take you seriously.
If I had a kid going there, I would have marched my son right over to the Ad bldg and demanded my money back. No way would my son or daughter step a foot on that campus.

Instead, the audience cheered his words.
The audience is no doubt the product of the liberal indoctrination system (formerly called "education" system).
If I had a kid going there, I would have marched my son right over to the Ad bldg and demanded my money back. No way would my son or daughter step a foot on that campus.

Instead, the audience cheered his words.
The audience is no doubt the product of the liberal indoctrination system (formerly called "education" system).
If I had a kid going there, I would have marched my son right over to the Ad bldg and demanded my money back. No way would my son or daughter step a foot on that campus.

Instead, the audience cheered his words.
The audience is no doubt the product of the liberal indoctrination system (formerly called "education" system).
Obviously a school for losers with losers as their models.
How can any college in this country allow this man on their campus ?

Farrakhan On Ferguson: ‘We’ll Tear This G**Damn Country Up! (Right Out Of The Jeremiah Wright Intolerance Bible.

Or as many of you know him as LOUIS X!!!!

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren’t met, “we’ll tear this goddamn country apart!”
Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of “white folks.”

“We going to die anyway. Let’s die for something,” the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.
He even said the parents of teenagers should teach their kids how to throw Molotov cocktails. “Teach your baby how to throw the bottle if they can. Fight,” the minister advised, and then imitated throwing the explosive device.

Farrakhan argued that violence was justified by the “law of retaliation” HE claims is in both the Bible and the Koran.
“In this book, there’s a law for retaliation,” he said, while holding up what appeared to be the NOI version of the Koran, and repeated, “A law for retaliation.

Farrakhan believes white people will only start listening to black concerns through violence against whites.

“As long as they [whites] kill us [blacks] and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us,” the self-proclaimed minister said. “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!”
Farrakhan also criticized President Barack Obama, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and other black leaders for engaging in what he sees as “compromise” and being out of touch with young African-Americans. He believes they are doing the bidding of “white people” by trying to tell protesters in Ferguson to remain calm.

“Tonight in Ferguson everybody is on edge. White folks have never been on edge after they killed a Black man. Tonight they’re on edge; so on edge that our president has come out from behind the curtain to ask young Black people: ‘Cool it. That’s not our way.’” Farrakhan said. “I heard you, Mr. President; and I asked myself a question: What brings you out of the shadows?”

Farrakhan then attacked Eric Holder and black religious leaders for telling “black youth to be peaceful.”

“And you preachers: Your day of being the pacifier for the white man’s tyranny upon black people, you got to know they’re [young blacks] not going to hear you anymore!” Farrakhan declared to standing ovations.

He continued to go after Obama and how he has not gone to “wicked” police departments and demanded they stop killing minorities.

“Why the hell don’t you stand up and tell them that your killing of Black youth and Brown youth is not going to hold no more,” Farrakhan

SodaHead - Farrakhan On Ferguson We ll Tear This G damn Country Up Right out of the Jeremiah Wright Intolerance bible.

How is he even still alive? His security detail should be rented out by US Secret Service to teach em how they've done it all this time. :)
I'm ready to do battle. A good ethnic cleansing of left-wing shitbags is what this country really needs.
It will be class war, not race war.
Given the behavior of the Ferguson protestors, regardless of geographic location...I'd call it a classless war.

Most of the real instigators are radical communists. They are the community agitators....errrrr, "organizers" of the academic elite. Right out of animal farm. All from the same tree that produced the lying piece of Marxist shit in the white house. Hence, the reason obama told the group way back in September to proceed.

They get the crowd riled up. They, like the easily manipulated perpetually convinced victims who are too happy to comply. They cause great damage, and the world sees the fires and the praetorian like minded left wing media gleefully records it and reports it the way they want. Gentle giant, came from the media, and the ignorant animals still think the fat thug was walking away with his arms up. All innocent and minding his own pathetic business.

They are calling for a revolution. They are looking for the absolute destruction of America. They are trying their best to get a nation wide revolution. Race wars, gender wars, lies lies lies. To all of these academic elites, the ends justify the means.

The dumb fucking pawns cannot see it, especially the fucking moronic left wingers that post here. That is what we are dealing with folks. I mean these fucking morons on the left will not even address why there is no endless hype by the main stream media over Dillon Tyler. The name Brendan Tevlin left the news, real quick didn't he? How many of you even know of those two names?

The fight is coming, and the worst president in history has his finger prints all over this. As he pretends he does not want it, and talks out two sides of his mouth like any good know it all liberal.
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Obama "denounces" Farakhan during a difficult debate in 2007 and talks about his undying 'support' for Israel.


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