the Left’s politicization of the Military


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
the leftwingers have no understanding of the requirements for our national security.

the major requirement is a military devoid of politics.

Not even to mention one of the major mistakes by the obama regime.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years
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As I have written in this space before, the backbone of the enlisted ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces is working-class White men from the South. It has been that way for at least a hundred years. But Clinton, Obama, and Biden have endlessly supported initiatives that have antagonized that group of potential recruits, starting with "don't ask, don't tell," "wimmin in combat," and allowing men to dress up like girls and serve as though they were actually women. Is it any wonder why they have to bribe people to sign up - and even that is not enough.

Rush Limbaugh was right: The purpose of the Armed Forces is to kill people and break stuff. Any new initiative in the Military must be judged on whether it makes "us" any better at killing people and breaking stuff; if not, it should be abandoned. All three of the initiatives mentioned above violate that principle.
Young men from the heartland no longer fit in the US military. The decision of guys like Obama and Biden to allow open, practicing homos to serve and to use the same barracks and showers as Normal men is just uncomfortable for guys from the heartland.

Men know not to drop the soap in the shower in prison, they aren't expecting it in the US Army.

The first night in the military has to be a challenge for new normative recruits from small towns, hearing and smelling all of the sodomy going on in the barracks.
the leftwingers have no understanding of the requirements for our national security.

the major requirement is a military devoid of politics.

Not even to mention one of the major mistakes by the obama regime.

Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years
The ranks are tough to fill due to the obesity levels in the US. Plenty of applicants. The US forces arent ‘woke’ they are anti-racist and anti-bigoted. Not even you guys support racism and bigotry so settle down.
This is part of the agendas. This is the tragedy. The more where everything goes in social sexuality the worse, we decline. We see it. Teh costs of everything to keep us the top nation in the world is causing struggling.
This is part of the agendas. This is the tragedy. The more where everything goes in social sexuality the worse, we decline. We see it. Teh costs of everything to keep us the top nation in the world is causing struggling.

The idiocy of the Trump voter.

You have a President who dodged the draft, and calls the men and women who serve "suckers" and "losers".

The government has stiffed vets on their benefits and health care and benefits for wounded veterans, and underfunded the VA.

Families of service members are having to use food stamps and section 8 to support their families.

Tell me why ANY sane person would sign up for this?
Conservatives are some sick fucks. Sodomy?
WTF are you whining about? Democrats are the fudge packers, I can list more than a few.

The idiocy of the Trump voter.
The idiocy of your opening here is that it is profound in ignorance...Not to mention a blanket generalization....
You have a President who dodged the draft, and calls the men and women who serve "suckers" and "losers".
There are things about every leader that even their most ardent supporters don't like. This statement from Trump did not help him among patriotic supporters who served...But, I'm sure you'll lie and paint them as supportive of it anyway...
The government has stiffed vets on their benefits and health care and benefits for wounded veterans, and underfunded the VA.
I'm in agreement with this statement, however, that has been done bi partisanly...Currently, the invaders of the border are being "taken care of" generously, while our vets hold a sign of a street corner....Sounds fair to you right?
Families of service members are having to use food stamps and section 8 to support their families.
Shameful....How does Canada take care of their veterans? Any differently?
Tell me why ANY sane person would sign up for this?
Because, these people who sign up to serve aren't self absorbed cretins like you.
As I have written in this space before, the backbone of the enlisted ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces is working-class White men from the South. It has been that way for at least a hundred years.

The military is about 2/3 white , 17 percent female

The “politicization” of the military has been to crack down on white supremacy and sexual harassment of females
The idiocy of the Trump voter.

You have a President who dodged the draft, and calls the men and women who serve "suckers" and "losers".

The government has stiffed vets on their benefits and health care and benefits for wounded veterans, and underfunded the VA.

Families of service members are having to use food stamps and section 8 to support their families.

Tell me why ANY sane person would sign up for this?
You do know that Biden had as many deferments as Trump ? You should also know that every issue with the VA has been a problem long before Trump was President and those problems are still there under Biden.
The military is doing poorly because the economy is doing well. People tend to join the military if their other job options are limited.
Our military should not be a government welfare program, just as it shouldn't be a social experiment...Both of which Democrats support is disgusting.
The military is doing poorly because the economy is doing well. People tend to join the military if their other job options are limited.
You can see for yourself why US military recruitment is failing.

The Chinese and Russian ads appeal to the warrior spirit. The American ad appeals to nobody.

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