The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions?
Yeah...because it's government once again getting involved in something they have no business getting involved in. Marriage is recognized and performed by a church.
Or why many conservatives on this board state they want to lock up liberals?
The only one's who say that are the dumb polacks like Sobieski there (unless - of course - the liberal committed an actual crime which would justify them being locked up).
Some of you wingnuts think government has the right to infringe on our free press or force companies/people to say 'Merry Christmas'.
Yeah....those "wing nuts" are called left-wing nuts or progressives.
How about abortion or burning the American flag in protest?
How about abortion? Liberty does not mean the right to commit murder. Your rights end where mine begin. And that baby has a right to life.

And although I would never burn the American flag - I fully support any left-wing assholes right to show hate for the U.S.
These are all forms of government limiting the rights of it's citizens and all come from the right.
And yet you can't come up with a single one. Every example you give is examples of the left (like Sobieski) using government to limit or eliminate rights.
Yep, so is the USA.

Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.

They would if they knew the truth.

That meat inspections are evil? Or is it that the government is making it difficult for you to find those lead paint chips to snack on?

The tort system can easily resolve issues like lead in paint. Companies are going to immediately stop putting lead in paint if one of them gets sued for hundreds of millions of dollars. Government regulations aren't required or desirable.

Companies didn't immediately stop putting lead in paint until it was made illegal. I'm sorry your rights to poison people are so offensive.

They didn't know lead in paint was dangerous until shortly before it was made illegal. A few large lawsuits would have had the same result. Regulations are always imposed after the fact.

The same goes for meat inspection. Have they stopped all cases of food poisoning? Nope, there have been a number of cases where people died from tainted meat. Jack in the Box almost went bankrupt because of one such case.

Meat inspections have saved lives, you're an idiot if you think unless it's 100% effective then it shouldn't be done. What a moron. :badgrin:

The only justification you have for government inspections is that private inspections won't solve the problem 100%. There's no clear evidence that government meat inspections have saved a single life.
They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.

FDR was Fascist like, the USA today is not.

The USA today is more of a Crony Capitalist Oligarchy where business controls the state, much the opposite of Fascism where the state controls business.
In both cases the government makes all the decisions for the enterprise. Fascism applies a pastiche of private ownership with a title that confers no rights of any kind. That's the only difference. Functionally, they are identical.

The purposes of the people running these system is irrelevant. Politicians lie about their purposes all the time. From an economic standpoint, it doesn't matter what they say or what they call things. It only matters what they do.

They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.


That's only in comparison to the extremely low economic output we experienced in 1933.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
Well no shit, sherlock. When you create the Great Depression, you have no where to go but up. The entire economy completely collapsed. It wasn't even possible to go lower. And as always, it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).
That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions?
Yeah...because it's government once again getting involved in something they have no business getting involved in. Marriage is recognized and performed by a church.
Or why many conservatives on this board state they want to lock up liberals?
The only one's who say that are the dumb polacks like Sobieski there (unless - of course - the liberal committed an actual crime which would justify them being locked up).
Some of you wingnuts think government has the right to infringe on our free press or force companies/people to say 'Merry Christmas'.
Yeah....those "wing nuts" are called left-wing nuts or progressives.
How about abortion or burning the American flag in protest?
How about abortion? Liberty does not mean the right to commit murder. Your rights end where mine begin. And that baby has a right to life.

And although I would never burn the American flag - I fully support any left-wing assholes right to show hate for the U.S.
These are all forms of government limiting the rights of it's citizens and all come from the right.
And yet you can't come up with a single one. Every example you give is examples of the left (like Sobieski) using government to limit or eliminate rights.

Conservatives only cared about government being involved in marriage certificates is when gays got the right to marry, don't kid yourself.

Everything else I listed are right wing arguments for more government and they are common.
That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions?
Or why many conservatives on this board state they want to lock up liberals?
The only one's who say that are the dumb polacks like Sobieski there (unless - of course - the liberal committed an actual crime which would justify them being locked up).

I support jailing of people who hire Illegals, and who outsource jobs.

Those should be criminalized, for the benefits of the Nation, the Culture, the Race, and the Worker.

You think otherwise, because you're too weak, and impotent.
That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions?
Yeah....those "wing nuts" are called left-wing nuts or progressives.
How about abortion or burning the American flag in protest?
How about abortion? Liberty does not mean the right to commit murder. Your rights end where mine begin. And that baby has a right to life.

You don't have any plan to counter Roe vs Wade which is "Not We the People" because it's been unpopular, and therefor is not any kind of Democracy.

The U.S.A Republicans should've asserted force, to go against Roe vs Wade.

The GOP has done nothing, because that's your philosophy "Do nothing, and everything you wish will come true"
Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.
I have news for you sweetie...the Greatest Generation started doing that when you lefties decided the men belong in women's restrooms, that women could "identify" as men, and white people could "identify" as black.
That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions?
And yet you can't come up with a single one. Every example you give is examples of the left (like Sobieski) using government to limit or eliminate rights.

Republicans in a nutshell.

- Democrats made Affirmative Action discriminatory quotas, Republicans did nothing.

- Democrats made abortion legal, Republicans did nothing.

- Democrats screeched about Fascism being wrong, Republicans joined them.

- Democrats screeched about Racism being wrong, Republicans joined them.

- Democrats created the Diversity Visa, so the Republicans joined them.

- Democrats created DACA, so the Republicans joined them.

- Democrats supported Gay marriage, Republicans did nothing.

- Jews undermined Republicans left, and right in Hollywood, and media, Republicans decided to support Israel.

You are very impotent people.

Democrats do the wrong thing, and Republicans do nothing.... Little Nero fiddling while Rome burned... (Individualist style)
They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.


That's only in comparison to the extremely low economic output we experienced in 1933.

None the less, it was still way above other U.S Presidents since him.

In fact it looks like we're getting more, and more economically stagnant according to that chart.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
The entire economy completely collapsed. It wasn't even possible to go lower. And as always, it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Why was there a Great Depression?
I support jailing of people who hire Illegals, and who outsource jobs.
Except that only one of those is actually illegal. :eusa_doh:

I'd support the push for such laws.
But anyone who says they would support criminalizing the outsourcing of jobs is a lazy, pathetic, idiotic socialist.

Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Even left-wing institutions like UCLA had to admit that FDR's policies KILLED the American people and drastically prolonged the Great Depression. As always, it was proven conservative policy that created prosperity once again.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

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