The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.
View attachment 168929

That chart is made up. As right and left are not specifically defined by levels of authoritarianism.
There is nothing made up about the chart. It’s indisputable. The further right you go - government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (or anarchy). The further left you go - government gets larger and more powerful until it has unlimited power and total control (or totalitarianism - such as fascism, communism, etc.).

This is basic stuff here. Only and idiot or a liar would get it wrong.

Most Anarchists are very Liberal like you, anyways... LMFAO

Most Fascists are Far Right socially, like myself, anyways.

So, as always you sound like a mega-simpleton.
They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.
View attachment 168929

That chart is made up. As right and left are not specifically defined by levels of authoritarianism.
There is nothing made up about the chart. It’s indisputable. The further right you go - government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (or anarchy). The further left you go - government gets larger and more powerful until it has unlimited power and total control (or totalitarianism - such as fascism, communism, etc.).

This is basic stuff here. Only and idiot or a liar would get it wrong.

That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions? Or why many conservatives on this board state they want to lock up liberals? Some of you wingnuts think government has the right to infringe on our free press or force companies/people to say 'Merry Christmas'. How about abortion or burning the American flag in protest?

These are all forms of government limiting the rights of it's citizens and all come from the right. How would an anarchist feel about any of these?
They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.
View attachment 168929

That chart is made up. As right and left are not specifically defined by levels of authoritarianism.
There is nothing made up about the chart. It’s indisputable. The further right you go - government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (or anarchy). The further left you go - government gets larger and more powerful until it has unlimited power and total control (or totalitarianism - such as fascism, communism, etc.).

This is basic stuff here. Only and idiot or a liar would get it wrong.

That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions? Or why many conservatives on this board state they want to lock up liberals? Some of you wingnuts think government has the right to infringe on our free press or force companies/people to say 'Merry Christmas'. How about abortion or burning the American flag in protest?

These are all forms of government limiting the rights of it's citizens and all come from the right. How would an anarchist feel about any of these?

He's basically a Liberal in every aspect of the definition.

I think he's for Gay Marriage, as a Liberty, that profits Capitalists who make profits off of Gay Wedding apparel.

A Socially Conservative Capitalist is a big contradiction.

Capitalism does sell out to the Social Liberal agenda.

Fascists understand this, many Republicans are brainwashed, and rendered impotent.
They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.
View attachment 168929

That chart is made up. As right and left are not specifically defined by levels of authoritarianism.
There is nothing made up about the chart. It’s indisputable. The further right you go - government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (or anarchy). The further left you go - government gets larger and more powerful until it has unlimited power and total control (or totalitarianism - such as fascism, communism, etc.).

This is basic stuff here. Only and idiot or a liar would get it wrong.

That explains why conservatives are against gay marriage? Or equality of religions? Or why many conservatives on this board state they want to lock up liberals? Some of you wingnuts think government has the right to infringe on our free press or force companies/people to say 'Merry Christmas'. How about abortion or burning the American flag in protest?

These are all forms of government limiting the rights of it's citizens and all come from the right. How would an anarchist feel about any of these?

He's basically a Liberal in every aspect of the definition.

I think he's for Gay Marriage, as a Liberty, that profits Capitalists who make profits off of Gay Wedding apparel.

A Socially Conservative Capitalist is a big contradiction.

Capitalism does sell out to the Social Liberal agenda.

Fascists understand this, many Republicans are brainwashed, and rendered impotent.[/QUOTE]

He's an idiot, no doubt about that.

I do think he is socially conservative, by democratic standards at least.

Capitalism unleashed leads to it's own version of oppression similar to fascism, it's just who the master is that changes.

I think he's for Gay Marriage, as a Liberty, that profits Capitalists who make profits off of Gay Wedding apparel.

A Socially Conservative Capitalist is a big contradiction.

Capitalism does sell out to the Social Liberal agenda.

Fascists understand this, many Republicans are brainwashed, and rendered impotent.

He's an idiot, no doubt about that.

I do think he is socially conservative, by democratic standards at least.

Capitalism unleashed leads to it's own version of oppression similar to fascism, it's just who the master is that changes.

He's a very impotent person... He won't do anything about Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Islamic Refugees..... Because he believes in Small Government Liberty for all
He's a very impotent person...

He's basically a Liberal in every aspect of the definition.

I think he's for Gay Marriage, as a Liberty, that profits Capitalists who make profits off of Gay Wedding apparel.

A Socially Conservative Capitalist is a big contradiction.

Capitalism does sell out to the Social Liberal agenda.

Fascists understand this, many Republicans are brainwashed, and rendered impotent.

He's an idiot, no doubt about that.

I do think he is socially conservative, by democratic standards at least.

Capitalism unleashed leads to it's own version of oppression similar to fascism, it's just who the master is that changes.

He's a very impotent person... He won't do anything about Gays, Abortion, Blacks, Illegals, Islamic Refugees..... Because he believes in Small Government Liberty for all
He's a very impotent person...

He doesn't believe in small government, he believes in selectively small government...yeah, doesn't make sense to me either but he's been sold a load of bullshit.
Fascists are anti-Oligarchy.

The U.S.A is an Oligarchy.

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

Nazis micro-managed Corporate clout, while also propping them up.

Council of Trust - Wikipedia

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

I consider Russia to be a right leaning state. You have a central leader, Putin who has put into place a small group of people to control the country's industries. With fewer people controlling the levers of power than the U.S. and it's citizens with fewer civil liberties than the United States I would say that Russia is more of an oligarchy than the United States and more fascist as there isn't much of a difference between the two.

I don't like the trend the United States is taking however this country and other western democracies are miles away from authoritarian governments be they oligarchies, fascist or communist, not that the latter really exists today outside of a couple banana republics.
You have no conception of how fascism works. You're spouting leftwing propaganda, not economics.

This is the basic premise of a fascist economy:

Union between businesses and the State, with the state telling the business what to do, with nominally private ownership. Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of National economy. Redistribution of wealth (Nazi).

And Communist (because that's all you want to do is call Hitler a leftist):

All people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally.

Yes, they both share some element of wealth redistribution however for very different purposes. In a fascist government the wealth stays at the top in a Communist government (though it never really works out that way) money is moved around to eliminate a class system. Both are severely flawed in there own unique way.

Communism vs Fascism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

In both cases the government makes all the decisions for the enterprise. Fascism applies a pastiche of private ownership with a title that confers no rights of any kind. That's the only difference. Functionally, they are identical.

The purposes of the people running these system is irrelevant. Politicians lie about their purposes all the time. From an economic standpoint, it doesn't matter what they say or what they call things. It only matters what they do.

They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.
I consider Russia to be a right leaning state. You have a central leader, Putin who has put into place a small group of people to control the country's industries. With fewer people controlling the levers of power than the U.S. and it's citizens with fewer civil liberties than the United States I would say that Russia is more of an oligarchy than the United States and more fascist as there isn't much of a difference between the two.

I don't like the trend the United States is taking however this country and other western democracies are miles away from authoritarian governments be they oligarchies, fascist or communist, not that the latter really exists today outside of a couple banana republics.
This is the basic premise of a fascist economy:

Union between businesses and the State, with the state telling the business what to do, with nominally private ownership. Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of National economy. Redistribution of wealth (Nazi).

And Communist (because that's all you want to do is call Hitler a leftist):

All people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally.

Yes, they both share some element of wealth redistribution however for very different purposes. In a fascist government the wealth stays at the top in a Communist government (though it never really works out that way) money is moved around to eliminate a class system. Both are severely flawed in there own unique way.

Communism vs Fascism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

In both cases the government makes all the decisions for the enterprise. Fascism applies a pastiche of private ownership with a title that confers no rights of any kind. That's the only difference. Functionally, they are identical.

The purposes of the people running these system is irrelevant. Politicians lie about their purposes all the time. From an economic standpoint, it doesn't matter what they say or what they call things. It only matters what they do.

They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?
How do you know if they were "enriched?" What they recieved isn't propaerly labeled a "profit" in the economic sense of the term. It was simply a payment from the government. A profit is the result of trading your goods in the market. Factory "owners" didn't trade anything. Their prices were determined by the government. So where their customers and their suppliers.

Companies such as Mercedes made a lot of money due to the use of slave labor provided by the government and then of course that same government provided these companies with a lot of business. Deutsche Bank made out like bandits seizing Jewish assets. When you have a government that reduces it's citizens rights such as religious freedoms, democratic institutions such as the right to vote and banning trade unions while supplying the rich with free labor you're called a right wing fascist government.

The Soviet Union also reduced the right of citizens to vote, banned trade unions and curtailed religious freedom, and it had a class of wealthy party apparatchiks who had an endless supply of labor at their disposal. Slave elabor was used to build damns, mine for gold, cut wood, and manufacter numerous items. Opressive governments are all on the left. All you're doing is applying different labels to the exact same behavior.

The compensation Mercedes recieved is not properly described as a profit, according to the economic definition of the term. A profit is a surplus produced by the difference in price of the company's inputs compared to the proceeds from the sale of its products on the market. When government controls the price of the inputs, the price of the product and the quanitity produced and "sold," any excess is purely a decision made by government bureacrats, not the market. There is no market under fascism.

Where is the Mercedes of the Soviet Union? Private enterprise was rewarded by fascism, not Communism.

The Soviet equivalent was called AvtoVaz. There is no true private enterprise under fascism. It's totally government controlled. Private enterprise requires private control.

There's a difference of Communists seizing a business to replace it, as opposed to Fascists checking over your shoulder as a private profit business owner to make sure your business benefits National Interest.

It's not the same.

As I've already explained, a fascist government doesn't just "check over your shoulder." It dictates your wages, your prices, your suppliers and the prices you pay them, your production volume and your production methods. There is no signifance decision that a business normally makes that the government doesn't dictate.
In both cases the government makes all the decisions for the enterprise. Fascism applies a pastiche of private ownership with a title that confers no rights of any kind. That's the only difference. Functionally, they are identical.

The purposes of the people running these system is irrelevant. Politicians lie about their purposes all the time. From an economic standpoint, it doesn't matter what they say or what they call things. It only matters what they do.

They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.
They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.

Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.
How do you know if they were "enriched?" What they recieved isn't propaerly labeled a "profit" in the economic sense of the term. It was simply a payment from the government. A profit is the result of trading your goods in the market. Factory "owners" didn't trade anything. Their prices were determined by the government. So where their customers and their suppliers.

Companies such as Mercedes made a lot of money due to the use of slave labor provided by the government and then of course that same government provided these companies with a lot of business. Deutsche Bank made out like bandits seizing Jewish assets. When you have a government that reduces it's citizens rights such as religious freedoms, democratic institutions such as the right to vote and banning trade unions while supplying the rich with free labor you're called a right wing fascist government.

The Soviet Union also reduced the right of citizens to vote, banned trade unions and curtailed religious freedom, and it had a class of wealthy party apparatchiks who had an endless supply of labor at their disposal. Slave elabor was used to build damns, mine for gold, cut wood, and manufacter numerous items. Opressive governments are all on the left. All you're doing is applying different labels to the exact same behavior.

The compensation Mercedes recieved is not properly described as a profit, according to the economic definition of the term. A profit is a surplus produced by the difference in price of the company's inputs compared to the proceeds from the sale of its products on the market. When government controls the price of the inputs, the price of the product and the quanitity produced and "sold," any excess is purely a decision made by government bureacrats, not the market. There is no market under fascism.

Where is the Mercedes of the Soviet Union? Private enterprise was rewarded by fascism, not Communism.

The Soviet equivalent was called AvtoVaz. There is no true private enterprise under fascism. It's totally government controlled. Private enterprise requires private control.

This is not Capitalism, it's not Communism either.

It's Fascism.

Women and families in Nazi Germany and The Nazi Rule Flashcards | Quizlet

How did Small businesses benefit from the Nazi rule? And what were the disadvantages?
Some businesses doubled and engineers did well making munitions.

Jewish shop owners had their shops closed down even if they sold the same stock.
How did Big businesses benefit from the Nazi rule? And what were the disadvantages?
Managers average salary raised by 70%. Huge profits from reinforcement, no fear of strikes (destroyed trade unions)

Nazis controlled prices, wage levels and profits and what the industry produced.
How did Farmers benefit from the Nazi rule? And what were the disadvantages?
Nazis made a Reich Entailed Farm Laws banning banks from seizing their land if they got into debt. The reich Food Estate sold their produce and guaranteed money.

Nazis interfered in farm production. Issued silly orders like each hen had to lay 65 eggs a year. Farms could not be split up so one child inherited the farm. It was hard to get cheap labour as many workers left for the city.

The fact that some "businesses" benefitted from fascism proves nothing. Someone always benefits, no matter what kind of regime is in place.
You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.

Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.

They would if they knew the truth.
How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.

Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.

They would if they knew the truth.

That meat inspections are evil? Or is it that the government is making it difficult for you to find those lead paint chips to snack on?
They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.

Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.

They would if they knew the truth.

That meat inspections are evil? Or is it that the government is making it difficult for you to find those lead paint chips to snack on?

The tort system can easily resolve issues like lead in paint. Companies are going to immediately stop putting lead in paint if one of them gets sued for hundreds of millions of dollars. Government regulations aren't required or desirable.

The same goes for meat inspection. Have they stopped all cases of food poisoning? Nope, there have been a number of cases where people died from tainted meat. Jack in the Box almost went bankrupt because of one such case.
Companies such as Mercedes made a lot of money due to the use of slave labor provided by the government and then of course that same government provided these companies with a lot of business. Deutsche Bank made out like bandits seizing Jewish assets. When you have a government that reduces it's citizens rights such as religious freedoms, democratic institutions such as the right to vote and banning trade unions while supplying the rich with free labor you're called a right wing fascist government.

The Soviet Union also reduced the right of citizens to vote, banned trade unions and curtailed religious freedom, and it had a class of wealthy party apparatchiks who had an endless supply of labor at their disposal. Slave elabor was used to build damns, mine for gold, cut wood, and manufacter numerous items. Opressive governments are all on the left. All you're doing is applying different labels to the exact same behavior.

The compensation Mercedes recieved is not properly described as a profit, according to the economic definition of the term. A profit is a surplus produced by the difference in price of the company's inputs compared to the proceeds from the sale of its products on the market. When government controls the price of the inputs, the price of the product and the quanitity produced and "sold," any excess is purely a decision made by government bureacrats, not the market. There is no market under fascism.

Where is the Mercedes of the Soviet Union? Private enterprise was rewarded by fascism, not Communism.

The Soviet equivalent was called AvtoVaz. There is no true private enterprise under fascism. It's totally government controlled. Private enterprise requires private control.

There's a difference of Communists seizing a business to replace it, as opposed to Fascists checking over your shoulder as a private profit business owner to make sure your business benefits National Interest.

It's not the same.

As I've already explained, a fascist government doesn't just "check over your shoulder." It dictates your wages, your prices, your suppliers and the prices you pay them, your production volume and your production methods. There is no signifance decision that a business normally makes that the government doesn't dictate.

The link proves that Private businesses did exist, but were micro-managed.

It's common knowledge that Communists outlawed all Private business, and replaced them with Government enterprise.
The Soviet Union also reduced the right of citizens to vote, banned trade unions and curtailed religious freedom, and it had a class of wealthy party apparatchiks who had an endless supply of labor at their disposal. Slave elabor was used to build damns, mine for gold, cut wood, and manufacter numerous items. Opressive governments are all on the left. All you're doing is applying different labels to the exact same behavior.

The compensation Mercedes recieved is not properly described as a profit, according to the economic definition of the term. A profit is a surplus produced by the difference in price of the company's inputs compared to the proceeds from the sale of its products on the market. When government controls the price of the inputs, the price of the product and the quanitity produced and "sold," any excess is purely a decision made by government bureacrats, not the market. There is no market under fascism.

Where is the Mercedes of the Soviet Union? Private enterprise was rewarded by fascism, not Communism.

The Soviet equivalent was called AvtoVaz. There is no true private enterprise under fascism. It's totally government controlled. Private enterprise requires private control.

There's a difference of Communists seizing a business to replace it, as opposed to Fascists checking over your shoulder as a private profit business owner to make sure your business benefits National Interest.

It's not the same.

As I've already explained, a fascist government doesn't just "check over your shoulder." It dictates your wages, your prices, your suppliers and the prices you pay them, your production volume and your production methods. There is no signifance decision that a business normally makes that the government doesn't dictate.

The link proves that Private businesses did exist, but were micro-managed.

It's common knowledge that Communists outlawed all Private business, and replaced them with Government enterprise.

If they were micro managed, then they aren't truly private businesses. They are functionally arms of the government.
Canada, France and Britain are fascist?

Yep, so is the USA.

Oh, man, the Greatest Generation just took a collective rollover in their graves.

They would if they knew the truth.

That meat inspections are evil? Or is it that the government is making it difficult for you to find those lead paint chips to snack on?

The tort system can easily resolve issues like lead in paint. Companies are going to immediately stop putting lead in paint if one of them gets sued for hundreds of millions of dollars. Government regulations aren't required or desirable.

Companies didn't immediately stop putting lead in paint until it was made illegal. I'm sorry you not having the right to poison people is so offensive.

The same goes for meat inspection. Have they stopped all cases of food poisoning? Nope, there have been a number of cases where people died from tainted meat. Jack in the Box almost went bankrupt because of one such case.

Meat inspections have saved lives, you're an idiot if you think unless it's 100% effective then it shouldn't be done. What a moron. :badgrin:
I consider Russia to be a right leaning state. You have a central leader, Putin who has put into place a small group of people to control the country's industries. With fewer people controlling the levers of power than the U.S. and it's citizens with fewer civil liberties than the United States I would say that Russia is more of an oligarchy than the United States and more fascist as there isn't much of a difference between the two.

I don't like the trend the United States is taking however this country and other western democracies are miles away from authoritarian governments be they oligarchies, fascist or communist, not that the latter really exists today outside of a couple banana republics.
This is the basic premise of a fascist economy:

Union between businesses and the State, with the state telling the business what to do, with nominally private ownership. Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of National economy. Redistribution of wealth (Nazi).

And Communist (because that's all you want to do is call Hitler a leftist):

All people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally.

Yes, they both share some element of wealth redistribution however for very different purposes. In a fascist government the wealth stays at the top in a Communist government (though it never really works out that way) money is moved around to eliminate a class system. Both are severely flawed in there own unique way.

Communism vs Fascism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

In both cases the government makes all the decisions for the enterprise. Fascism applies a pastiche of private ownership with a title that confers no rights of any kind. That's the only difference. Functionally, they are identical.

The purposes of the people running these system is irrelevant. Politicians lie about their purposes all the time. From an economic standpoint, it doesn't matter what they say or what they call things. It only matters what they do.

They aren't identical. Fascism is a right wing ideology, period. Communism is a left wing ideology, period.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any such thing. In operation, they are indistinguishable.

How come Fascist Nazis, and Fascist Italy did better than all 4 Capitalist countries being UK, USA, Canada, and France listed here in economic growth during the Great Depression?


They were all fascist, and they still are. However, most countries repealed much of the fascist government controls they had during the war. That's the main reason for the post war economic boom.

All you're pointing out is that one fascist government performed better than another.

FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.

Where is the Mercedes of the Soviet Union? Private enterprise was rewarded by fascism, not Communism.

The Soviet equivalent was called AvtoVaz. There is no true private enterprise under fascism. It's totally government controlled. Private enterprise requires private control.

There's a difference of Communists seizing a business to replace it, as opposed to Fascists checking over your shoulder as a private profit business owner to make sure your business benefits National Interest.

It's not the same.

As I've already explained, a fascist government doesn't just "check over your shoulder." It dictates your wages, your prices, your suppliers and the prices you pay them, your production volume and your production methods. There is no signifance decision that a business normally makes that the government doesn't dictate.

The link proves that Private businesses did exist, but were micro-managed.

It's common knowledge that Communists outlawed all Private business, and replaced them with Government enterprise.

If they were micro managed, then they aren't truly private businesses. They are functionally arms of the government.

Wouldn't matter, Fascism produced much better Economic results than Communism, which in it's self proves they are not the same.

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