The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Anyone who needs those measures is an ignorant, uneducated, weak, pussy. Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Even left-wing institutions like UCLA had to admit that FDR's policies KILLED the American people and drastically prolonged the Great Depression. As always, it was proven conservative policy that created prosperity once again.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Frigging hilarious.

Hitler used both more economic control, and also achieved better results than FDR whom FDR had achieved better results than every U.S President since then.

But, somehow this proves government intervention prolonged the Great Depression.

Simply too stupid for words.
Everything else I listed are right wing arguments for more government and they are common.
Everything else you listed was an egregious lie and I proved that. Again, liberty does not mean the right to commit murder. That's the type of ignorant argument that could only come from the left.

" you won't let us KILL people....well obviously you don't believe in liberty then". :eusa_doh:
Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Anyone who needs those measures is an ignorant, uneducated, weak, pussy. Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.

You're clueless.

I didn't say I myself couldn't compete.

I think in societal terms, regardless of my own standing.

You're too dumb, arrogant, ignorant, and psychopathic to get that society impacts everyone.

That's why we're losing our country, because we have too many British Chimps like you in this country.
Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Anyone who needs those measures is an ignorant, uneducated, weak, pussy. Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.
You're clueless. I didn't say I myself couldn't compete.
You didn't have to. Those of us who aren't afraid to compete can smell pussy from miles away. And you epitomize pussy. You fear black people. You fear people from India taking your job. You fear liberty. You are the ultimate pussy. No wonder Poland was so quick to surrender to Hitler. What choice did they have with a nation of pussies like you?
But, somehow this proves government intervention prolonged the Great Depression.
Yes, snowflake...studies by economists does prove that FDR's failed left-wing policies prolonged the Great Depression. Once again you illustrate your inability to deal with fact.

If that were true, than Hitler using even more Government intervention should've done even worse in the Great Depression... Not the case.

Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Anyone who needs those measures is an ignorant, uneducated, weak, pussy. Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.
You're clueless. I didn't say I myself couldn't compete.
You didn't have to. Those of us who aren't afraid to compete can smell pussy from miles away. And you epitomize pussy. You fear black people. You fear people from India taking your job. You fear liberty. You are the ultimate pussy. No wonder Poland was so quick to surrender to Hitler. What choice did they have with a nation of pussies like you?

I've spoken that I come from a household worth $1.4 million, and currently work a job making $100 an hour.

I don't have much to worry about, economically at the moment.

But, I do understand that when society has problems it impacts us all.

You as Individualists are too stupid, and selfish to come to such a conclusion.
Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.

You sound so primal, and illogical.

Having Americans lose jobs every day to China, Vietnam, and Mexico is NOT WINNING.

You have something very, very, very, wrong with you, and your brain.
Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Anyone who needs those measures is an ignorant, uneducated, weak, pussy. Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.
You're clueless. I didn't say I myself couldn't compete.
You didn't have to. Those of us who aren't afraid to compete can smell pussy from miles away. And you epitomize pussy. You fear black people. You fear people from India taking your job. You fear liberty. You are the ultimate pussy. No wonder Poland was so quick to surrender to Hitler. What choice did they have with a nation of pussies like you?

You are surrendering America to foreigners.

The issue is you don't have the kind of perception, abstract thought, nor planning ability to really grasp it.

Such a shame, but usually you Brits are sub-Human Chimps from my experiences.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
The entire economy completely collapsed. It wasn't even possible to go lower. And as always, it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Why was there a Great Depression?

Credit inflation by the federal reserve. The same thing that caused the last recession.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
The entire economy completely collapsed. It wasn't even possible to go lower. And as always, it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Why was there a Great Depression?

Credit inflation by the federal reserve. The same thing that caused the last recession.

There's quite the number of theories, but fact is Hoover wasn't a big spender.
Hitler used both more economic control, and also achieved better results than FDR
And it was so "successful" that Hitler put a gun in his own mouth and blew his own brains out.

You have done very, very poor research.

Tests on skull fragment cast doubt on Adolf Hitler suicide story

Adolf Hitler 'did not shoot himself'
You have dinner very, very good work on your tinfoil hat. From your own link:
Russia's top KGB archivist has claimed Adolf Hitler poisoned himself rather than committing suicide with a gun in the manner of a "soldier".

Hitler used both more economic control, and also achieved better results than FDR
And it was so "successful" that Hitler put a gun in his own mouth and blew his own brains out.

You have done very, very poor research.

Tests on skull fragment cast doubt on Adolf Hitler suicide story

Adolf Hitler 'did not shoot himself'
You have dinner very, very good work on your tinfoil hat. From your own link:
Russia's top KGB archivist has claimed Adolf Hitler poisoned himself rather than committing suicide with a gun in the manner of a "soldier".


I don't support Hitler, in fact as a Polish Fascist, I hate Hitler.. even if he had some good ideas, his actions weren't good for the most part.

I believe you fight fire with fire, though.

Impotent do nothing attitudes will not prevail.
Anyone who fights measures to save our industry is a dumb, Liberal, weak, unpatriotic, traitor who puts countries like China, Vietnam, and Mexico above our own interest.
Anyone who needs those measures is an ignorant, uneducated, weak, pussy. Winners aren't afraid to compete (against anyone). Losers ask for special treatment so they don't have to compete.

I support what's best for society.

This below is not what's best for society.


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