The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Impotent do nothing attitudes will not prevail.
Do you know what else will not prevail? Violating the U.S. Constitution. And fascism. Fascism most certainly will not prevail. It fails every time.

Fascism won't prevail in the U.S.A, because Americans are very easily brainwashed, and dumb like their brothers in Britain.
Impotent do nothing attitudes will not prevail.
Fascism most certainly will not prevail. It fails every time.

Fascism doesn't fail because it's inferior, it's in fact superior.

Fascism has failed because Jewish Democrats, and British Individualists (Something like a Laurel, and Hardy team) kick, and scream Fascism is the devil, and yet have no proof that Capitalism is any better, the fact is that Capitalism is inferior in terms of morality, economic development, and planning ahead for society in comparison to Fascism.
FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
The entire economy completely collapsed. It wasn't even possible to go lower. And as always, it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Why was there a Great Depression?

Credit inflation by the federal reserve. The same thing that caused the last recession.

There's quite the number of theories, but fact is Hoover wasn't a big spender.

What does that have to do with credit inflation by the Federal Reserve?
Notice the definition here? “Exalts nation....above the individual”. That’s the left. The left believes that everyone and everything exists to advance the state. The right would never place nation above the individual.

Fascism won't prevail in the U.S.A.
Just another reason you should leave.

And just think - if it does prevail in the U.S. - the people are likely to determine that polacks should be exterminated (or deported) since they are so dumb and do nothing to advance society.

The most inferior Whites in the U.S.A are your British Southern Hicks, stupid.

Brits are the most inferior White people I've encountered, and you're further proof of this.

Brits are sub-Human Chimps who have severe inability to think, or plan ahead.
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Impotent do nothing attitudes will not prevail.
Do you know what else will not prevail? Violating the U.S. Constitution. And fascism. Fascism most certainly will not prevail. It fails every time.

Fascism won't prevail in the U.S.A
Or anywhere else - because it’s pure ignorance. And ignorance never prevails.

Wrong, you are ignorance, like most of your dumb British yokels, you are the trash of Europe.

Brits lack commonsense.

They'l even support their own future Muslim overlords the Muslims.

Notice the definition here? “Exalts nation....above the individual”. That’s the left. The left believes that everyone and everything exists to advance the state. The right would never place nation above the individual.

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That's exactly the appeal of Fascism you stupid British clown.

Nations including it's masses, and culture are more important than Corporations.
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FDR saw a bigger economic growth than any U.S President post-WW2.
The entire economy completely collapsed. It wasn't even possible to go lower. And as always, it wasn't FDR that created the turn around. It was conservatives across the country (in Congress, governors, mayors, city councils, etc.).

Why was there a Great Depression?

Credit inflation by the federal reserve. The same thing that caused the last recession.

There's quite the number of theories, but fact is Hoover wasn't a big spender.

What does that have to do with credit inflation by the Federal Reserve?

Your guys (Austrian School of Economics) actually believe that the Great Depression, and the Great Recession were caused by easy credit which causes over-investment, and a boom, and bust cycle.

That means these Austrian Libertarians believe that Capitalist investments are a big problem.
Fascism won't prevail in the U.S.A.
Just another reason you should leave.

And just think - if it does prevail in the U.S. - the people are likely to determine that polacks should be exterminated (or deported) since they are so dumb and do nothing to advance society.

I think the fact that most American Republicans even support DACA is particularly stupid, and alarming.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients

Yes, Poland looks better everyday.

You British Sub-Humans who liter the U.S.A are obviously too stupid to plan out a proper society.

You even kick, and scream when someone like me comes along and attempts to plan out a proper society.

Something's not right about Brits, they are so stupid they support they're own demise, and DON'T GET IT.

The Brit seems to completely lack forward thinking, planning ahead, and perception ability etc.
Fascism won't prevail in the U.S.A.
Just another reason you should leave.

And just think - if it does prevail in the U.S. - the people are likely to determine that polacks should be exterminated (or deported) since they are so dumb and do nothing to advance society.

Poles in Poland in recent years, have taken a better stand against Mexicans, than you British Yokels in the U.S.A have.


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