The Lincoln Project's closing message

Lincoln Project: "We be fake conservative Deep Staters with terminal TDS. We support the corrupt career politician with dementia because Orange Man Bad. For reals. Meany trumpers should listen to us because the Bad Orange Man is a tyrant & he is really super bad & not good. We stand against the Bad Man with Orange head and tweets & we wants you to unvote the Man with Bad Orange cheeto face"
Can you tell the Chinese prepared the statement for them?
And we spend over 85% of the funds we hustle out of the dopes who support us on overhead!
As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

It's gonna be comical how they will get abandoned by lefty cocksuckers like you the second the election is over, whichever way it goes.
As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

Trump voters voted against handing US tax dollars to other nations.

You mean giving Iran back their own money? Yeah, we would have been forced to by The International Court of Justice.

The money didn't belong to the Iranian mullahs, it belongs to the Iranian people not the tyrants ruling over them.

The day will come when the mullahs are hanging in Teheran and the people reassert their sovereignty and restore the beloved Peacock Throne. They are going to ask Obama for the money.
Are these the Ass Hats who allowed China to surpass American influence and throw away it's status as the sole super Power of the world, thus putting ALL of the Wests citizens/intel agencies and institutions in harm?

If so, yeah, F them.
That was the Trump presidency..

After Reagan left office, within a year the Berlin Wall fell. America stood alone in the world. So much more powerful than the rest of the world that foreign citizens were in fear, there was no longer a counter balance and they assumed America would invade at will.

This didn't happen of course. However George Bush senior (to the least degree of those who followed him), Clinton, GBW, Obama each followed and oversaw weaker U.S global influence and power.

So much so, that as a nation when Clinton took office, China, was nary a threat. It is now the most imminent and arguably most aggressive nation on earth, with 1.4B people.

How does that bode well for Western values and our future? What actions in H.K, through the W.H.O, U.N, South China Sea, actions near Taiwan, in Africa, lead us to believe that if China becomes the sole Super Power that they will be gentle and nice with the world?

Dictatorships act unto others in foreign nations as they govern their own...
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As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

The dream of the Lincoln Project is to reassert control over the Republican Party and if they are successful, they will be able to nominate a Romney-Flake ticket in 2024

And lose.

But then they will be able to blame Trump again, when his supporters tell them to "f off" during the general election.

The crazy thing is that when the GOP nominated establishment cronies like McCain and Romney , it was the base that turned out for them- not the progressives and independents they love.
As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

How is it brilliant?

They used lots of words to say orange man bad, it may well be the peak of liberal cunning. In reality it's totally inefficient, oh wait most of those frauds used to be government employees, now it makes sense.
As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

Trump voters voted against handing US tax dollars to other nations.

You mean giving Iran back their own money? Yeah, we would have been forced to by The International Court of Justice.

The International Court of Justice?

As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

I tried watching it all but I fell asleep half way through it
As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

Trump voters voted against handing US tax dollars to other nations.

You mean giving Iran back their own money? Yeah, we would have been forced to by The International Court of Justice.

Bull shit. No was was going to do shit about it. Paying off a terrorist government like Iran was evil
As a marketing guy, I'd say this is pretty brilliant.
It will air not only online, but on TV in four swing states all day long.

Trump voters voted against handing US tax dollars to other nations.

You mean giving Iran back their own money? Yeah, we would have been forced to by The International Court of Justice.

Bull shit. No was was going to do shit about it. Paying off a terrorist government like Iran was evil

The boy needed to appease Valerie
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