The lunacy of electric cars

They are slightly cheaper by the mile on fuel than ICE cars

and they have cheaper maintaince costs for the owner

No oil changes, tuneups, ect

Dealerships make most of their profit off of maintenee and repair

and they see little profit in electric cars

at the same time EVs have minuses that the fanatics on the left dont like to think about much less discuss
wrong the per mile cost is higher
wrong the battery replacement costs more than 5 years of maintenance on a gas car
electric motors require lubrication, wrong again
somewhat true, do you think the dealers do battery replacements at no profit?
government subsidies are profit, duh

your last point is valid
all electric cars will do is trade one negative effect on the environment for another.

it wont solve shit.

decades from now some crooked ass politician will be touting how everyone needs to contribute to their campaign so they can solve the new environmental crisis caused by mining and batteries.
No engine oil changes (or leaks), ever.
Fuel is transported through wires; no pipeline spills.
Fewer moving parts to wear out.
Fuel up in your driveway.
No oil spots in your driveway.
No dirty oil spilled all over the place by DIY mechanics.
No air pollution in heavy traffic areas.
Wide range of sources to provide electricity.

What else. List as many as you can.
EVs can leave you stranded in a blizzard.

EVs can burn down your house.

EVs can have you waiting hours before you can use them.
Except for tire noise, EV's can pass you silently also. Look, one just went by you now!
Except for tire noise, EV's can pass you silently also. Look, one just went by you now!
Back at the turn of the century electrics were so quiet that they were dangerous, as people often didn't hear them coming and were struck by them. Some cities required some sort of 'noise-making device' be placed on the vehicles to address this 'problem'.

Development is coming along nicely. And, when the dumbass doper hippies finally get ignored and we start building the cleanest and best energy source for electricity generation, nuke plants, the cost of hydrogen becomes cheaper than fossil fuels. And you get to keep your 450 hp Hemi as an option, no massive retooling of assembly lines needed, no inane Teachable Moments from the Elon Musks and Al Gore scam artists.
EV's can help save the planet from global warming.

No engine oil changes (or leaks), ever.
Fuel is transported through wires; no pipeline spills.
Fewer moving parts to wear out.
Fuel up in your driveway.
No oil spots in your driveway.
No dirty oil spilled all over the place by DIY mechanics.
No air pollution in heavy traffic areas.
Wide range of sources to provide electricity.

They won't help save the planet. They still require vast amounts of electricity, the more electricity you use the more power plants need to provide which means burning more fuel. If everyone suddenly had a EV then our electricity use would grow beyond our ability to provide. We need more nuclear reactors, or the ability to mass produce fusion energy or learn the manipulate gravity to pick up the slack. That electricity doesn't come from nowhere, electricity that we use doesn't exist in nature, it has to be made by man and you can't make electricity without a fuel source.

EVs pollute the earth more than a conventional car does before it's even driven, and it continues to pollute with it's energy needs.

Batteries themselves in ev cars are finitie and need to be replaced. Batteries are made up of hazardous materials. Even recycling a battery generates waste.

Sure less moving parts, but vastly more amounts of electronic parts that are more costly and more prone to go bad. Might be fine for a few years but after 5 years pricey problems will crop up meanwhile my Toyota Corolla I just traded in was 18 years with no big or expensive costs aside from replacing my motor for 1 window and a water pump. Even replacing batteries is insanely expensive.

Can fuel up in your driveway over the course of many hours meanwhile I can fill my gas tank in 90 seconds on the way home. Or if you need to charge while you're out you'll be sitting somewhere a long time.

Everything else you said is either kind of right, or just plain pointless.

But you're forgetting other facts.

An ev cost is outrageous for the majority of Americans and they can't begin to afford one.

You have to pay for that electricity. My neighbor has a Tesla and last year his bill went up 150 dollars a month soon as he got it, now that Duke energy was increased our electric by 15% it's going to cost more.

Mileage isn't as good. Especially if you use the heat or air conditioner it chews up that extra power lowering the amount of miles you get.

I can go on with more real world examples of why a EV is not better than a traditional car in most cases and in a lot of ways worse. But thinking ev is a magic bullet is just plain dumb. It will take new mass scale energy production, a infrastructure to support it, and another 10 to 20 years of revisions from current cars for them to be worth considering.
It will take new mass scale energy production, a infrastructure to support it, and another 10 to 20 years of revisions from current cars for them to be worth considering.
True, that is part of the discussion as well.
all electric cars will do is trade one negative effect on the environment for another.

it wont solve shit.

decades from now some crooked ass politician will be touting how everyone needs to contribute to their campaign so they can solve the new environmental crisis caused by mining and batteries.
Batteries will continue to evolve and improve. Mass production will lower the cost of EV's and of replacement batteries as well. The future looks bright for EV's.
Its amazing how ignorant the EV advocates are about basic science and energy. They seem to think that an EV just runs forever without any input of any kind. If they get beyond that they think the recharging is free and doesn't require additional generating capacity. Ignorance abounds on the left, they prove it every day.
I'm sorry to hear you are being forced to buy one.
No engine oil changes (or leaks), ever.
Fuel is transported through wires; no pipeline spills.
Fewer moving parts to wear out.
Fuel up in your driveway.
No oil spots in your driveway.
No dirty oil spilled all over the place by DIY mechanics.
No air pollution in heavy traffic areas.
Wide range of sources to provide electricity.
They are nowhere near cost effective.


I'll wait, thanks.
Japan had an off shore earthquake last week...a 7.3 shut down their power grid in the Fukushima region for two days...and everyone with an electric car could not drive to work....
Can you imagine with democrat rolling brown outs in the west people being stuck with 60,000 dollar paper weights in their garage....
I'm going to stick this gas hike in their faces and buy a new truck this weekend....
How did they pump gas without electricity?
Damn those people at golf courses virtue-signaling while using electric golf carts....OH, the inhumanity of it all!
How far can you drive a golf cart on a single charge? How fast do they go?

I fail to see your point.
Which is exactly why I wish the liberals would get on their high horses and pass a law to mandate removable and replaceable batteries for typical electronics. I'm getting sick of expensive computers, phones and tablets being reduced to disposable items by purposely putting in shitty batteries that will end up costing an arm and a leg to after 15 months.
The whole point of tablets is to make them cheap enough that they are disposable. If you lose one, no big deal. Buy a new one and download your data from the cloud.

Not that I trust the cloud.

They are slightly cheaper by the mile on fuel than ICE cars

and they have cheaper maintaince costs for the owner

No oil changes, tuneups, ect

Dealerships make most of their profit off of maintenee and repair

and they see little profit in electric cars

at the same time EVs have minuses that the fanatics on the left dont like to think about much less discuss
EVs cost way more than internal combustion cars. And you never make up the difference in gas savings.

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