The lunacy of electric cars

I don't have a personal version of history.

You don't either.
Of course you have a personal version

its what you think happened or what you want us to think

now dont be shy

lets see it
I don't mind if rich people want to spend the money to buy EVs, that's fine. But IMHO spending billions on EV charging stations that overload our power grid is downright stupid right now. I'd rather see improvements in our urban public transportation systems and more investments in nuclear power. You can't change our dependence on fossil fuels overnight, it's gonna take decades of wise decisions to do what makes good economic and fiscal sense.

Yeah, I know. Like that's gonna happen.
Lot's of pretending going on in this thread. I won't pretend that EVs don't have some advantages in some (rare) circumstances. I also won't pretend that the reason we are even discussing EVs is because so many people like to pretend that EVS have the potential to change Earth's climate. If EVs were known to cause just as much "pollution" would anyone, really want one? Of course not. They don't save you money, they're impractical for most Americans, they only exist due to tax payer subsidies and they will not save our planet. Of course the majority of owners will puff up with virtue signaling, swear that charging them "is no big deal", look down their noses at the "gas guzzlers" that poor people drive and take great pride in their virtue....while blissfuly ignoring the truth...EV's are not the solution to any problem. Period.
Lot's of pretending going on in this thread. I won't pretend that EVs don't have some advantages in some (rare) circumstances. I also won't pretend that the reason we are even discussing EVs is because so many people like to pretend that EVS have the potential to change Earth's climate. If EVs were known to cause just as much "pollution" would anyone, really want one? Of course not. They don't save you money, they're impractical for most Americans, they only exist due to tax payer subsidies and they will not save our planet. Of course the majority of owners will puff up with virtue signaling, swear that charging them "is no big deal", look down their noses at the "gas guzzlers" that poor people drive and take great pride in their virtue....while blissfuly ignoring the truth...EV's are not the solution to any problem. Period.
Just a rich v. poor thing then shallow Hal?
Anyone with common sense isn't against them. Nor are they against gas vehicles. As time goes on if EVs get better then the market will have a place for them. Right now I'll keep my gas one. However at the same time I do NOT have any faith in big oil execs either. ZERO. They will fight against EVs so they can continue their record profits.
Our roads weren't built by government?
Built in eras of much more physical production from employees, easier access and with little citizen litigation on eminent domain questions. Progs live by this government spouting. But are doing it from pure comfort while other sweat at a small percentage compared to the eras of growing a nation.
Built in eras of much more physical production from employees, easier access and with little citizen litigation on eminent domain questions. Progs live by this government spouting. But are doing it from pure comfort while other sweat at a small percentage compared to the eras of growing a nation.
WTF is that post supposed to mean?
Good question otto105. They are pretending that their vehicle has the potential to help with "climate change". If not, I applaud them. There are tons of plusses regarding EVs, however changing the climate is not one of them. Sadly, the lie that these vehicles help our environment is costing Americans a prosperous future.... I don't like that.
I don't mind if rich people want to spend the money to buy EVs, that's fine. But IMHO spending billions on EV charging stations that overload our power grid is downright stupid right now. I'd rather see improvements in our urban public transportation systems and more investments in nuclear power. You can't change our dependence on fossil fuels overnight, it's gonna take decades of wise decisions to do what makes good economic and fiscal sense.

Yeah, I know. Like that's gonna happen.
Agree that we need to put some money into public transport. Most 1st world country's have high speed rails & nice public transport. Did we not try to put that in the budget? did it not get shot down in the senate?
"Anyone with common sense isn't against them. Nor are they against gas vehicles. As time goes on if EVs get better then the market will have a place for them.

And a 'common sense' perspective emerges for this thread.
I agree, poster 'initforme'.
A hat-tip.'

We live in a capitalistic market-driven society where 'improved and better' is oft-times rewarded.
Whereas 'not as good'...... oft-times ain't.
It takes a senior citizen who is NOT WEALTHY to arrive at common sense. Something wealthy businessmen have zero clue of.
".....common sense. Something wealthy businessmen have zero clue of."

Oh, merde'. We were on a roll. For a while, poster initforme.

I demur on the above sentiment about 'wealthy businessmen'.

I knew many in my long career. I admired many. Some I considered role models....if not mentors. And generally speaking ---tho I want to be careful and not convey that "all" had it ......but generally speaking I kinda thought many of them were 'wealthy' because.....they had more than a modicum of common sense.

In fact, I thought a sizeable share of them were damn sharp.

My firm did consulting. So we saw a pretty good sampling of the successful and the not so.

Agree that we need to put some money into public transport. Most 1st world country's have high speed rails & nice public transport. Did we not try to put that in the budget? did it not get shot down in the senate?

Maybe it was too much too soon? Maybe high speed rail between cities isn't efficient or effective? Maybe the democrats tried to spend too much money on bullshit?

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