The MAJOR difference between Medicare and Private Insurance...

My grandmother was on that program and her end of life care was pretty bad. We kept her in our home as long as we could to give her the attention her medical needs required but eventually it became too much and was not a healthy environment for our small girls.
At that point it was a slow and painful spiral down for her. The government declined at least half of the things her doctor prescribed/suggested and she was relegated to a terrible existence in a home.
We wanted to take care of her but she had so many issues that were well beyond our capabilities, like an open chest wound from surgery that would not heal, that we had no choice.

My father died January 2017 from brain cancer.
We did the same, he was kept at home as long as possible, myself and one of my borthers took turns daily to help mom take care of him until it was too much.
The last couple of months was bad enough, but mom had to deal with so much red tape and back medical bills that medicare took forever to address, including difficulty in getting pain medication on two occassions. The man had brain cancer and medicare was delaying medication!
He was in hospice care...which is a whole other thread to explain the hell of hospice combined with medicare. At one point we took him to the emergency room and had to wait over an hour before receiving care for a representative to drive 50 miles to come to us to sign a waiver so he could get care. The rules with hospice/medicare are absolutely inexcusably stupid.
My grandmother was on that program and her end of life care was pretty bad. We kept her in our home as long as we could to give her the attention her medical needs required but eventually it became too much and was not a healthy environment for our small girls.
At that point it was a slow and painful spiral down for her. The government declined at least half of the things her doctor prescribed/suggested and she was relegated to a terrible existence in a home.
We wanted to take care of her but she had so many issues that were well beyond our capabilities, like an open chest wound from surgery that would not heal, that we had no choice.
Too bad you live in a scumbag red states without expanded medicaid. Who needs dignity? Vote GOP and get screwed again
Was it Medicare or Medicaid she was unhappy with? Medicare probably paid promptly but I suspect Medicaid dragged their feet and question every little thing. They try to work together but it seems state Medicaid damn near always gives people shit about procedures or paying.

Both, for different reasons.

Medicare kept switching her PCP on her, refusing to let her see certain specialists, giving her hassles about new diagnoses, etc...

Medicaid was a billing nightmare and staunchly refused to process changes to her account, both personal and medical. In fact, even now, almost 5 years after we’ve been married, they still refuse to recognize her legal name change (submitted to them by Social Security) when they contact her every year to ask if she wants to restart her coverage.
A survey showing that the poor or indigent are thankful for the crumbs the government gives them means NOTHING.

Except that isn't what it shows. Why would you comment without visiting the link? Why would you "funny" (dislike) facts?


everyone likes free plans, that is no revelation. Now, ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their government run medical care, you will get quite a different answer.

and for the record, medicare for all will not be free to anyone (except maybe those in this country illegally)

Medicare and Tricare aren’t free. The people who get them all paid for them.

Canadians and Brits love their healthcare. Way more than we like ours.

I met a man from UK who told me he had a heart bypass operation.....never got a bill

People in the US go bankrupt if they get seriously ill
The right wingers can't support it because they're told not

I saw it's effects first hand when it was needed for SERIOUS medical problems. It failed miserably when my family needed it the most.

So, yeah.....fuck off with that nonsense.

And I've seen first hand the same thing with private fact I guarantee there are many more stories about private insurance denying care far more frequently than Medicare or Medicaid. So, fuck off with your "oh, but I have a personal story" bullshit.

my sister is a doctor and she believes Medicare is better than private insurance in terms of coverage, however the drawback is it only covers 80% and the patient needs a supplemental insurance to cover the rest of the costs. And Medicare is often abused, whereas regular insurance is harder to abuse. If more people were to go on Medicare it would obviously affect everyone already on it.

It happens just as much with private insurance.

The Challenge of Health Care Fraud - The NHCAA
A survey showing that the poor or indigent are thankful for the crumbs the government gives them means NOTHING.

Except that isn't what it shows. Why would you comment without visiting the link? Why would you "funny" (dislike) facts?


everyone likes free plans, that is no revelation. Now, ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their government run medical care, you will get quite a different answer.

and for the record, medicare for all will not be free to anyone (except maybe those in this country illegally)

Free from the standpoint of you never get a bill when you are sick or injured. Why Brits and Canadians love it

Wrong again, winger. Brits and Canadians do get bills, and they also pay huge amounts in taxes to pay for their FREE medical care. They also have to wait 6 months for a routine MRI and longer than that for routine dental care. Many Canadians come south across our border when they are seriously ill or need immediate attention. Rich Brits fly over, like Mick Jagger did for his surgery last year.

There ain't no free lunch, never has been, never will be. We have the best medical system in the world and you idiots are determined to destroy it.
A survey showing that the poor or indigent are thankful for the crumbs the government gives them means NOTHING.

Except that isn't what it shows. Why would you comment without visiting the link? Why would you "funny" (dislike) facts?


everyone likes free plans, that is no revelation. Now, ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their government run medical care, you will get quite a different answer.

and for the record, medicare for all will not be free to anyone (except maybe those in this country illegally)

Medicare and Tricare aren’t free. The people who get them all paid for them.

Canadians and Brits love their healthcare. Way more than we like ours.

I met a man from UK who told me he had a heart bypass operation.....never got a bill

People in the US go bankrupt if they get seriously ill

No one goes bankrupt solely due to medical bills, there may be medical bills in the bankruptcy filing but there are also credit cards, car payments, mortgages, etc. Hospitals will send you a bill, hound you about it for a while, threaten you with alll kinds of things, and then write it off. You are spouting false talking points that have been refuted many times already.

Many in UK and Canada with money have started medical co-ops which they all pay into because their national systems are so slow and incompetent.
A survey showing that the poor or indigent are thankful for the crumbs the government gives them means NOTHING.

Except that isn't what it shows. Why would you comment without visiting the link? Why would you "funny" (dislike) facts?


everyone likes free plans, that is no revelation. Now, ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their government run medical care, you will get quite a different answer.

and for the record, medicare for all will not be free to anyone (except maybe those in this country illegally)

Medicare and Tricare aren’t free. The people who get them all paid for them.

Canadians and Brits love their healthcare. Way more than we like ours.


your own chart disproves your claim that they "love" their plans--------------7% and 16% doesn't equal love.
Was it Medicare or Medicaid she was unhappy with? Medicare probably paid promptly but I suspect Medicaid dragged their feet and question every little thing. They try to work together but it seems state Medicaid damn near always gives people shit about procedures or paying.

Both, for different reasons.

Medicare kept switching her PCP on her, refusing to let her see certain specialists, giving her hassles about new diagnoses, etc...

Medicaid was a billing nightmare and staunchly refused to process changes to her account, both personal and medical. In fact, even now, almost 5 years after we’ve been married, they still refuse to recognize her legal name change (submitted to them by Social Security) when they contact her every year to ask if she wants to restart her coverage.

mmm sounds like she had a Medicare Advantage because Medicare alone does not switch your pcp, you are free to go whoever and there is no network.
mmm sounds like she had a Medicare Advantage because Medicare alone does not switch your pcp, you are free to go whoever and there is no network.

I don’t know. The 2 and a half years we were together before we got married, she had to have been seen by at least 4 different physicians at the women’s clinic she was using. Every time we went in they had her assigned to a new MD, and when asked they told us that Medicare had told them this is who she needed to be seen by. I’m so glad we don’t have to deal with that anymore.
mmm sounds like she had a Medicare Advantage because Medicare alone does not switch your pcp, you are free to go whoever and there is no network.

I don’t know. The 2 and a half years we were together before we got married, she had to have been seen by at least 4 different physicians at the women’s clinic she was using. Every time we went in they had her assigned to a new MD, and when asked they told us that Medicare had told them this is who she needed to be seen by. I’m so glad we don’t have to deal with that anymore.

She got snookered by the clinic.
I met a man from UK who told me he had a heart bypass operation.....never got a bill

People in the US go bankrupt if they get seriously ill

Sorry, but he is obviously not telling the truth.
It is, and has always been, a lie that UHC in Canada and most of Europe is "free". It IS NOT.
Many common practices and tests have charges that you are responsible for. Including charges for dental and vision.
They do not pay for health insurance per say, although pay for it via taxation.
And they are still requited to pay for a portion of many-many medical procedures.
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In fact, the 3rd top reason people in Canada declare bankruptcy is for medical costs related to a major illness.

One difference between private insurance and Medicare - my doctor can not take anymore Medicare patients because he’d go out of business. Medicare does not pay the full cost to providers.

....And private insurers do pay full cost to providers? Don't think so.

They pay more than Medicare, that is a cold hard fact.

I know that but you eluded to the fact they paid the full amount and they don't and that's a fact.

The “full amount”? If Medicare nor private insurers don’t pay the full amount, then nobody pays the full amount. The best price you will get for medical service is cash at the time of service. If everyone was on Medicare, like many of the delusional people want, then only the rich would have unfettered access to quality healthcare. The rest would be sharing rationed sub-standard healthcare. Ask any of the very few remaining private practice MD’s if they could provide service at the rate paid by Medicare. I’ll save you the time, and let you know they couldn’t keep their offices open with only Medicare patients.
A survey showing that the poor or indigent are thankful for the crumbs the government gives them means NOTHING.

Except that isn't what it shows. Why would you comment without visiting the link? Why would you "funny" (dislike) facts?


everyone likes free plans, that is no revelation. Now, ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their government run medical care, you will get quite a different answer.

and for the record, medicare for all will not be free to anyone (except maybe those in this country illegally)

Medicare and Tricare aren’t free. The people who get them all paid for them.

Canadians and Brits love their healthcare. Way more than we like ours.


your own chart disproves your claim that they "love" their plans--------------7% and 16% doesn't equal love.

Really bad attempt to spin that you were so desperately WRONG. :lol:

17% and 24% very dissatisfied...compared to 44% for the good old US of A.

I don't know if you can get any more sad and pathetic...but I know you will try really, really hard. :lol:
A survey showing that the poor or indigent are thankful for the crumbs the government gives them means NOTHING.

Except that isn't what it shows. Why would you comment without visiting the link? Why would you "funny" (dislike) facts?


everyone likes free plans, that is no revelation. Now, ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their government run medical care, you will get quite a different answer.

and for the record, medicare for all will not be free to anyone (except maybe those in this country illegally)

Medicare and Tricare aren’t free. The people who get them all paid for them.

Canadians and Brits love their healthcare. Way more than we like ours.


your own chart disproves your claim that they "love" their plans--------------7% and 16% doesn't equal love.

Really bad attempt to spin that you were so desperately WRONG. :lol:

17% and 24% very dissatisfied...compared to 44% for the good old US of A.

I don't know if you can get any more sad and pathetic...but I know you will try really, really hard. :lol:

you are free to move to Canada or the UK, no one is stopping you. If you think socialism is so great maybe North Korea should be your choice.

I would also like to see the source data for that so called poll. who was polled, how many, locations, political leanings, age, income, etc.

anyone can take a poll, I just took one and 95% of USMB posters think you are an idiot. My poll is as valid at this one or the ones that said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning in 2016.
Im not an expert on the details of health insurance, but the one thing I know is a very huge portion of our country budget comes from Medicare. Expanding it to the degree where everyone is on it will increase the budget exponentially
I wish there were a silver bullet. But consider three facts:

1. Remember that younger people are far less costly to a system than older people are. So the cost increase would NOT be linear, not even CLOSE. Plus, younger people would have their own free market plan to supplement it. AND, the system would include preventive and diagnostic coverage so problems are caught EARLIER before they become far more expensive to treat.

2. Right now we have somehow decided that it's an employer's responsibility to provide health insurance to employees. Why? That, to me, is a stupid rule. Let's take that massive cost monkey off the backs of American business so that they can use that money how they wish. Let the plans be personal and portable so an employee doesn't have to worry about coverage if they take a new job or start a business.

3. Do you know how many different health care payment/delivery systems we have now? Group plans, individual (ACA) plans, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Worker's Compensation and indigent. That's SEVEN. And NONE of them communicate directly with the other. Does that seem smart and financially efficient to you? Not me. And yet we seem to be fine with it. That's just CRAZY. There are HUGE cost savings and other quality-based efficiencies to be had there.

Expanding the public/private Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system to all can be done if we stay smart. Let's start with some basic ideas and innovate from there. No plan will be perfect, but at least we can be SMART.
First of all you evidently aren't aware that Medicare does not pay claims. None of the over $597 billion in total benefit spending in 2014 is actually paid directly to providers by Medicare. The claims are paid by 12 A/B MACs and 4 DME MACs The MACs serve more than 1.5 million health care providers enrolled in the Medicare FFS program. Collectively, the MACs process more than 1.2 billion Medicare FFS claims annually, 218 million Part A claims and more than 1 billion Part B claims, and paid $386 billion in Medicare benefits.
What is a MAC | CMS

Now the importance of understanding that is these 16 MACs are for profit organizations which would be put out of business if Medicare for all becomes a
reality. Medicare would do the processing of the claims including the current 1.2 billion processed by the then defunct MACs.

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