the mall stabbing video...the difference between being armed and unarmed....getting stabbed...

In this video, the unarmed people are stabbed repeatedly, armed defender shoots and kills attacker

  • I would want to be unarmed and stabbed repeatedly.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I would rather be armed and be able to shoot and stop the attacker.

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • I would hope that my wife or children would be stabbed instead of me, I would run away.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
it is amazing how quick joe goes to the male penis whenever we discuss guns.......his problem is that somewhere in his youth he recieved mixed signals about guns and the male sex he thinks about guns or sees and image of a gun...his brain goes right to sex with is sad really, and he needs to see a shrink to get that crossed wiring fixed....
Watch how many times the unarmed guy is the armed guy stop the attacker.....

so....would you want to get stabbed repeatedly, or would you want to be able to shoot the attacker?
-------------------------------------------------- where did the video go 2aguy ??
Watch how many times the unarmed guy is the armed guy stop the attacker.....

so....would you want to get stabbed repeatedly, or would you want to be able to shoot the attacker?
-------------------------------------------------- where did the video go 2aguy ??

Wow...I missed

maybe the anti gun boneheads will smarten up after watching the video . Then again some will probably want to BAN Steak Knives , buncha dummies .
Watch how many times the unarmed guy is the armed guy stop the attacker.....

so....would you want to get stabbed repeatedly, or would you want to be able to shoot the attacker?

As usual, your own post proves how wrong you are.


Carry on.

When you get called out on a lie, change the subject to Hillary Clinton.

Works every time...

No, I just realized long ago you gun nuts don't live a world of logic or reason.

I'm sure somewhere out there is a leftist gun grabber that can post without a lie or a logical fallacy, but I've never seen one.

Guy, I've filled these threads with tons of stats and figures about how you guys live in a fantasy world. How a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy or comparing US violence figured to civilized countries.

At a certain point, you have to realize we aren't arguing policy, we are arguing how messed up the gun culture is.
When you get called out on a lie, change the subject to Hillary Clinton.

Works every time...

No, I just realized long ago you gun nuts don't live a world of logic or reason.

I'm sure somewhere out there is a leftist gun grabber that can post without a lie or a logical fallacy, but I've never seen one.

Guy, I've filled these threads with tons of stats and figures about how you guys live in a fantasy world. How a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy *THOROUGHLY DEBUNKDor comparing US violence figured to civilized countries.

At a certain point, you have to realize we aren't arguing policy, we are arguing how messed up the gun culture is.

So you go nothing. Understood.

Off you go liar.
It's quite simple. They skew the stats by ignoring all the times guns are used to defend the home and the criminal is not shot dead. You can't do that. That's liberal bias. If guns are used 100,000 times to defend a home and yet one person is killed because he's a moron and playing with his gun in his house while its loaded, the liberals would report the 1 death and ignore the 100,000 lives saved. I guess liberals really don't care about lives saved, only lives taken. Why are liberals so obsessed with death? Why do they love death? Do they get off on it? Does it help them to jizz? I guess when you're a gay transsexual bisexual transvestite queer death is probably the only thing left to get your rocks off on.

You almost getting to the point, until you babbled at the end.

Okay, the problem with the whole "I used my gun and didn't kill anyone" argument is that it's next to impossible to quantify. Which is why you get numbers from anywhere to 49,000 DGU's a year to 5 Million from NRA hacks like Kleck.

My first point is, if you want to count every time a gun is used to scare someone as a DGU, then you should also count every time a gun is used to terrify family members by a domestic abuser as a gun crime or all the times a depressed person considers suicide but is talked out of it.. Most of these never get reported, either.

The second point is, what we can quantify is that of the we know that only 200 gun deaths a year are civilians killing people in self defense with a gun (on top of 1000 police killings with guns). So if you want to balance the 32,000 homicides, suicides and accidents with guns vs. the 200 self-defense issues, it just isnt' worth it.
Joe knows the 43 times is a lie....I have shown him the actual study the guy did where he changed his number....and even that number is suspect because he didn't do it properly.....joe has seen the research, the actual research but he continues to use the 43 number........he is a liar.....

I've seen your "research", rejected it as Gun nut propaganda, and moved on.

Let's have the CDC actually study gun violence. Let's evaluate every gun death, and see how many of them are DGU's by civilians.

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

No, he was someone who brought a gun into work because he knew his patient was dangerous, but didn't warn any of his coworkers.

You know, kind of an evil dick.
it is amazing how quick joe goes to the male penis whenever we discuss guns.......his problem is that somewhere in his youth he recieved mixed signals about guns and the male sex he thinks about guns or sees and image of a gun...his brain goes right to sex with is sad really, and he needs to see a shrink to get that crossed wiring fixed....

Hey, guy, I think it's the best metaphor to explain your impotence. There are scary black men o ut there and you need a gun. Says it all about you.

maybe the anti gun boneheads will smarten up after watching the video . Then again some will probably want to BAN Steak Knives , buncha dummies .

Again, countries that have banned guns have murder rates in the hundreds while we have them in the thousands.
Oh, yes, and unwatch thread.... please moan in your impotence, gun nutters, until Hillary castrates you.
When you get called out on a lie, change the subject to Hillary Clinton.

Works every time...

No, I just realized long ago you gun nuts don't live a world of logic or reason.

I'm sure somewhere out there is a leftist gun grabber that can post without a lie or a logical fallacy, but I've never seen one.

Guy, I've filled these threads with tons of stats and figures about how you guys live in a fantasy world. How a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy or comparing US violence figured to civilized countries.

At a certain point, you have to realize we aren't arguing policy, we are arguing how messed up the gun culture is.
----------------------------------------------------------- even if your 43 times fallacy were true , what difference does that make to ME if I use a gun SUCCESSFULLY to save myself or my family JoeB ???
it is amazing how quick joe goes to the male penis whenever we discuss guns.......his problem is that somewhere in his youth he recieved mixed signals about guns and the male sex he thinks about guns or sees and image of a gun...his brain goes right to sex with is sad really, and he needs to see a shrink to get that crossed wiring fixed....

Hey, guy, I think it's the best metaphor to explain your impotence. There are scary black men o ut there and you need a gun. Says it all about you.

maybe the anti gun boneheads will smarten up after watching the video . Then again some will probably want to BAN Steak Knives , buncha dummies .

Again, countries that have banned guns have murder rates in the hundreds while we have them in the thousands.

Wrong dipshit....countries with low murder rates have low gun murder rates too.......our non gun murder rate is higher than their total murder rate twit.....

For your point to be valid you would have to show that the gun crime rate went down after the ban....not one country shows this, in fact Britain's gun crime rate stayed the same after the ban, and has now gone up 4% nation wide and 10% in London and other major cities.....and I just linked to a 3 part article on the increasing gun crime in Australia...where they now call Melbourne the City of the Gun......

You have no idea what you are talking about because you hate talk out of your ass without actually studying the issue.....
Joe knows the 43 times is a lie....I have shown him the actual study the guy did where he changed his number....and even that number is suspect because he didn't do it properly.....joe has seen the research, the actual research but he continues to use the 43 number........he is a liar.....

I've seen your "research", rejected it as Gun nut propaganda, and moved on.

Let's have the CDC actually study gun violence. Let's evaluate every gun death, and see how many of them are DGU's by civilians.

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

No, he was someone who brought a gun into work because he knew his patient was dangerous, but didn't warn any of his coworkers.

You know, kind of an evil dick.

The CDC has studied gun violence and we have linked to those studies.......and other private and government agencies have been studying gun violence as have to lie because nothing about the gun issue is true on your side....

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