The media has declared IRMA the most severe and destructive hurricane ever


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
LOL, I guess these libtards are too young to remember Andrew, or Katrina or Sandy.........................

This was a cat 4 at best rapidly changing to a 3 and 2 then 1. As hurricanes go this was as I said MINOR.

That said to simpletons who rebuilt where Andrew destroyed everything, they got what they ask for.
LOL, I guess these libtards are too young to remember Andrew, or Katrina or Sandy.........................

This was a cat 4 at best rapidly changing to a 3 and 2 then 1. As hurricanes go this was as I said MINOR.

That said to simpletons who rebuilt where Andrew destroyed everything, they got what they ask for.
And honestly fuck Florida. You know all those bullshit tickets they give to visitors? There's my donation to help you bitches after the hurricane. Take it out of that.

Florida, go on vacation leave on probation
LOL, I guess these libtards are too young to remember Andrew, or Katrina or Sandy.........................

This was a cat 4 at best rapidly changing to a 3 and 2 then 1. As hurricanes go this was as I said MINOR.

That said to simpletons who rebuilt where Andrew destroyed everything, they got what they ask for.
Sandy was a tropical storm actually. Not even a hurricane.The damage it did was big enough to get a mention by you. My point is that this storm is neither minor nor is the catagory of hurricanes the only parameter of it's destructive power. Furthermore it's incredible that you are here spouting bullshit.While I have family huddling in a senior center atm wondering if they'll have a house to go back to.
Been hearing this is the worse storm to hit Miami since 1964.

Sounds like there was a worse one at that time.

and it was probably the worse since ....?
Wait, everyone in Florida ain't dead?
No. Just dying. They're all over 62

I am from Ohio and you are from Michigan, need I say more?
Yes because I love Michigan. What's your point?

I'm sure you think our states are similar but you don't have the lakes and woods. Ohio is just flat. Lol

Next you will tell me that Ohio has no natural lakes, don't forget about Lake Erie. Don't forget about the world famous college football rivalry. I do admit that Michigan has bigger Morel Mushrooms (pecker heads) than Ohio.
I'm assuming all these threads are to support Limbaugh and attack science.

These folks are very obedient.

No, mostly to point out how desperate the media is for death and distruction so they can keep everyone tuned in until Russia is a story again.
LOL, I guess these libtards are too young to remember Andrew, or Katrina or Sandy.........................

This was a cat 4 at best rapidly changing to a 3 and 2 then 1. As hurricanes go this was as I said MINOR.

That said to simpletons who rebuilt where Andrew destroyed everything, they got what they ask for.
Do you remember Camille?
LOL, I guess these libtards are too young to remember Andrew, or Katrina or Sandy.........................

This was a cat 4 at best rapidly changing to a 3 and 2 then 1. As hurricanes go this was as I said MINOR.

That said to simpletons who rebuilt where Andrew destroyed everything, they got what they ask for.
And honestly fuck Florida. You know all those bullshit tickets they give to visitors? There's my donation to help you bitches after the hurricane. Take it out of that.

Florida, go on vacation leave on probation
Why don't you stay out of Florida and GFY?
Are the Keys still there? Are all the tiny tiny Key deer dead? Can the bridges that cross the keys still be used? Is our favorite bar on the way down there, Alabama Jacks still standing? :(
I'm sure you think our states are similar but you don't have the lakes and woods. Ohio is just flat. Lol

That isn't very accurate. The eastern portion of Ohio rests on the Allegheny Plateau and much of that is covered in dense Appalachian forests.
Are my parents and sister still alive? are their houses still standing? Do they have electricity? All was ok when I last spoke to them both last night....I don't want to call and wake them up in case they were not able to sleep last night when the storm blew thru? they are both north of Tampa near center state but closer to the west country. :eek: I guess I'll give it till 10 am, then I am going to call them...
Are my parents and sister still alive? are their houses still standing? Do they have electricity? All was ok when I last spoke to them both last night....I don't want to call and wake them up in case they were not able to sleep last night when the storm blew thru? they are both north of Tampa near center state but closer to the west country. :eek: I guess I'll give it till 10 am, then I am going to call them...
Wife just got off the phone with sister and brother in law.

Got back to their house this morning, no damage, and had power.
Every storm is the most violent storm ever ... ratings uber alles.

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