The Most Polarized Congress Ever: 2013 Congressional Vote Ratings


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Who are the most liberal and conservative senators and representatives in Washington?
Josh Kraushaar Feb 6 2014

A somewhat interesting dissection of the 113th Congress.

"The last couple of Congresses have been among the most polarized in history. This is just a continuation of that. There's nothing that will break this [trend]," said Gary Jacobson, a University of California (San Diego) political scientist, who specializes in congressional politics. "Voters have been voting along party lines at the highest rate in 50 years; they expressed that vote at the congressional and presidential levels. It's hard for members to win in districts where their party is not favored."

It then goes on to cite 12 items that will surely bring out some discussion here.

Me? I'd be perfectly content in Congress would continue to get nothing done for decades to come. I'd like to see more states step up and demand their role as stated in the US Constitution. Yes, I'm a States' Rightest.

Read the article @ The Most Polarized Congress Ever: 2013 Congressional Vote Ratings - Josh Kraushaar - The Atlantic

TY, ''No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME. I WOULD ADD BRAINWASHED, IGNORANT, DEBT CULT ALZHEIMER DINGBATS LED BY POWER MAD, BOUGHT OFF A-HOLES...LOL- with the Kochs and a few other greedy idiot billionnaires paying for this disgrace... and the the hater dupes of course...

PLEASE have another phony debt ceiling crisis- that would cook you chumps forever...
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''"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story


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