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The Myth of Establishment Republicans versus Conservative Republicans

I agree with the op BUT would suggest that ALL politicians are beholden to the money.
I would also submit that we DESPERATELY need term limits.
term limits is a form of tyranny.

who are you to say I don't get to keep electing the same douchebag over and over again
I am a man with an opinion and the freedom of speech to express it. Problem?
yea, lets take it outside!

choose freedom over tyranny, even the tyranny you want
What could have been a wonderful OP turned to nothing more than hot air when this card was played:
**** That means that the public financing of campaigns is the most logical option because that would mean that politicians would not be beholding to big money donors anymore.****

Who can tell me the name of the first presidential candidate that chose to pass up public funding, knowing their campaign could do better financially without it?

It was Obama. But he is a Democrat so he really didn't mean it. The Republicans forced him too. Republicans are the bad ones....

What could have been a wonderful OP turned to nothing more than hot air when this card was played:
**** That means that the public financing of campaigns is the most logical option because that would mean that politicians would not be beholding to big money donors anymore.****

Who can tell me the name of the first presidential candidate that chose to pass up public funding, knowing their campaign could do better financially without it?

It was Obama. But he is a Democrat so he really didn't mean it. The Republicans forced him too. Republicans are the bad ones....


Did I scare ya?
I've been hearing a lot of talk lately from self-described conservatives (of course) that establishment Republicans are so much different from real conservatives who have principles.

The "real conservatives" you speak of are Trump and Carson -- both totally unqualified for the office of POTUS.

It's not about money or establishment or RINOs vs real or any of that bullshit.... You have a freak show on the right with morons leading in the polls, this is just embarrassing for the GOP brand.
You should be joyful about it, if what you say actually had any truth at all too it.
I am open minded to the idea of campaign finance reform. It is ridiculous to expect the insecure attention whores who are attracted to politics to possess any moral scruples.

But the fact is Democrat candidates receive just as much money as Republican. It's insane to blame it all on "Republicans". That is exactly the type of binary thinking that these DC clowns rely upon.

Problem is--Democrats can deliver to both corporations and its voting constituents because, in the end, they both want the same thing--A supportive federal government.

The only real difference is the perceived jealousy that the poorer and more leftist democrat has towards wealthy individuals and businesses. A little political slight of hand and the leftist is satisfied!!
$18 TRILLION in debt and they want to add yet another thing for the government to do.

how big does it need to get before leftist start to think about it?

Some people want the government to do everything for them. Got a boil on your ass? Call the US Government Dept of ass boil removal! They'll send out an ass boil lancing team STAT!! (the average wait time is now only 52 months!)
The so called "conservatives" are nothing more then anarchist or loserterians using the name conservative. They don't like government and believe America should stop investing in our own country.

These retards would make nearly every old fashion type conservative wonder wtf? Because they would support things that needed to be done that were within our national interest. These assholes just want to cut and destroy.


TOOT TOOT!!! The one note horn is blowing again!! TOOT TOOT!!!
The so called "conservatives" are nothing more then anarchist or loserterians using the name conservative. They don't like government and believe America should stop investing in our own country.

These retards would make nearly every old fashion type conservative wonder wtf? Because they would support things that needed to be done that were within our national interest. These assholes just want to cut and destroy.

I am sure the lab that did that testing on you will continue to pay your expenses.
So, for you conservatives out there, here's the answer to the problem in the nutshell. If you want things to change, in terms of how Washington works in order to get control over spending, you've got to support REAL campaign finance reform when it comes to the way in which campaigns are financed. That means that the public financing of campaigns is the most logical option because that would mean that politicians would not be beholding to big money donors anymore. Without that type of real reform, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is EVER going to change.

freedom of speech means giving money to any pol I want. I don't have to like the results of freedom, but I prefer it over tyranny, which you clearly don't

Democrats won't support real finance reform either.

You guys are kidding yourselves.
I've been hearing a lot of talk lately from self-described conservatives (of course) that establishment Republicans are so much different from real conservatives who have principles.

The "real conservatives" you speak of are Trump and Carson -- both totally unqualified for the office of POTUS.

It's not about money or establishment or RINOs vs real or any of that bullshit.... You have a freak show on the right with morons leading in the polls, this is just embarrassing for the GOP brand.

That is just too damned funny, you're the one with their major candidate on the verge of indictments for violations of national security, and you don't have the damn brains to be embarrassed. Then you think you should be telling us our business, just go fuck yourselves.
i am all in favor of campaign finance reform (CFR), i guess in these times of big money, set a maximum of $20,000,000.00 for every candidate, let them really learn about financial responsibility and priorities, just like we have to do to keep and stay solvent, every penny must be accounted for, any gifts, perks and/or promises must have a monetary value decided by a CFR committee of twelve, six from each party, any ties in discussion of afore mentioned compensations will be denied, any cheating of the system will be automatic disqualification with immediate suspension of campaign.

more to come if you have read this far. :up:
Same here, except I would add full transparency as a condition.
I don't really care how much but I do want to know who
What could have been a wonderful OP turned to nothing more than hot air when this card was played:
**** That means that the public financing of campaigns is the most logical option because that would mean that politicians would not be beholding to big money donors anymore.****

Who can tell me the name of the first presidential candidate that chose to pass up public funding, knowing their campaign could do better financially without it?

Obama's first of many broken promises.

"If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."

- Barack Obama, fall 2007

"We've made the decision not to participate in the public financing system for the general election."

- Barack Obama, June 19, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama's decision to opt out of the public financing system marked a milestone in modern presidential politics: the first time a major nominee has declined public financing since the system was created after Watergate. Obama's announcement on June 19, 2008, prompted swift criticism from Sen. John McCain's campaign that Obama had flip-flopped.

He said he'd pursue it, but opted out

Ban political contributions other than giving a place to spend the night, transportation, and food to eat. Politicians ought to be part time rather than full time, local rather than national. Statewide elections and Presidential elections should be for people who are likeable enough to travel around on the cheap and spend nights in strangers guest rooms.
I am open minded to the idea of campaign finance reform. It is ridiculous to expect the insecure attention whores who are attracted to politics to possess any moral scruples.

But the fact is Democrat candidates receive just as much money as Republican. It's insane to blame it all on "Republicans". That is exactly the type of binary thinking that these DC clowns rely upon.

Sure,they both take advantage of the money because they would be fools not to. The difference is Democrats want to get big money out of politics. Republicans don't.
I notice that liberals like to give advice to conservatives. But your advice is a Trojan Horse. "Beware Greeks bearing gifts."
It's not terribly difficult to see the stark division within the GOP, and it's even MORE obvious with this Speaker fiasco.

The Libertarians are trying to grab the party from the Republicans because they want the party's infrastructure, resources and influence and haven't been able to build those things on their own.

There's nothing wrong with cooperating with the other party (the Constitution pretty much expects that, doesn't it?), and these folks just can't get it through their heads that elections have consequences.
It's not terribly difficult to see the stark division within the GOP, and it's even MORE obvious with this Speaker fiasco.

The Libertarians are trying to grab the party from the Republicans because they want the party's infrastructure, resources and influence and haven't been able to build those things on their own.
You're kidding right Mac? The House Freedom Caucus isn't made up of libertarians (most of 'em couldn't tell you what the NAP is on a bet), it's made up of tea-party sympathizing conservatives, the two are not the same thing.

There's nothing wrong with cooperating with the other party (the Constitution pretty much expects that, doesn't it?), and these folks just can't get it through their heads that elections have consequences.
Yes elections have consequences and the freedom caucus members have a responsibility to those that elected them to follow through on the promises they made to those that voted them in and under Boehner they haven't been able to do much of that, nor were they given much of voice, so yeah they're feeling the heat from their constituents about it.

I'm not condoning (or disparaging) what they are doing, I'm just saying I understand WHY they are doing it.

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