"The Nation That Never Was": Exposing true history & when the U.S. REALLY started


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Mar 11, 2015
We keep being told about this mysterious time when America was unified. According to the right, America was unified until Obama was elected. But the truth is, there has never been a United States of America. There has been America, states exist in American, but never any unity.

Wrong. With the exception of the Civil War, America was never really divided until Obama was elected.

Obama’s Legacy Is a Weaker and More Divided America​

"Eight years of Obama’s leadership has left America demonstrably weaker and more divided. Rather than the promised “healing”—racial and other—the Obama era frayed the ties that bind us.

t began when his Justice Department dropped an open-and-shut voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party. It was essentially a declaration that his administration would use the Voting Rights Act to protect only certain races.

There followed a steady stream of false claims that America was an inherently racist society with a biased judicial and law enforcement system. Obama rekindled a racial divide that had been steadily disappearing in American society.

In fostering group identity politics for political advantage, the Obama administration only divided the American people. And the people know it.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 60 percent of Americans felt “race relations have gotten worse since Obama’s election”—a far cry from the president’s claim of “better” race relations under his administration."

Obama’s Legacy Is a Weaker and More Divided America

Most say race relations worsened under Obama, poll finds​

"A majority of Americans say relations between blacks and whites in the US have worsened under President Barack Obama, according to a new CNN/ORC poll...

Overall, 54% say relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse since Obama became president, including 57% of whites and 40% of blacks. That’s up sharply compared with last June, when 43% said things had gotten worse shortly after a racially motivated shooting at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina..."


Obama racial legacy: Pride, promise, regret _ and deep rift​

"And his presidency did not usher in racial harmony. Rather, both blacks and whites believe race relations have deteriorated, according to polls. Mounting tensions over police shootings of African-Americans prompted protests in several cities and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement."

Obama racial legacy: Pride, promise, regret _ and deep rift

Divider-in-Chief: The Fraud of Hope and Change​

"When Barack Obama ran for president four years ago, he promised hope and change for America and to unite the country. But as Kate Obenshain reveals in Divider-in-Chief, Obama has done exactly the oppositeas a result, America has become a nation of even greater polarization, the land of no compromise, and the home of disillusionment."


Obama, the Great Divider when in office, lacks the credibility to lecture America​

"“It did not start with Donald Trump,” former President Barack Obama said last week in his melodramatic speech on the current divisions in American politics. “He is a symptom, not the cause.”

If Obama had stopped there, he might have been right. He was trying to describe American politics as suffering a crisis of “division and resentment and paranoia.” Indeed, it is, and indeed it didn’t start with Trump."

Obama, the Great Divider when in office, lacks the credibility to lecture America - Washington Examiner

Obama, the divider​

"The most troubling number for President Obama in the new Washington Post-ABC News poll is this one: Americans say 55 percent to 38 percent that he is more of a divider than a uniter."


Robb: President Obama has become the nation’s ‘divider-in-chief’​

"One of Abraham Lincoln’s most famous speeches before the Civil War concluded, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Sage words then and now. For much of our history, differences of opinion made us stronger and the American character matured. The Founding Fathers gave us the gift of their wisdom and foresight. I think they would be displeased with our current president who seems more comfortable playing up our differences rather than trying to bind us together.

Historians are already writing about Mr. Obama’s background and influences but this much I already know: he is the most divisive president since Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War. Obama promised to be a “uniter” and “transparent.” He has been neither."

Robb: President Obama has become the nation’s ‘divider-in-chief’

Obama admits the painful truth: America is more divided than when he took office​

"“It’s one of the few regrets of my presidency — that the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better.”

Obama admits the painful truth: America is more divided than when he took office

How Obama Divides America​

"Meanwhile, this administration has made a habit of using the power of the state to coerce and compel others to accept its cultural attitudes. For him, unity means little dissent. In his last State of the Union address, for example, Obama laid out a progressive agenda and then implored us to embrace "American ideals" as if they were the same. Obviously, the nation is divided because Americans have deep-seated, legitimate and meaningful disagreements about the future. One man can neither unify us nor break us apart on his own. But it's been a long time since we've had a president as divisive as Barack Obama."

How Obama Divides America

The Divided America That Obama the Unifier Leaves Behind​

"The truth is it was unrealistic to expect that one man could change the country’s history of troubled race relations.

In his Imperfect Union speech in 2008, Obama said:

“This is where we are right now. It's a racial stalemate we've been stuck in for years. Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, black and white, I have never been so naïve as to believe that we can get beyond our racial divisions in a single election cycle, or with a single candidacy - particularly a candidacy as imperfect as my own.”

The Divided America That Obama the Unifier Leaves Behind
We keep being told about this mysterious time when America was unified. According to the right, America was unified until Obama was elected. But the truth is, there has never been a United States of America. There has been America, states exist in American, but never any unity.

after 9/11 there was lots of unity....bush had a 90% approval rating and blew that.....
The lack of knowledge about American history displayed in this forum is sad.

There was only one political party during George Washington's two terms as president. No one ran against him when he ran for reelection. Washington carried all states both times he ran, and he received 100% of the popular vote both times.

Bitter partisan rancor and weaponizing the justice system against your political opponents did not begin until Obama came along. We've known for several years now that Obama was the one authorized the illegal spying on Trump's campaign. Before that, Obama started misusing the justice system to try to force schools to follow the gay rights and trans agendas.
The word "exposing" has a sinister aspect. There is nothing sinister about the Revolutionary war and and the genius Founding Fathers who created the greatest system of government in the history of mankind. Who the hell is Greg Carr anyway?

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