The numbers are in on Trump’s war on overdose deaths : (Colossal fail)

Trump and most on the right couldn’t care less about opioid addiction and deaths.

Conservatives might go through the political motions, but it’s not a priority for them.

You got that right. Why should anyone care about a bunch of druggies??

They got themselves into their own mess even thought they all know the downfall to using drugs. They ignored the warnings.

They should all drop dead from their own stupidity.

I assure you I couldn't care less.
This is the first I heard of this war. Link?

Is Trump's Opioid Strategy a "War on Drugs" Relapse?

The White House this week released its plan to confront the national opioid crisis, roiling urban and rural communities alike. In a three-page document circulated to news outlets and later posted on the White House Web site, Pres. Donald Trump lays out a strategy focused on scaling up law enforcement actions, boosting education about substance use and expanding access to treatment. But critics, including some human rights and public health groups, say aspects of the plan are too reminiscent of the “war on drugs” approach that has failed in the past.

And, here is the link to the White House's position on it..................

President Donald J. Trump’s Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand

Wow. So they release a three page memo, and you act like it is the central goal of the Administration,and are ready to pass judgement 5 months in?


Considering that 115 people a day are dying and so far Trump has done nothing, and the number of deaths are increasing, yes.

Why should he or anyone else do anything??

If these idiots want kill themselves with drugs and their own stupidity then good riddance.
Callous conservatism reeks, and the swamp continues its toxic growth since Trump became President. Critical issues are ignored, or given brief remarks to misslead the public with talking points for Sarah Sanders to read and spew.

Trump takes credit for the economy, but no one has yet provided what he or the Republican Congress has done, to fix what was the recovery which began in early 2010.

Trump has alienated our allies, embraced our foes and tossed the press, the intelligent agency, the DOJ, Islam, Blue States and the entire Democratic Party under the bus.

The comments about tag 'em and bag 'em are disgusting and gives those of us who watch and think how hypocritical that remark is. The Republican's and their fellow travelers (the tag 'em and bag 'em set) have no capacity for empathy, but express false pathos for a fetus, and totally disregard for the postnatal health of the child.
East Meadow, NY has seen well over 200 Heroin Dealer busts in the last 2 months.
It’s crazy that there are so many dealers in the first place.
East Meadow, NY has seen well over 200 Heroin Dealer busts in the last 2 months.
It’s crazy that there are so many dealers in the first place.

LInk missing. Local Law Enforcement or DEA agents? Who funded that volume of arrests?
Callous conservatism reeks, and the swamp continues its toxic growth since Trump became President. Critical issues are ignored, or given brief remarks to misslead the public with talking points for Sarah Sanders to read and spew.

Trump takes credit for the economy, but no one has yet provided what he or the Republican Congress has done, to fix what was the recovery which began in early 2010.

Trump has alienated our allies, embraced our foes and tossed the press, the intelligent agency, the DOJ, Islam, Blue States and the entire Democratic Party under the bus.

The comments about tag 'em and bag 'em are disgusting and gives those of us who watch and think how hypocritical that remark is. The Republican's and their fellow travelers (the tag 'em and bag 'em set) have no capacity for empathy, but express false pathos for a fetus, and totally disregard for the postnatal health of the child.

Oh blow it out your ass.

If idiots want to do drugs then they can only blame themselves. And for you to thinking anyone should care just shows what a clueless idiot you are.

No one put a gun to their head to do drugs. That's a decision they made.
Callous conservatism reeks, and the swamp continues its toxic growth since Trump became President. Critical issues are ignored, or given brief remarks to misslead the public with talking points for Sarah Sanders to read and spew.

Trump takes credit for the economy, but no one has yet provided what he or the Republican Congress has done, to fix what was the recovery which began in early 2010.

Trump has alienated our allies, embraced our foes and tossed the press, the intelligent agency, the DOJ, Islam, Blue States and the entire Democratic Party under the bus.

The comments about tag 'em and bag 'em are disgusting and gives those of us who watch and think how hypocritical that remark is. The Republican's and their fellow travelers (the tag 'em and bag 'em set) have no capacity for empathy, but express false pathos for a fetus, and totally disregard for the postnatal health of the child.

Your post is nearly completely partisan filler.
Funny how all of these people turned to drugs under Obama. I guess so many people being out of work and on Welfare, Food Stamps, and Unemployment and having a President who was aiding terrorists while spying on Americans, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices drove them to it....

(On a serious note: Anyone, like the OP, stupid enough to believe you can just stop opioid addiction as easily turn off a light by flipping a light switch is a complete moron! Are snowflakes REALLY trying to condemn the President for not being able to end an opioid addiction problem that exploded out of control under Obama in less than 2 years? If they are, I suggest getting help kicking your opioid problem!)
If idiots want to do drugs then they can only blame themselves.

I will step in here to say this - there are never any 'absolutes', meaning in this case not everyone addicted to opioids are drug users who took them / began taking them as recreational drugs.
Nor to me. What is your solution to the war on drugs? The war on poverty? The war on terror?
Take the money wasted on the war on drugs and use it to pay for welfare (with some additional qualifications and work requirements) and stop playing world police, which will end terror and thereby the need for a war on terror.

It cannot be fixed. Some lower ability folk want to keep fighting it. I guess keep it up if it creates more jobs with good pay and benefits. Just don't discuss freedom in the same breath.
There is something to be said for just letting people overdose and die. Just don't take up ambulances and emergency rooms. Give them their freedom.
are you going to pick up the bodies?.....
If idiots want to do drugs then they can only blame themselves.

I will step in here to say this - there are never any 'absolutes', meaning in this case not everyone addicted to opioids are drug users who took them / began taking them as recreational drugs.

You are correct. Most of the people who are addicted to heroin didn't start out that way. Most of them started out by going to the doctor for pain, and the doctor prescribes opiates for them. Only problem is, the doctor is being paid by big pharma to push their drugs for them. At one time, the drug companies were trying to convince people that opiates only were addictive to 1 percent of the population, the other 99 percent wouldn't get addicted. So, the doctors would prescribe the drugs for a long enough period of time for the people to become addicted, but then would cut them off, because their scrip was used up. The person who is now addicted starts looking for a substitute for their opiates to combat the withdrawl (and yeah, it's bad), and ends up turning to heroin, which is an opiate in itself. That is how come there is such a problem in the US right now. Don't blame the people who are addicts, blame the people who got them addicted in the first place................doctors and big pharma.
2017 broke records in drug overdose deaths, led by opioids.

Excellent. Those are people we don’t want or need in this country.

I agree and I have absolutely no sympathy for any of them.

They all know the downfall to using drugs and continue to do so. They should all do us a favor and drop dead.

I doubt anyone would miss them.

I think today opioids are as common with children as pot was with my generation. Very few said "no" to smoking pot as most everybody wanted social acceptance among their teen friends, especially those of the opposite sex.

So if some 15 year old gets hooked on dope, do we wish him or her death because they shouldn't have been using it in the first place? Because children are often impressionable and do unreasonable things they might not have done as an adult when they are more mature and resistant to peer pressure.

I know some of the baddest guys in the city; guys who's name you just mention to others and they automatically fear you. They were tough, they kicked a lot of ass, spent a lot of time in jails and prison, but the one person they couldn't fight were themselves. Finally something beat them. Drugs.

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