The Obama/DNC agenda


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
I, the USMB Nostradamus, after much meditation release my predictions for the future. Some of it is already in progress and you will see how these seemingly short-term items affect the US in the long term. Some of it has already been implememted.

The Education Agenda:
Goal: Increase the number of Democrat voters.
1. Get control of education.
2. Educate according to progressive guidelines.
3. Educate only enough to provide good government sheep.

The Media Agenda:
Goal: Silence opposition voices.
1. Gain control of the major media outlets.
2. Gain control of film and music.
3. Ridicule and marginalize any remaining opposition.

The Economic Agenda:
Goal: Socialism.
1. Increase the number of non-producers.
2. Increase the number of people who depend on government.
3. Increase debt.
4. Devalue the dollar
5. Drive away or severely restrict businesses.
6. Blame the collapse of the economy on Capitalism.
7. Install Socialism.

The Domestic agenda:
Goal: Submissive and ignorant public.
1. Achieve the Education and Media Agenda.
2. Disarm the public.
3. Make the Constitution obsolete.
3. Increase surveilance.
4. Eliminate privacy.
Of course there are many smaller action plans in a wide variety of areas.

There's the Global Warming agenda, that has to do with the economic agenda specifically with hurting businesses and corporations, keeping jobs and production at a low level.

There's the Agenda to annul the 2nd Amendment. Several ways to do that, incrementally remove gun rights a little at a time until it's impossible for the average American to get one. Then taxing the crap out of guns and ammo so that the average American can't afford to even shoot the ones they still have.

There's the anti-family agenda, eliminating the control of children that parents have, giving the state more "parental" rights over the child. This also includes devalueing parental advice and the roles of the father.

All of these can be accomplished when the media and education agendas are accomplished, and even while they are in the process.
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For example, the MSNBC's opinion that your children should be concidered property of the community instead of your responsibility is an example of the liberal agenda to marginalize the parents and destroy the family.
I, the USMB Nostradamus, after much meditation release my predictions for the future. Some of it is already in progress and you will see how these seemingly short-term items affect the US in the long term. Some of it has already been implememted.

The Education Agenda:
Goal: Increase the number of Democrat voters.
1. Get control of education.
2. Educate according to progressive guidelines.
3. Educate only enough to provide good government sheep.

The Media Agenda:
Goal: Silence opposition voices.
1. Gain control of the major media outlets.
2. Gain control of film and music.
3. Ridicule and marginalize any remaining opposition.

The Economic Agenda:
Goal: Socialism.
1. Increase the number of non-producers.
2. Increase the number of people who depend on government.
3. Increase debt.
4. Devalue the dollar
5. Drive away or severely restrict businesses.
6. Blame the collapse of the economy on Capitalism.
7. Install Socialism.

The Domestic agenda:
Goal: Submissive and ignorant public.
1. Achieve the Education and Media Agenda.
2. Disarm the public.
3. Make the Constitution obsolete.
3. Increase surveilance.
4. Eliminate privacy.

You losers still whining bitterly about LOSING just a few short months ago? Gezz 4 more years of incessant whining about your better :D:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
I, the USMB Nostradamus, after much meditation release my predictions for the future. Some of it is already in progress and you will see how these seemingly short-term items affect the US in the long term. Some of it has already been implememted.

The Education Agenda:
Goal: Increase the number of Democrat voters.
1. Get control of education.
2. Educate according to progressive guidelines.
3. Educate only enough to provide good government sheep.

The Media Agenda:
Goal: Silence opposition voices.
1. Gain control of the major media outlets.
2. Gain control of film and music.
3. Ridicule and marginalize any remaining opposition.

The Economic Agenda:
Goal: Socialism.
1. Increase the number of non-producers.
2. Increase the number of people who depend on government.
3. Increase debt.
4. Devalue the dollar
5. Drive away or severely restrict businesses.
6. Blame the collapse of the economy on Capitalism.
7. Install Socialism.

The Domestic agenda:
Goal: Submissive and ignorant public.
1. Achieve the Education and Media Agenda.
2. Disarm the public.
3. Make the Constitution obsolete.
3. Increase surveilance.
4. Eliminate privacy.
the real Nostradamus was wrong too.

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