The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

“Turn the Page.” That is the term what people will remember from the debate.

This debate was a clear Harris win.
Sounds like she did win.

Turn the page from the Biden/HARRIS mess. Good strategy.

Only HARRIS is doing the turning ?

What's going to change ? She won't tell us.
There was a point where they asked about one important issue and crowd size. I forgot the important issue, sorry, I just remember it was important. Trump made crowd size important, which was unimportant in the grand scope of things and compared to the important issue he was should've made priority.
Trump scored on the economy and on national security.

Harris succeeded in making him mad, but it was without substance, without focus.

They both lied, many times. The moderators were biased and many of the fact checks were plain old lies.

How can anyone not get mad at what the Democrats have done these last four years?

One thing came through very, very clearly.

Trump is pragmatic and Harris is a dreamer.
He expressed badly the issue where if a baby survives an abortion they set it aside until deciding what to do about it, implying death is a choice.

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