The Official Who are the greediest people in America? thread and poll

Who are the Greediest people in America?

  • American Entrepreneurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wall Street

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • US Congress

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 33.3%

  • Total voters
The goal of an entrepreneur or a corporation is specifically to maximize shareholder value.

The goal of a politician is to please the base and get re-elected, regardless of what that politician actually accomplishes.

Yeah, I'll go with the former.
entrepreneurs are spending their own money. Politicians are spending yours.

I have nothing to fear from entrepreneurs . Politicians are looting me blind.
OK, and? You are trying to blame these kinds of things on one side.
Only idiots believe Republicans supported that spending orgy. They held their noses when they voted for it. In fact, most of them voted "no."

The final vote was 50-49 along party lines, with every Republican voting "no."
The goal of an entrepreneur or a corporation is specifically to maximize shareholder value.

The goal of a politician is to please the base and get re-elected, regardless of what that politician actually accomplishes.

Yeah, I'll go with the former.
No. Not quite.

The goal of the politician is to please his big corporate donors. Very similar to the goal of maximizing shareholder value. Looks like a win-win for big corporations.
How do you define "greedy" in a political sense? How can you classify corporations that are created to make money as being "greedy" when they are successful? Corporations ain't your enemy and neither are entrepreneurs. Congress needs to confiscate money from citizens to make the Country work. The bottom line is that we are all greedy in the sense that we need to care for our families. Only a freaking Marxist would suggest anything else.
Sorry bout that,

1. Any politician that gets extremely wealthy while self serving in any office.
2. Being in stock markets is a form of gambling, but at same time those same politicians can put their finger on the scale and, *Wizard of Oz*, stocks, from behind the curtain, shielded from risk, cause they funnel *power* or * right of ways*, to certain things that will support their stock options, or lands they acquired.
3. Purest form of greed, known to man.
4. The *Graft Specialist*, are doing it everyday, and plotting to do it tomorrow, and the next day after that, and so on throughout time eternal.
5. Some politicians, are so devious, that they plan to have their children, or wives, take their place, some day, and do the same, they did, generationally.
6. CWN, giving *ALL* the *ANSWERS* *ALL* the time, at *NO CHARGE*.

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I said "other".
True greed is being so upset at other people who have more wealth than you that you have to advocate government confiscating it so it can fund the society that you believe is ideal.
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I said "other".
True greed is being so upset at other people have more wealth than you that you have to advocate government confiscating it so it can fund the society that you believe is ideal.
It would be nice if government stopped confiscating our wealth and giving so much to big corporations and billionaires.
It would be nice if government stopped confiscating our wealth and giving so much to big corporations and billionaires.
If you are talking about giving anyone someone else's money, I agree.
If you are talking about tax cuts, I disagree.
The goal of an entrepreneur or a corporation is specifically to maximize shareholder value.

The goal of a politician is to please the base and get re-elected, regardless of what that politician actually accomplishes.

Yeah, I'll go with the former.
Entrepreneurs and corporations have to build or provide thing consumers are will to pay for
Only idiots believe Republicans supported that spending orgy. They held their noses when they voted for it. In fact, most of them voted "no."

The final vote was 50-49 along party lines, with every Republican voting "no."
Yet the GOP Congress helped Trump double the deficit BEFORE the pandemic. And the GOP Congress helped George Bush double the federal debt.

Whenever the GOP has full control, they go wild with spending.

And don't forget Trump wanted BIGGER stimulus checks than the Dems wanted!

Only a truly brain-dead retard blames just the Democrats for our federal debt.

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