The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

all partisan tripe....

try informing yourself on their whole operation...start with watching the congressional house and senate hearings in FULL...

I've watched a few of the hearings, Dems trying to score cheap points and republicans asking questions that can't be answered in an open forum. Watched the one with Comey and Rogers, and the one with Calper and Yates, didn't know a damn thing after I didn't know going in. Well except Comey verifying what everyone pretty much knew anyways.

BTW it's not all partisan hype.

(CNN)Federal investigators tried to warn the Democratic National Committee about a potential intrusion in their computer network months before the party moved to try to fix the problem, U.S. officials briefed on the probe tell CNN.

The revelation raises questions about whether the DNC could have done more to limit the damage done by hackers suspected of working for Russian intelligence.
The DNC brought in consultants from the private security firm CrowdStrike in April. And by the time suspected Russian hackers were kicked out of the DNC network in June, the hackers had been inside for about a year.

Sources: US officials warned DNC of hack months before the party acted -

That means the Russins, if indeed it was them, had gained access to the DNC servers as early as April 2015, that was two months before Trump announced he was running. And had access a year before they hired Crowdstrike and they didn't get them out of their system till June 2016.

YES, it was reported that they started out just to harm our confidence in our elections and to harm Hillary is what was in the intelligence report back in January on it....

also, Trump's entrance in to the campaign on the golden escalator ride was not the day he decided to run...

Remind us again what chances he was given to win the primaries again? LMAO According to you a huge bet on a long shot. Putin had animosity toward the bitch, do you really think he wouldn't try to hurt her no matter who her opponent might be?

sure but any other candidate, in the history of USA would never in a million years also have as many Russian connections with their campaign as Trump had, nor would they have continually defended Putin and Russia,

there was manafort, gorden, paige, flynn, ross, tillerson, kushner, sessions lie, and stone with wikileaks connection

we weren't born yesterday, my dear!

When did they really defend Putin and Russia? Hillary, Bill, Podesta allhave ties with Russia and they took thousands of dollars ..this goes back way farther, years back.

The liberals got so upset at us for teasing them what a wimpy ass president they elected in Obama and how Putin continued to bitch slapp him across the globe.

I know how it works with liberals.
good morning
You guys just followed the Russian propaganda spread in to your right wing media about Putin, they infiltrated your right wing ranks with the Obama is a pussy crud and you all bought it hook, line, and sinker......

The truth is president Obama whooped Putin's ass with the Sanctions and Putin is trying to use his weak candidate to undo Obama's ass beating.simply by giving him praise or a nice comment which TRUMPs silly ego, can't refuse
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So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

Tillerson is just playing both sides of the street so he can avoid making enemies.
Thats really what you think? Tillerson is acknowledging a false partisan attack story, validating it and speaking out about the seriousness of it just he is scared of making enemies? Same for all the heads of our intel agencies including those appointed by Trump. All these guys don't have the balls to speak the truth because why? They are scared to make enemies of the minority party? Come on dude, Turn your brain on and think before you make idiotic statements like that. They make no sense.

The intel agencies you refer to were all partisan Obama appointed hacks. It's obvious why they would do it. Clapper was caught telling the biggest lie imaginable, and you expect us to take his word on it?

All we really have is one report by clapper that speaks for all the intelligence agencies, and all it says is that Russia tried to "meddle" in our elections. That's vague worthless bullshit. When someone can start talking about specifics, then perhaps this shit will be worth paying attention to.
That is complete bull crap! Fist off you all have been quoting clapper for the past few weeks expecting everyone to take his statement that he hadn't seen proof of collusion as evidence of Trumps innocence. Now he comes out to clarify that he wasn't privy to the FBI investigation and he is public enemy no1 again... Aside from clapper though, my point is that every single agency that is Now headed by a Trump appointee has confirmed the Russian interference. Sane people aren't debating this fact anymore. Mike Rogers, Rex Tillerson, Mad Dog Mattis, General Kelly... I can keep going if you'd like. Every one of these guys I listed are on Trumps team, they have seen the classified intel, and they have all made public statements confirming Russian interference in our election. You're living with blinders on.
Spare change, I mean what do a few geeks and computers cost now days? Especially when they are targeting dumb asses like the DNC and Podesta. The FBI warned the DNC of cyber attacks against them and they did nothing about it. A bunch of the email released was dated after the initial FBI warning. Podesta fell for a simple phishing scam. Only the US would spend substantial amounts of money on such a simple operation.

all partisan tripe....

try informing yourself on their whole operation...start with watching the congressional house and senate hearings in FULL...

I've watched a few of the hearings, Dems trying to score cheap points and republicans asking questions that can't be answered in an open forum. Watched the one with Comey and Rogers, and the one with Calper and Yates, didn't know a damn thing after I didn't know going in. Well except Comey verifying what everyone pretty much knew anyways.

BTW it's not all partisan hype.

(CNN)Federal investigators tried to warn the Democratic National Committee about a potential intrusion in their computer network months before the party moved to try to fix the problem, U.S. officials briefed on the probe tell CNN.

The revelation raises questions about whether the DNC could have done more to limit the damage done by hackers suspected of working for Russian intelligence.
The DNC brought in consultants from the private security firm CrowdStrike in April. And by the time suspected Russian hackers were kicked out of the DNC network in June, the hackers had been inside for about a year.

Sources: US officials warned DNC of hack months before the party acted -

That means the Russins, if indeed it was them, had gained access to the DNC servers as early as April 2015, that was two months before Trump announced he was running. And had access a year before they hired Crowdstrike and they didn't get them out of their system till June 2016.

YES, it was reported that they started out just to harm our confidence in our elections and to harm Hillary is what was in the intelligence report back in January on it....

also, Trump's entrance in to the campaign on the golden escalator ride was not the day he decided to run...

Remind us again what chances he was given to win the primaries again? LMAO According to you a huge bet on a long shot. Putin had animosity toward the bitch, do you really think he wouldn't try to hurt her no matter who her opponent might be?

sure but any other candidate, in the history of USA would never in a million years also have as many Russian connections with their campaign as Trump had, nor would they have continually defended Putin and Russia,

there was manafort, gorden, paige, flynn, ross, tillerson, kushner, sessions lie, and stone with wikileaks connection

we weren't born yesterday, my dear!

Yeah, it's amazing how many international business people have international connections. I'm not familiar with Gorden and Ross, who the heck are they?

Sessions was asked about contact with Russia in his capacity as a campaign surrogate, he didn't lie and saying he did just shows how intellectually dishonest you are.

My brother tells me he could have easily hacked the DNC himself, and he wouldn't need the Russians to help him do it. The fact is, there were millions of people in the world with enough skill to hack the DNC, they had minimal or non-existent security. Also, Julian Assange has said that Russia was not his source, Seth Rich was.

what does an easy hack have to do with anything?
Because, if the hack could have been performed by anyone, then there are millions of suspects, and Russia is only one out of millions.
gotta have motive...and the knowledge of when to release podesta's were released the evening the access hollywood tapes were released

i suppose the Trump campaign had motive to steal them, if not the Russians... :D

Yeah since US news is confined within our borders there had to be collusion to know when to release the Posdesta emails...................OH WAIT! LMAO

I've watched a few of the hearings, Dems trying to score cheap points and republicans asking questions that can't be answered in an open forum. Watched the one with Comey and Rogers, and the one with Calper and Yates, didn't know a damn thing after I didn't know going in. Well except Comey verifying what everyone pretty much knew anyways.

BTW it's not all partisan hype.

(CNN)Federal investigators tried to warn the Democratic National Committee about a potential intrusion in their computer network months before the party moved to try to fix the problem, U.S. officials briefed on the probe tell CNN.

The revelation raises questions about whether the DNC could have done more to limit the damage done by hackers suspected of working for Russian intelligence.
The DNC brought in consultants from the private security firm CrowdStrike in April. And by the time suspected Russian hackers were kicked out of the DNC network in June, the hackers had been inside for about a year.

Sources: US officials warned DNC of hack months before the party acted -

That means the Russins, if indeed it was them, had gained access to the DNC servers as early as April 2015, that was two months before Trump announced he was running. And had access a year before they hired Crowdstrike and they didn't get them out of their system till June 2016.

YES, it was reported that they started out just to harm our confidence in our elections and to harm Hillary is what was in the intelligence report back in January on it....

also, Trump's entrance in to the campaign on the golden escalator ride was not the day he decided to run...

Remind us again what chances he was given to win the primaries again? LMAO According to you a huge bet on a long shot. Putin had animosity toward the bitch, do you really think he wouldn't try to hurt her no matter who her opponent might be?

sure but any other candidate, in the history of USA would never in a million years also have as many Russian connections with their campaign as Trump had, nor would they have continually defended Putin and Russia,

there was manafort, gorden, paige, flynn, ross, tillerson, kushner, sessions lie, and stone with wikileaks connection

we weren't born yesterday, my dear!

When did they really defend Putin and Russia? Hillary, Bill, Podesta allhave ties with Russia and they took thousands of dollars ..this goes back way farther, years back.

The liberals got so upset at us for teasing them what a wimpy ass president they elected in Obama and how Putin continued to bitch slapp him across the globe.

I know how it works with liberals.
good morning
You guys just followed the Russian propaganda spread in to your right wing media about Putin, they infiltrated your right wing ranks with the Obama is a pussy crud and you all bought it hook, line, and sinker......

The truth is president Obama whooped Putin's ass with the Sanctions and Putin is trying to use his weak candidate to undo Obama's ass beating.simply by giving him praise or a nice comment which TRUMPs silly ego, can't refuse

You never followed Obama's script how he got beat so bad by Putin..

He drew a led line, Kerry opened his mouth Putin accepted ...Obama then had to change the newspaper headlines and ran ran to Iran.

Obama, Putin and Snowden....the list goes on and on....and it was you guys on the left who were soooo upset.

Here was one link from 2014 to refresh your memory

Putin Owns Obama..


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My brother tells me he could have easily hacked the DNC himself, and he wouldn't need the Russians to help him do it. The fact is, there were millions of people in the world with enough skill to hack the DNC, they had minimal or non-existent security. Also, Julian Assange has said that Russia was not his source, Seth Rich was.

what does an easy hack have to do with anything?
Because, if the hack could have been performed by anyone, then there are millions of suspects, and Russia is only one out of millions.
gotta have motive...and the knowledge of when to release podesta's were released the evening the access hollywood tapes were released

i suppose the Trump campaign had motive to steal them, if not the Russians... :D

Yeah since US news is confined within our borders there had to be collusion to know when to release the Posdesta emails...................OH WAIT! LMAO

You can laugh all you want!

Roger Stone, told us ahead of time via social media that the Podesta emails were coming.
My brother tells me he could have easily hacked the DNC himself, and he wouldn't need the Russians to help him do it. The fact is, there were millions of people in the world with enough skill to hack the DNC, they had minimal or non-existent security. Also, Julian Assange has said that Russia was not his source, Seth Rich was.

what does an easy hack have to do with anything?
Because, if the hack could have been performed by anyone, then there are millions of suspects, and Russia is only one out of millions.
gotta have motive...and the knowledge of when to release podesta's were released the evening the access hollywood tapes were released

i suppose the Trump campaign had motive to steal them, if not the Russians... :D

Yeah since US news is confined within our borders there had to be collusion to know when to release the Posdesta emails...................OH WAIT! LMAO

You can laugh all you want!

Roger Stone, told us ahead of time via social media that the Podesta emails were coming.

Did he have an anonymous source? You seem to think they are acceptable.

what does an easy hack have to do with anything?
Because, if the hack could have been performed by anyone, then there are millions of suspects, and Russia is only one out of millions.
gotta have motive...and the knowledge of when to release podesta's were released the evening the access hollywood tapes were released

i suppose the Trump campaign had motive to steal them, if not the Russians... :D

Yeah since US news is confined within our borders there had to be collusion to know when to release the Posdesta emails...................OH WAIT! LMAO

You can laugh all you want!

Roger Stone, told us ahead of time via social media that the Podesta emails were coming.

Did he have an anonymous source? You seem to think they are acceptable.

Stone said he had an in at wikileaks...a close friend who worked with or was friends with Julian Assange.... my guess was Nigel Farage .... but simply a guess... he knew they had the Podesta emails....
Because, if the hack could have been performed by anyone, then there are millions of suspects, and Russia is only one out of millions.
gotta have motive...and the knowledge of when to release podesta's were released the evening the access hollywood tapes were released

i suppose the Trump campaign had motive to steal them, if not the Russians... :D

Yeah since US news is confined within our borders there had to be collusion to know when to release the Posdesta emails...................OH WAIT! LMAO

You can laugh all you want!

Roger Stone, told us ahead of time via social media that the Podesta emails were coming.

Did he have an anonymous source? You seem to think they are acceptable.

Stone said he had an in at wikileaks...a close friend who worked with or was friends with Julian Assange.... my guess was Nigel Farage .... but simply a guess... he knew they had the Podesta emails....

And that would equal wrong doing on Stone's part how? Knowing someone who knows someone is not a crime.

YES, it was reported that they started out just to harm our confidence in our elections and to harm Hillary is what was in the intelligence report back in January on it....

also, Trump's entrance in to the campaign on the golden escalator ride was not the day he decided to run...

Remind us again what chances he was given to win the primaries again? LMAO According to you a huge bet on a long shot. Putin had animosity toward the bitch, do you really think he wouldn't try to hurt her no matter who her opponent might be?

sure but any other candidate, in the history of USA would never in a million years also have as many Russian connections with their campaign as Trump had, nor would they have continually defended Putin and Russia,

there was manafort, gorden, paige, flynn, ross, tillerson, kushner, sessions lie, and stone with wikileaks connection

we weren't born yesterday, my dear!

When did they really defend Putin and Russia? Hillary, Bill, Podesta allhave ties with Russia and they took thousands of dollars ..this goes back way farther, years back.

The liberals got so upset at us for teasing them what a wimpy ass president they elected in Obama and how Putin continued to bitch slapp him across the globe.

I know how it works with liberals.
good morning
You guys just followed the Russian propaganda spread in to your right wing media about Putin, they infiltrated your right wing ranks with the Obama is a pussy crud and you all bought it hook, line, and sinker......

The truth is president Obama whooped Putin's ass with the Sanctions and Putin is trying to use his weak candidate to undo Obama's ass beating.simply by giving him praise or a nice comment which TRUMPs silly ego, can't refuse

You never followed Obama's script how he got beat so bad by Putin..

He drew a led line, Kerry opened his mouth Putin accepted ...Obama then had to change the newspaper headlines and ran ran to Iran.

Obama, Putin and Snowden....the list goes on and on....and it was you guys on the left who were soooo upset.

Here was one link from 2014 to refresh your memory

Putin Owns Obama..


Glad to hear you support Putin than your president.

As far as the red line------ Let's see-------- - I posted this many times but I will post it again for you.

Obama slaps Putin face with crippling economic sanctions, installed missile system in Poland and Romania called EIS next to Putin ass, June 2016 largest US and allies military exercise called anaconda rights next to Putin ass, sent largest military hardware to Europe, US military personnel in Estonia and Poland-------- anything else Bear?

BTW your link ( Putin own Obama) came from anti Obama poster------ is that supposed to be credible?

US Army moves 2,500 tanks, trucks and military vehicles into Europe in the biggest troop transfer since the Cold War
My brother tells me he could have easily hacked the DNC himself, and he wouldn't need the Russians to help him do it. The fact is, there were millions of people in the world with enough skill to hack the DNC, they had minimal or non-existent security. Also, Julian Assange has said that Russia was not his source, Seth Rich was.

what does an easy hack have to do with anything?
Because, if the hack could have been performed by anyone, then there are millions of suspects, and Russia is only one out of millions.
gotta have motive...and the knowledge of when to release podesta's were released the evening the access hollywood tapes were released

i suppose the Trump campaign had motive to steal them, if not the Russians... :D

Yeah since US news is confined within our borders there had to be collusion to know when to release the Posdesta emails...................OH WAIT! LMAO

You can laugh all you want!

Roger Stone, told us ahead of time via social media that the Podesta emails were coming.
No he didn't.
I don't disagree. I've said since the beginning of this controversy that I didn't think Trump was going to get convicted of anything. I think Flynn could be in trouble and maybe some others that were involved in the campaign, but we will have to see how the investigation turns out. This whole thing is going to hurt Trump politically not legally IMO
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Do you mean for example when a president told the Russians that he would be more "flexible" after won the election? that sort of treason?
No, that isn't even close. Nice try though
Yeah, Obama as president was much much worse, not even close.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Do you mean for example when a president told the Russians that he would be more "flexible" after won the election? that sort of treason?
No, that isn't even close. Nice try though
Yeah, Obama as president was much much worse, not even close.
Saying that he will be more flexible to negotiate after an election is absolutely nothing. Don't know why you'd even bring it up. Talk about stretching an arguement. Weakest straw man ever!
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government
Do you mean for example when a president told the Russians that he would be more "flexible" after won the election? that sort of treason?
No, that isn't even close. Nice try though
Yeah, Obama as president was much much worse, not even close.
Saying that he will be more flexible to negotiate after an election is absolutely nothing. Don't know why you'd even bring it up. Talk about stretching an arguement. Weakest straw man ever!

Saying that he will be more flexible to negotiate after an election is absolutely nothing.

Isn't that what hysterical lefties are whining about Trump.....he'll be flexible with the Russians?
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?


Its against the LAW to be be president without a working a brain, for that imperils all. FED Code 346.09, subpart 15-36c

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