The only proper purpose of a government

Much of what we do in life we do better as an individual. But what makes a great society is the ability to pool our resources and be more efficient and more powerful. Some functions are better performed as a society and the government serves the role of helping to pool those resources

Which proves that we need government to do that exactly how?


The government is us. We selected them and they represent us.

What we ask is quite simple......Do what needs to be done and do what makes sense
If we disagree with what they are doing and think it doesn't make sense, we vote them out of office. That is the way it has been done for 230 years
Much of what we do in life we do better as an individual. But what makes a great society is the ability to pool our resources and be more efficient and more powerful. Some functions are better performed as a society and the government serves the role of helping to pool those resources

Which proves that we need government to do that exactly how?


The government is us. We selected them and they represent us.

What we ask is quite simple......Do what needs to be done and do what makes sense
If we disagree with what they are doing and think it doesn't make sense, we vote them out of office. That is the way it has been done for 230 years

Is there a mouse in your pocket?
The proper purpose of government is to do what needs to be done

That sounds like something Stalin would say.

Sounds like what Jefferson would say

Jefferson who?

Here is what Thomas Jefferson said about the government.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Which proves that we need government to do that exactly how?


The government is us. We selected them and they represent us.

What we ask is quite simple......Do what needs to be done and do what makes sense
If we disagree with what they are doing and think it doesn't make sense, we vote them out of office. That is the way it has been done for 230 years

Is there a mouse in your pocket?

Is there a gerbil up your ass?
We the People created the American government, which embodies the moral authority to enforce the law by violence if necessary against those who would violate it.

We the people created the United States of America to execute the delineated duties listed in the contract that established it. A collection of soverign states cannot easily do things like national defense and foreign policy. Consequently, a federal government was necessary to do what the collection of soverign states could not easily do by themselves.

Our federal government has stepped so far beyond the contracted role as to relegate the soverign states to nothing more than political subdivisions enforcing policy and regulation set down by the federal government.

Our federal government is steadily usurpting political power reserved to the states by the Constitution, and will soon have all political power concentrated in Washington DC. On that day, the concept of United States will cease to exist, and we will become one nation under the thumb of a ruling elite. All of you loons will love third world status and the desperate poverty that goes with it.
We the People created the American government, which embodies the moral authority to enforce the law by violence if necessary against those who would violate it.

We the people created the United States of America to execute the delineated duties listed in the contract that established it. A collection of soverign states cannot easily do things like national defense and foreign policy. Consequently, a federal government was necessary to do what the collection of soverign states could not easily do by themselves.

Our federal government has stepped so far beyond the contracted role as to relegate the soverign states to nothing more than political subdivisions enforcing policy and regulation set down by the federal government.

Our federal government is steadily usurpting political power reserved to the states by the Constitution, and will soon have all political power concentrated in Washington DC. On that day, the concept of United States will cease to exist, and we will become one nation under the thumb of a ruling elite. All of you loons will love third world status and the desperate poverty that goes with it.

No they haven't

Show a single legal case proving your point
The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man’s rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man’s self-defense, and, as such, may resort to force only against those who start the use of force. The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to settle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.

But a government that initiates the employment of force against men who had forced no one, the employment of armed compulsion against disarmed victims, is a nightmare infernal machine designed to annihilate morality: such a government reverses its only moral purpose and switches from the role of protector to the role of man’s deadliest enemy, from the role of policeman to the role of a criminal vested with the right to the wielding of violence against victims deprived of the right of self-defense. Such a government substitutes for morality the following rule of social conduct: you may do whatever you please to your neighbor, provided your gang is bigger than his.
Crap! Crap! And double crap!!!!
Since you claim to be a veteran this is the first part of the document you were fighting for.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Exactly what does that phrase to "promote the general welfare" mean?
No thanks.I have seen what libertardians have in ain't good.

How so?

They want to remove ALL safety nets for people. The poor would become homeless and go hungry,the elderly and sick would die off. They would privatize everything,Just imagine capitalism on hyper drive. You think companies put profits before people now? Just imagine it 3 times worse than that.
No thanks.I have seen what libertardians have in ain't good.

How so?

They want to remove ALL safety nets for people. The poor would become homeless and go hungry,the elderly and sick would die off. They would privatize everything,Just imagine capitalism on hyper drive. You think companies put profits before people now? Just imagine it 3 times worse than that.

Wow... what a dismal view of the human race. Would you really just let people die off? Asshole.
It's not even a police man, it's more like a "clean up" police man. In a free country, you have the "right to commit a crime" before the State can act on you.

And no, I don't mean you literally have the right to commit crimes. Simply, you cannot be charged or arrested "pre-emptivly."

Of course you can. Conspiracy to commit crime is actionable by the authorities.

Non conspiracy, however, is not.
Conspiracy, in and of itself, is a crime -- but it requires action, rather than just discussion.
You have every right to talk about blowing up a building -- once someone buys explosives, you're broken the law.

They want to remove ALL safety nets for people. The poor would become homeless and go hungry,the elderly and sick would die off. They would privatize everything,Just imagine capitalism on hyper drive. You think companies put profits before people now? Just imagine it 3 times worse than that.

Wow... what a dismal view of the human race. Would you really just let people die off? Asshole.

No. I am not a libertardian. Doubletap asked me how so that libertarians in power would harm America and that's how,I think people should be taken care of. If it wasn't for government I wouldn't get SSI for my disability. The libertarians want to take it all away.
They want to remove ALL safety nets for people. The poor would become homeless and go hungry,the elderly and sick would die off. They would privatize everything,Just imagine capitalism on hyper drive. You think companies put profits before people now? Just imagine it 3 times worse than that.

Wow... what a dismal view of the human race. Would you really just let people die off? Asshole.

No. I am not a libertardian. Doubletap asked me how so that libertarians in power would harm America and that's how,I think people should be taken care of. If it wasn't for government I wouldn't get SSI for my disability. The libertarians want to take it all away.

So, you think people should be taken care of, but you can't be bothered to do it yourself? See, you're full of shit. If you had real compassion for others, you'd be out there helping them. Not sitting back voting for government to force other people to do it instead.
Wow... what a dismal view of the human race. Would you really just let people die off? Asshole.

No. I am not a libertardian. Doubletap asked me how so that libertarians in power would harm America and that's how,I think people should be taken care of. If it wasn't for government I wouldn't get SSI for my disability. The libertarians want to take it all away.

So, you think people should be taken care of, but you can't be bothered to do it yourself? See, you're full of shit. If you had real compassion for others, you'd be out there helping them. Not sitting back voting for government to force other people to do it instead.

I do help..where did you get that I don't? Take a chill pill and read everything carefully. :eusa_hand:
I'm curious, do you people who think government should only handle national defense and foreign relations ever give a thought to how government has improved you life. The fact of the matter is that government works so well to make our lives better most people never think about it.
When you turn on the water tap do you ever worry if the water is safe?
How about the air that you breathe? What do you think would happen if there were no safe air standards or if the air were not monitered? What about the interstate freeway system? Where did that come from? Ever fly in a plane? How do you know the pilot is qualified? Is the plane safe? Are the people getting on the plane safe or armed? What about routing traffic to make sure people get to their destinations? How about the drugs and medicines you take. Are they safe? How do you know? At one time ANYONE could put anything in a bottle, call it a medicine, and sell it to unsuspecting people. There were snake oil salesman, literally. And the food you eat, is it safe? A lot of it comes from off shore. How do we know the countries we are buying from arn't using illegal pesticides? At one time packing houses would process sick cattle and sell the meat even if the meat was a danger to people. Who enforces the removal of dangerous foods from the food chain. Ever marvel at the beauty of a national park. If there were no government those parks would not exist. The would be malls, condo's and strip mines. Ever lost any mail or had a letter fail to get where it was supposed to go? Ever compare the price of sending a box by USPS, FedEx, or UPS? How about the vote? Who protects you from local government trying to stop you from voting? And while we are at it, who enforces the Constitution and makes sure states don't just toss it out? How about the Coast Guard. Should we scrap them. They have little to do with national defense or foreign affairs.

No. I am not a libertardian. Doubletap asked me how so that libertarians in power would harm America and that's how,I think people should be taken care of. If it wasn't for government I wouldn't get SSI for my disability. The libertarians want to take it all away.

So, you think people should be taken care of, but you can't be bothered to do it yourself? See, you're full of shit. If you had real compassion for others, you'd be out there helping them. Not sitting back voting for government to force other people to do it instead.

I do help..where did you get that I don't? Take a chill pill and read everything carefully. :eusa_hand:

Then why do you assume everyone would shrivel up and die without government forcing the matter?

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