The Palestinian Wrong of Return: Perpetuating Victimhood


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2013
A very interesting article:

The Palestinian Wrong of Return: Perpetuating Victimhood
AUGUST 16, 2013, 5:47 PM​

The Palestinian refugee crisis, caused by the invading Arab armies during the war of annihilation waged by them against Israel, is one that should have been laid to rest over half a century ago.

Unfortunately, the Arab world, thanks to the patronage of the International Community, has succeeded in perpetuating the crisis and prolonging the sufferings of the Palestinian people, as letting go would mean the continued existence of Israel.

In this piece, I will examine actions by the Arab world in maintaining this crisis, and the World’s complicity in the associated gross human-rights violations of the Palestinians via UNRWA – the organ that legalizes this behavior.


“Palestinians live in very bad conditions. That official policy is meant to preserve their Palestinian identity. If every Palestinian who sought refuge in a certain country was integrated and accommodated into that country, there won’t be any reason for them to return to Palestine”
- Hisham Youssef, spokesman for the 22-nation Arab League, (“Treatment Frustrates Palestinian Refugees”, LA Times, January 04, 2004)

“The Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront to the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die.”
- Sir Alexander Galloway, former head of UNRWA in Jordan (April, 1952)

“The appearance of a distinct Palestinian national personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish”
– King Hussein of Jordan, at the Arab League meet in Amman, Jordan, November 1987

“It is well-known and understood that the Arabs, in demanding the return of the refugees to Palestine, mean their return as masters of the Homeland and not as slaves. With a greater clarity, they mean the liquidation of the State of Israel.”
- Egyptian Foreign Minister Muhammad Salah al-Din (Al-Misri, October 11, 1949)

“We are against the settlement of the refugees in any country…..”
- Saeb Erakat, Palestinian Cabinet Member, December 2003

For the rest of the story go to:
The Palestinian Wrong of Return: Perpetuating Victimhood | Cliff Pinto | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel

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A very interesting article:

The Palestinian Wrong of Return: Perpetuating Victimhood
AUGUST 16, 2013, 5:47 PM​

The Palestinian refugee crisis, caused by the invading Arab armies during the war of annihilation waged by them against Israel, is one that should have been laid to rest over half a century ago.

Unfortunately, the Arab world, thanks to the patronage of the International Community, has succeeded in perpetuating the crisis and prolonging the sufferings of the Palestinian people, as letting go would mean the continued existence of Israel.

In this piece, I will examine actions by the Arab world in maintaining this crisis, and the World’s complicity in the associated gross human-rights violations of the Palestinians via UNRWA – the organ that legalizes this behavior.


“Palestinians live in very bad conditions. That official policy is meant to preserve their Palestinian identity. If every Palestinian who sought refuge in a certain country was integrated and accommodated into that country, there won’t be any reason for them to return to Palestine”
- Hisham Youssef, spokesman for the 22-nation Arab League, (“Treatment Frustrates Palestinian Refugees”, LA Times, January 04, 2004)

“The Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront to the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die.”
- Sir Alexander Galloway, former head of UNRWA in Jordan (April, 1952)

“The appearance of a distinct Palestinian national personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish”
– King Hussein of Jordan, at the Arab League meet in Amman, Jordan, November 1987

“It is well-known and understood that the Arabs, in demanding the return of the refugees to Palestine, mean their return as masters of the Homeland and not as slaves. With a greater clarity, they mean the liquidation of the State of Israel.”
- Egyptian Foreign Minister Muhammad Salah al-Din (Al-Misri, October 11, 1949)

“We are against the settlement of the refugees in any country…..”
- Saeb Erakat, Palestinian Cabinet Member, December 2003

The Palestinian Wrong of Return: Perpetuating Victimhood | Cliff Pinto | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel

The article says that a Palestinian is someone who had lived in the Palestine Mandate from 1946-1948. Yet many claim that the Palestinians have lived there for 2,000 years.
Sweet_Caroline said:
The Palestinian refugee crisis, caused by the invading Arab armies during the war of annihilation waged by them against Israel,...

Good post. :lol::lol::lol: Right off the bat the first sentence is a lie.:lol::lol::lol:

Israel had already created over 300,000 refugees before any Arab country entered Palestine.
Good post. :lol::lol::lol: Right off the bat the first sentence is a lie.:lol::lol::lol:

Israel had already created over 300,000 refugees before any Arab country entered Palestine.
And 750,000 of them were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.
So tell us, Billo, didn't you ever learn that it was the Arab leaders who told these "Palestinians" to leave and that they could return when the Arabs wiped out the Jews? I guess the sites you have gone to don't mention that. It's amusing how the anti-Semites always overlook that fact. Say, Billo, maybe you can be the one who can tell us why an official in Egypt not too long ago told the Gazan people to come back to Egypt. Do you think he was telling the world that the Gazan people are actually Egyptian?
Good post. :lol::lol::lol: Right off the bat the first sentence is a lie.:lol::lol::lol:

Israel had already created over 300,000 refugees before any Arab country entered Palestine.
And 750,000 of them were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.
So tell us, Billo, didn't you ever learn that it was the Arab leaders who told these "Palestinians" to leave and that they could return when the Arabs wiped out the Jews? I guess the sites you have gone to don't mention that. It's amusing how the anti-Semites always overlook that fact. Say, Billo, maybe you can be the one who can tell us why an official in Egypt not too long ago told the Gazan people to come back to Egypt. Do you think he was telling the world that the Gazan people are actually Egyptian?

That isn't much of a fact. Studies have found that to be true in only a few percent of the incidences.
Sweet_Caroline said:
The Palestinian refugee crisis, caused by the invading Arab armies during the war of annihilation waged by them against Israel,...

Good post. :lol::lol::lol: Right off the bat the first sentence is a lie.:lol::lol::lol:

Israel had already created over 300,000 refugees before any Arab country entered Palestine.

So 'Palestine' is not an Arab country as you've previously claimed!
"That isn't much of a fact. Studies have found that to be true in only a few percent of the incidences."

whose 'studies' would those be? And of course you've got links........
And 750,000 of them were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.
So tell us, Billo, didn't you ever learn that it was the Arab leaders who told these "Palestinians" to leave and that they could return when the Arabs wiped out the Jews? I guess the sites you have gone to don't mention that. It's amusing how the anti-Semites always overlook that fact. Say, Billo, maybe you can be the one who can tell us why an official in Egypt not too long ago told the Gazan people to come back to Egypt. Do you think he was telling the world that the Gazan people are actually Egyptian?

That isn't much of a fact. Studies have found that to be true in only a few percent of the incidences.
Go back to those days via newspaper archives and see what was said.
"That isn't much of a fact. Studies have found that to be true in only a few percent of the incidences."

whose 'studies' would those be? And of course you've got links........

Decisive causes of abandonment Occurrences[126]
military assault on settlement 215
influence of nearby town's fall 59
expulsion by Jewish forces 53
fear (of being caught up in fighting) 48
whispering campaigns 15
abandonment on Arab orders 6
unknown 44

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"That isn't much of a fact. Studies have found that to be true in only a few percent of the incidences."

whose 'studies' would those be? And of course you've got links........

Decisive causes of abandonment Occurrences[126]
military assault on settlement 215
influence of nearby town's fall 59
expulsion by Jewish forces 53
fear (of being caught up in fighting) 48
whispering campaigns 15
abandonment on Arab orders 6
unknown 44

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I saw the same numbers on made up monkey shit dot com.
"That isn't much of a fact. Studies have found that to be true in only a few percent of the incidences."

whose 'studies' would those be? And of course you've got links........

Decisive causes of abandonment Occurrences[126]
military assault on settlement 215
influence of nearby town's fall 59
expulsion by Jewish forces 53
fear (of being caught up in fighting) 48
whispering campaigns 15
abandonment on Arab orders 6
unknown 44

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think we all know by now that things can be put in Wikipedia which aren't the truth. To prove this is the truth, Tinnie, surely some regular encyclopedia would have printed the same things as it would be an important piece of history, and I know you will accommodate the readers with showing them what an actual encyclopedia says which will correspond with what Wikipedia is saying.
So tell us, Billo, didn't you ever learn that it was the Arab leaders who told these "Palestinians" to leave and that they could return when the Arabs wiped out the Jews? I guess the sites you have gone to don't mention that. It's amusing how the anti-Semites always overlook that fact.
I find that hard to believe, when the only reason arab armies were going into that area, was to ensure the inherent rights of the non-jewish residents. If you're protecting someone from a home invasion, you don't tell the residents they have to move, then you'll start dealing with the home invaders.

Say, Billo, maybe you can be the one who can tell us why an official in Egypt not too long ago told the Gazan people to come back to Egypt. Do you think he was telling the world that the Gazan people are actually Egyptian?
Well, I guess I won't be "the one", because I don't know the Egyptian, nor have I heard the statement you're referring to.
A gross misstatement and exaggeration.
Not at all.
It must be emphasized that the Zionists had no right to most of the land they declared as part of Israel, while the Arabs did. This war, therefore, was not, as is commonly asserted in mainstream commentary, an act of aggression by the Arab states against Israel. Rather, the Arabs were acting in defense of their rights, to prevent the Zionists from illegally and unjustly taking over Arab lands and otherwise disenfranchising the Arab population. The act of aggression was the Zionist leadership’s unilateral declaration of the existence of Israel, and the Zionists’ use of violence to enforce their aims both prior to and subsequent to that declaration.

In the course of the war that ensued, Israel implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing. 700,000 Arab Palestinians were either forced from their homes or fled out of fear of further massacres, such as had occurred in the village of Deir Yassin shortly before the Zionist declaration. These Palestinians have never been allowed to return to their homes and land, despite it being internationally recognized and encoded in international law that such refugees have an inherent “right of return”.
It is an historical fact that Irgun was a jewish terrorist organization.
The Jewish immigrants claimed to have practised often the doctrine of Havlaga, or restraint and non-violence, in the face of the various uprisings by Palestinian Arabs, culminating in the rebellion. During the war years, the Jewish community also resorted to violence. The recourse to terrorism is described in an official British document as follows:

"The lull in terrorist activity did not continue throughout the war years. The Jewish community resented the Land Transfers Regulations and the measures taken against unauthorized immigration. In 1942, a small group of Zionist extremists, led by Abraham Stern, came into prominence with a series of politically motivated murders and robberies in the Tel Aviv area. In the following year there came to light a widespread conspiracy, connected with Haganah (an illegal military formation controlled by the Jewish Agency), for stealing arms and ammunition from the British forces in the Middle East. In August 1944, the High Commissioner narrowly escaped death in an ambush outside Jerusalem. Three months later, on the 6th November, the British Minister of State in the Middle East (Lord Moyne) was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Stern group. A third illegal Jewish organization, the Irgun Tzeva'i Leumi, was responsible for much destruction of Government property during 1944. The outrages perpetrated by the Stern group and the Irgun Zvei Leumi were condemned by the official spokesmen of the Jewish community;...

"On the 22nd July 1946, the campaign conducted by terrorist organizations reached a new climax with an explosion which wrecked a wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, containing the offices of the Government Secretariat as well as part of military headquarters, and killed 86 public servants, Arab, Jewish and British, as well as five members of the public. Later terrorist activities have included the kidnapping of a British judge and of British officers, sabotage of the railway system and of oil installations at Haifa, and the blowing up of a British Officers' Club in Jerusalem with considerable loss of life...."​
Or do you think official UN documents are an "exaggeration" as well?
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So tell us, Billo, didn't you ever learn that it was the Arab leaders who told these "Palestinians" to leave and that they could return when the Arabs wiped out the Jews? I guess the sites you have gone to don't mention that. It's amusing how the anti-Semites always overlook that fact.
I find that hard to believe, when the only reason arab armies were going into that area, was to ensure the inherent rights of the non-jewish residents. If you're protecting someone from a home invasion, you don't tell the residents they have to move, then you'll start dealing with the home invaders.

Say, Billo, maybe you can be the one who can tell us why an official in Egypt not too long ago told the Gazan people to come back to Egypt. Do you think he was telling the world that the Gazan people are actually Egyptian?
Well, I guess I won't be "the one", because I don't know the Egyptian, nor have I heard the statement you're referring to.
Perhaps you should read up on it from a legitimate source. By the way, I think we should applaud that Egyptian official who asked the Gazans to come home to Egypt. It shows you that he is honest enough to realize that many of the "Palestinians" do come from someplace else. I know that they are not hanging around Flo's Bar in Long Beach, but surely you must notice many Hispanics in front of places like Home Depot waiting for someone to pick them up to give them a job since their own countries don't seem to be able to supply employment for them. Why do you think the Arabs came (as Winston Churchill and the officials in the area said) in droves from their poor surrounding countries? Pardon me, Billo, if I don't believe that you really care about the Arabs. Are you on other forums telling what is happening to the innocents who are being killed in the Middle East and elsewhere because of their religious beliefs or the particular sect they belong to, or are you just obsessed with Israel because the Jews are involved?
Perhaps you should read up on it from a legitimate source.
I have and you have yet to prove otherwise.

By the way, I think we should applaud that Egyptian official who asked the Gazans to come home to Egypt. It shows you that he is honest enough to realize that many of the "Palestinians" do come from someplace else.
I have no intention of commenting on something I know nothing about.

I know that they are not hanging around Flo's Bar in Long Beach, but surely you must notice many Hispanics in front of places like Home Depot waiting for someone to pick them up to give them a job since their own countries don't seem to be able to supply employment for them. .
There is no "Flo's Bar" in Long Beach and no "Home Depot" on the West Side, where most of them live. Long Beach does have more than 17,000 Cambodian's and they hang out over on Anaheim St.

Why do you think the Arabs came (as Winston Churchill and the officials in the area said) in droves from their poor surrounding countries?.
Here's the migration records at that time... what "arab droves" are you referring to?

Pardon me, Billo, if I don't believe that you really care about the Arabs. Are you on other forums telling what is happening to the innocents who are being killed in the Middle East and elsewhere because of their religious beliefs or the particular sect they belong to, or are you just obsessed with Israel because the Jews are involved?
I was wondering when you'd play your typical "change the subject" card?

You're as predictable as a swiss watch.
[ame=]A PALESTINIAN MYTH - The so said NAKBA - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]"UNRWA - Connected to Hamas and Bad for the Refugees" - YouTube[/ame]
What has just happened in Egypt to should remove any doubt from the minds of people worldwide concerning the dangers Israel is facing. They are murdering Christians everywhere right now in Egypt. The world needs to take a real close look at who is responsible. THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.



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