The panel's stated purpose drips of irony.

I assume you agree with the new investigations. You were down with the previous congress investigations, no?
My opinion applies across the board:
  1. If you suspect something, investigate
  2. If you find something, prosecute
  3. If they're found not guilty, too bad
  4. If they're found guilty, nail them
  5. Also nail anyone who helped them
I don't care what party they belong to. I'm consistent. There's no good reason to NOT be consistent.
Considering that it is little more than a troll-bot -
Back during the 2016 primaries, he was all about "regressives" and was all over the BergIQ80s of the forum instead of standing in solidarity with them. The reason for this is that at the time, Bernie was the chief threat to swamp Democrats. As soon as Hillary secured the nomination, though, he switched his attacks to what he now calls "Trumpsters", which he applies to anybody who disagrees in any way with DNC orthodoxy.

It's all very easy to see through.
As soon as Hillary secured the nomination, though, he switched his attacks to what he now calls "Trumpsters", which he applies to anybody who disagrees in any way with DNC orthodoxy.
Not really. Trumpster's, Trumpleton's, The Following, those are all names for Don's cult following. The MAGAnuts, election deniers, insurrection deniers, folks who have lost touch with reality.
Not really. Trumpster's, Trumpleton's, The Following, those are all names for Don's cult following. The MAGAnuts, election deniers, insurrection deniers, folks who have lost touch with reality.
Yes, you have an IQ of 80.

This has already been established, so no need to double down.
My opinion applies across the board:
  1. If you suspect something, investigate
In this case, the suspicion on the part of House Repubs is that Trump will be indicted and Repub members of the House will be confirmed as enabling Don's insurrection plot. Hence the need to engage in some Kabuki theater as a distraction.
In this case, the suspicion on the part of House Repubs is that Trump will be indicted and Repub members of the House will be confirmed as enabling Don's insurrection plot. Hence the need to engage in some Kabuki theater as a distraction.
Agreed, and the more conspiracy theories, accusations and investigations the better for the rubes. Not to mention impeachments. At the same time, if it turns out somebody broke the law, nail 'em. I'm not a big fan of professional politicians and politicos. I don't care about party affiliation.

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