The panel's stated purpose drips of irony.

Basically, the whole point of this Committee is to go after people investigating Donald Trump, and the members of the Committee. This is the official "Republican Obstruction of Justice Committee". It goes hand in hand with their desire to eliminate the Ethics Committee/
Good. About damn time.

The retards on that committee were Stalinists, engaged in Stalinist tactics, debased themselves and America in front of the whole entire world.

That shit needs to be gone after. Crushed. Punished. Hard, and visibly
My opinion applies across the board:
  1. If you suspect something, investigate
  2. If you find something, prosecute
  3. If they're found not guilty, too bad
  4. If they're found guilty, nail them
  5. Also nail anyone who helped them
I don't care what party they belong to. I'm consistent. There's no good reason to NOT be consistent.
Misses the bigger picture.

We have a security problem.

While your silly ass is investigating, the problem continues.

Every minute your stupid leftard ass is investigating whodunnit, is a minute you're not spending addressing the security issue.
House GOP approves resolution to create panel to probe ‘weaponization’ of federal government

Republican lawmakers on Tuesday gave their approval to a new House subcommittee designed to probe the “weaponization” of the federal government, giving the panel access to sensitive intelligence and the power to oversee ongoing criminal investigations.

The resolution passed in a party-line vote, 221-211.

The irony speaks for itself. To see the peril you have to look behind the curtain.

GOP’s ‘weaponization’ panel would have power to review those probing Trump

Got it? I'm sure we all do. In trying to think of a parallel to show Repubs the insidious nature of what they're doing I thought of this hypothetical example.

DoJ launches investigations in to House members investigating Hunter Biden

Now do you see?
Well, there are those who think the dems have used the government as a weapon against Republicans, so republicans want to look into it.

At least this committee will have more bi partisan representstion...having 5 out of the 13 members from the dem party.
Misses the bigger picture.

We have a security problem.

While your silly ass is investigating, the problem continues.

Every minute your stupid leftard ass is investigating whodunnit, is a minute you're not spending addressing the security issue.
Then don't investigate. Don't learn anything new. Just bitch and moan and fall for conspiracy theories that get summarily tossed out of court by Trump-appointed judges.

You do you, Einstein. Don't ask intelligent questions. Don't get a provable picture of what's actually going on, and what's not going on. Don't think, just emote and attack.
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The McCarthy-Jordan Plan to Weaponize the House

If you want to know how twisted things already are under Kevin McCarthy’s days-long tenure as speaker of the House, just look at what’s on tap for the new “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.” In one of his first acts as speaker, McCarthy called a vote to create a new panel with sprawling authority to investigate how conservatives are mistreated, and every Republican voted in favor. It will have subpoena power and the ability to obtain classified information and review ongoing criminal probes, including those related to January 6th.

And whom has McCarthy tapped to lead this partisan initiative? Jim Jordan, the hyperpartisan Ohio congressman who also chairs the Judiciary Committee, of which this new panel is a subcommittee. Jordan, you will recall, played a major role in Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, both as a mainstay on Fox News pushing false claims about election fraud and as one of Trump’s top enablers in Congress. Not that this was anything new for him. For years, Jordan used his position on the Judiciary Committee to push Trump’s conspiracy theories. And although he refused to testify to the House January 6th Committee, describing it as a “partisan witch hunt,” the committee obtained a solid tick-tock of his participation in Trump’s most serious schemes.

The McCarthy-Jordan Plan to Weaponize the House

No doubt Jim fully expects all his demands for info to be honored despite..........

House January 6 committee refers Rep. Jim Jordan to House Ethics Committee for failing to comply with its subpoena

An election denying Trump sycophant who was an ancillary figure in Trump's failed coup now heads up the Judiciary Committee. It's a travesty unparalleled in US history.
Well, there are those who think the dems have used the government as a weapon against Republicans, so republicans want to look into it.
There are those who think the 2020 election was rigged, that Dems are pedophiles who eat babies, and the CA wildfires were started by laser beams controlled by Jewish people too. Not coincidentally, they are the same people who think Dems have abused Repubs.
But it WAS YOUR word choice in your own thread headline. :cuckoo:

Bug.80 isn’t as bright as a busted lightbulb.
My mistake. Our pal, bug.80, used the word “irony” not “hypocrisy.” He obviously intended the same meaning, but it wasn’t the exact word he had used.

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