The Party of Hatred - The New GOP.

Really now.

Do show the listening audience that part in the Constitution that protects your "right" to buy and sell guns.

In the listening audience where the Constitution makes mention of guns, at all.

Wasn't that an argument for obamacare, I mean obamatax?
Have the right to buy?


My argument is that you folks have a deep seated hatred for everyone not like yourselves.

Check the thread.

Excuse me? the preexisting condition clause in obamatax calls you a liar.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.
I guess the fact that clinton lied to the grand jury and to the American people means nothing right? typical of a idiot libtard thinking your way. Wha Wha Wha!!!
My argument is that you folks have a deep seated hatred for everyone not like yourselves.


Which you 'prove' by indicating your deep seated hatred for everyone not like yourself, Swallow?

Both "sides" are doing a fabulous job of illustrating how hateful the other is.


Ah so you are watching the whole thing take place from a foreign country..right?

I'll assume that you agree with my point, since I don't see any indication otherwise.

It's almost as if you think every American is either a whacked out lefty or a whacked out righty. Fortunately, you folks on the ends of the spectrum are in the minority. You're just a lot louder. Most Americans are not as hateful as wingers have become. Thank goodness!

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Both "sides" are doing a fabulous job of illustrating how hateful the other is.


Ah so you are watching the whole thing take place from a foreign country..right?

I'll assume that you agree with my point, since I don't see any indication otherwise.

It's almost as if you think every American is either a whacked out lefty or a whacked out righty. Fortunately, you folks on the ends of the spectrum are in the minority. You're just a lot louder. Most Americans are not as hateful as wingers have become. Thank goodness!



There's no equivalance between the Democratic and Republican parties. Democrats haven't shifted their agenda all that much in over 40 years..and they were never radical.

Republicans have become extreme and very radical. It's nonsense you don't see this.

Today's Republicans make the John Bircher society look like moderates.
Ah so you are watching the whole thing take place from a foreign country..right?

I'll assume that you agree with my point, since I don't see any indication otherwise.

It's almost as if you think every American is either a whacked out lefty or a whacked out righty. Fortunately, you folks on the ends of the spectrum are in the minority. You're just a lot louder. Most Americans are not as hateful as wingers have become. Thank goodness!



There's no equivalance between the Democratic and Republican parties. Democrats haven't shifted their agenda all that much in over 40 years..and they were never radical.

Republicans have become extreme and very radical. It's nonsense you don't see this.

Today's Republicans make the John Bircher society look like moderates.

I'd definitely agree that, between the two parties, the GOP is more influenced and controlled right now by, uh, crazies.

But that's not the topic of the thread, nor is it the point of my post. My point is that there is plenty of "hatred" coming from both ends of the political spectrum. And, to try to say that one side is worse than the other in that department is a waste of time. Sure, both "sides" say the "other" is "worse", that's precisely what they could be expected to say.

Sadly, there's so much of it right now, and both "sides" are so devoid of leadership to change it, that debating which "side" is worse is essentially irrelevant.

Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

You may not like it, but there is a House Of Representatives.

They were set up to do the bidding of the people they represent. Small enclaves that have specific needs and desires.

The American people gave control of that body to the Democrats in 2006 and reenfroced it in 2008. Then in 2010, those small enclaves changes many of their minds and said no to Obama's programs. That is as clear a message and a balance as you will ever see.

That is to prevent a "Hope and Change" liar, like Obama, from coming along and doing his king game. It has been prevented.

Obama does not run the show. He didn't understand that in 2008 and (after four years of having his ass handed to him by both democrats and the GOP) he still does not understand it.

Maureen Dowd schills for Obama in a way that lays this out. Obama says we are the problem. He's right.

We are his problem. We don't want what he has to offer and he's not going to get congressional support to do it.

You don't like that ? Move to Mexico.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

You may not like it, but there is a House Of Representatives.

They were set up to do the bidding of the people they represent. Small enclaves that have specific needs and desires.

The American people gave control of that body to the Democrats in 2006 and reenfroced it in 2008. Then in 2010, those small enclaves changes many of their minds and said no to Obama's programs. That is as clear a message and a balance as you will ever see.

That is to prevent a "Hope and Change" liar, like Obama, from coming along and doing his king game. It has been prevented.

Obama does not run the show. He didn't understand that in 2008 and (after four years of having his ass handed to him by both democrats and the GOP) he still does not understand it.

Maureen Dowd schills for Obama in a way that lays this out. Obama says we are the problem. He's right.

We are his problem. We don't want what he has to offer and he's not going to get congressional support to do it.

You don't like that ? Move to Mexico.
Hear hear brother.................:clap2::clap2:
I'll have to amend this a little bit.

There's one Republican who's voted for Obama..making that one Republican an "Obama Republican".

[ame=]To Hug The President, To Weightlift Barack Obama... - YouTube[/ame]

Frankly the guy restores my faith in humanity. Not because he voted Obama..but because he seems like a great guy..and he's a Republican. He also does blood drives.

Credit where credit is due.

The rest of you folks should take a lesson from this fellow. Not the voting part. But the loving and helpful part.
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Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

You may not like it, but there is a House Of Representatives.

They were set up to do the bidding of the people they represent. Small enclaves that have specific needs and desires.

The American people gave control of that body to the Democrats in 2006 and reenfroced it in 2008. Then in 2010, those small enclaves changes many of their minds and said no to Obama's programs. That is as clear a message and a balance as you will ever see.

That is to prevent a "Hope and Change" liar, like Obama, from coming along and doing his king game. It has been prevented.

Obama does not run the show. He didn't understand that in 2008 and (after four years of having his ass handed to him by both democrats and the GOP) he still does not understand it.

Maureen Dowd schills for Obama in a way that lays this out. Obama says we are the problem. He's right.

We are his problem. We don't want what he has to offer and he's not going to get congressional support to do it.

You don't like that ? Move to Mexico.

Another fine example of Republican love.

They want to kick people that they don't agree with out of the country.
In the listening audience where the Constitution makes mention of guns, at all.


Even you can't be this stupid, Swallow.

Maybe you can show USMB how "clever" you are and post the words in the Constitution that support your claim.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bare Arms, shall not be infringed."

At the time of the drafting of the Constitution bearable "arms" consisted of flint muskets and pistols that shot balls. There is no mention of repeating cartidge rifles much less anything with clips holding multiple rounds of ammunition. Automatic machine guns were not even imaginable in the mid 18th century. They did have canons but I don't see how anyone could "bare one.

If you are a strict constitutionalist I believe all you can claim a right to own is a musket.
In the listening audience where the Constitution makes mention of guns, at all.


Even you can't be this stupid, Swallow.

Maybe you can show USMB how "clever" you are and post the words in the Constitution that support your claim.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bare[sic] Arms, shall not be infringed."

At the time of the drafting of the Constitution bearable "arms" consisted of flint muskets and pistols that shot balls. There is no mention of repeating cartidge rifles much less anything with clips holding multiple rounds of ammunition. Automatic machine guns were not even imaginable in the mid 18th century. They did have canons but I don't see how anyone could "bare[sic] one.

If you are a strict constitutionalist I believe all you can claim a right to own is a musket.

Maybe you can sell your disingenuous bullshit to the locals wherever your crappy little raft takes you, Vick, but no one in the first world is buying it. Maybe they'll teach you English when you wash up ashore.

Even you can't be this stupid, Swallow.

Maybe you can show USMB how "clever" you are and post the words in the Constitution that support your claim.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bare[sic] Arms, shall not be infringed."

At the time of the drafting of the Constitution bearable "arms" consisted of flint muskets and pistols that shot balls. There is no mention of repeating cartidge rifles much less anything with clips holding multiple rounds of ammunition. Automatic machine guns were not even imaginable in the mid 18th century. They did have canons but I don't see how anyone could "bare[sic] one.

If you are a strict constitutionalist I believe all you can claim a right to own is a musket.

Maybe you can sell your disingenuous bullshit to the locals wherever your crappy little raft takes you, Vick, but no one in the first world is buying it. Maybe they'll teach you English when you wash up ashore.

Have you considered being tested for rabies?
No. Thanks for asking, Vick. Now hop on that crappy little raft and get the fuck out already.
No. Thanks for asking, Vick. Now hop on that crappy little raft and get the fuck out already.

My "crappy little raft" was the nicest 33 ft boat you could buy in 1958. Mine has a very rare factory flying bridge.



If you have a nicer boat I'd like to see it.
The Party of Hatred - nice. I hope you're not thinking you're part of the solution, cuz you ain't. Same as the rest of the dumbfucks around here throwing bullshit around at the other side.

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