The Party of Hatred - The New GOP.

Yeah, sure you do, you ridiculous old poseur. Assholes like you shouldn't be allowed to own dogs, you old douchebag. Do everyone a favor and drift away on your stupid little toy boat. Oh that's right, you can't because you are nothing but an all-talk big mouth.

Interesting theory. Many have tried to prove it.

Yeah, yeah, sure, you ridiculous old clown.

Happens more than you would think. A guy drove through the parking lot yesterday and threatened to murder me with his pistol. Cops are still looking for him. You aren't the ONLY idiot I piss off. Just one of the more ignorable ones.
More than once EVER is more than I would think, you transparent old poseur.

You should have lots of time to make up new stories floating around on your stupid little dingy, douche.

Say whatever you want....

Thanks, I will, you ridiculous old poseur.

You are starting to appear a tad obssessed. Perhaps you are just a typical internet closet fag. Whorier2 gave himself away like that.. You seem to fit the mold.
I'll assume that you agree with my point, since I don't see any indication otherwise.

It's almost as if you think every American is either a whacked out lefty or a whacked out righty. Fortunately, you folks on the ends of the spectrum are in the minority. You're just a lot louder. Most Americans are not as hateful as wingers have become. Thank goodness!



There's no equivalance between the Democratic and Republican parties. Democrats haven't shifted their agenda all that much in over 40 years..and they were never radical.

Republicans have become extreme and very radical. It's nonsense you don't see this.

Today's Republicans make the John Bircher society look like moderates.

I'd definitely agree that, between the two parties, the GOP is more influenced and controlled right now by, uh, crazies.

But that's not the topic of the thread, nor is it the point of my post. My point is that there is plenty of "hatred" coming from both ends of the political spectrum. And, to try to say that one side is worse than the other in that department is a waste of time. Sure, both "sides" say the "other" is "worse", that's precisely what they could be expected to say.

Sadly, there's so much of it right now, and both "sides" are so devoid of leadership to change it, that debating which "side" is worse is essentially irrelevant.


Except that one side is worse then the other.

Geeze louise..this board isn't typical.

The GOP has created a big giant problem by fostering the crazies in this country. It turned, what use to be a viable alternative party, into something monstrous.

There's no equivalance between the Democratic and Republican parties. Democrats haven't shifted their agenda all that much in over 40 years..and they were never radical.

Republicans have become extreme and very radical. It's nonsense you don't see this.

Today's Republicans make the John Bircher society look like moderates.

I'd definitely agree that, between the two parties, the GOP is more influenced and controlled right now by, uh, crazies.

But that's not the topic of the thread, nor is it the point of my post. My point is that there is plenty of "hatred" coming from both ends of the political spectrum. And, to try to say that one side is worse than the other in that department is a waste of time. Sure, both "sides" say the "other" is "worse", that's precisely what they could be expected to say.

Sadly, there's so much of it right now, and both "sides" are so devoid of leadership to change it, that debating which "side" is worse is essentially irrelevant.


Except that one side is worse then the other.

Geeze louise..this board isn't typical.

The GOP has created a big giant problem by fostering the crazies in this country. It turned, what use to be a viable alternative party, into something monstrous.

I can certainly understand that, from your perspective, the right is worse.

Then it is up to you and others like you, to put the whole matter to a final solution isn't it? Finally take that power, start bombing those Churches and have house to house gun confiscations.

The issue isn't who is right. The issue is that the nation has become so divided that it can no longer function as a cohesive nation. One side or the other must prevail. So, get on with it.


That's part of "your" solution. That's the first thing that came to "your" mind.

When you "hate" you want to use violence and power as a remedy for your "issues".

Like you..the GOP takes an absolutist approach to most everything. It's "my way or the highway" politics. Binary. All black and shades of gray..let alone color.

The GOP does not want compromise. It wants to dominate.

OH THE DRAMATICS are touching

Yes, they are....Katzndogz is quite the drama queen....Good of a Conservative to point that out in one of their own.
Interment of Japanese


Jim Crow laws





Nope the democrats are still reigning champions of hate.

You seriously have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Crack open a history book..or enroll in a community college.

You probably think North Korea is a Democratic Republic, right?

That's part of "your" solution. That's the first thing that came to "your" mind.

When you "hate" you want to use violence and power as a remedy for your "issues".

Like you..the GOP takes an absolutist approach to most everything. It's "my way or the highway" politics. Binary. All black and shades of gray..let alone color.

The GOP does not want compromise. It wants to dominate.

OH THE DRAMATICS are touching

Yes, they are....Katzndogz is quite the drama queen....Good of a Conservative to point that out in one of their own.
Interment of Japanese


Jim Crow laws





Nope the democrats are still reigning champions of hate.

You seriously have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Crack open a history book..or enroll in a community college.

You probably think North Korea is a Democratic Republic, right?
You keep showing how ignorant you are....Your telling me I need a history lesson proves it.....You have no clue about your party do you?
Interment of Japanese


Jim Crow laws





Nope the democrats are still reigning champions of hate.

You seriously have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Crack open a history book..or enroll in a community college.

You probably think North Korea is a Democratic Republic, right?
You keep showing how ignorant you are....Your telling me I need a history lesson proves it.....You have no clue about your party do you?

What you are doing is a time honored tradition among folks like yourself..except you aren't doing it well. That's probably because you don't have enough insight on what you are posting.

In other get your "history" lessons from right wing blogs and radio stations.

I seriously doubt you graduated from High School.
You seriously have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Crack open a history book..or enroll in a community college.

You probably think North Korea is a Democratic Republic, right?
You keep showing how ignorant you are....Your telling me I need a history lesson proves it.....You have no clue about your party do you?

What you are doing is a time honored tradition among folks like yourself..except you aren't doing it well. That's probably because you don't have enough insight on what you are posting.

In other get your "history" lessons from right wing blogs and radio stations.

I seriously doubt you graduated from High School.
I get my history form reading history and original documents ..... You need to learn about your party before you can have the right to condemn any other.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

when dems are accusing you of it, you know thats what they are doing.

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