The People Vs.Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan is typical of what is floating straight to the top of the GOP these days, a worthless spineless sell out who gets on his knees and says "YES MASTER" every time this individual communicates with him....

The problem you have is the alternative universe you have created for yourself...

Here in Real World...

Bill Clinton is innocent of any rape charges... Only one woman has accused Bill of rape and she also believes Obama was born in Kenya, Hillary is Mentally ill,.... If she has a accusation, why didn't she go down to her local police station and report the crime? She has given nothing to the authorities.

Hillary is the most truthful candidate in the race from the start while Trump is the most dishonest by the main three fact checker...

There is a start...

This is satire right?
You want trump who is the bush boy on steroids

Why do you think the entire Bush family is out openly for Hillary???

You are completely FOS, and the Zionist warmongering under W was supported by the following:

Ed Koch
Tenet - Clinton's CIA pick held over

and opposed by:

Chuck Hagel
George HW Bush
Ron and Rand Paul
the Libertarian Party


You're going off on a tangent claiming I said something I didn't.

What does support for Hillary have to do with economic policy?

trump is the bush boy economics on steroids. Huge tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Big deregulation policies for big business, banks and wall street.

I could careless what republican supports trump or not.

The facts are, the trump economic policy is the bush boy economic policies on steroids. It will collapse our economy and send us into another republican deep depression. Again. With only one difference, trump will do it faster with more damage than the bush boy.
What does support for Hillary have to do with economic policy?

It doesn't, since Hillary doesn't understand jack about economics and doesn't care. She will SPEND SPEND SPEND and the money will VANISH VANISH VANISH just like it does with every other worthless Democrat and W clone.
trump is the bush boy economics on steroids. Huge tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Big deregulation policies for big business and wall street.


Nice try.

Under Clinton, the US economy got SPENDING CUTS and TAX CUTS, and everything worked out great.

Under W, the US economy got TAX CUTS and MONSTEROUSLY LIBERAL SPENDING INCREASES, which fucked up everything.

the SPENDING is the problem.

Here's the proof...

trump is the bush boy economics on steroids. Huge tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Big deregulation policies for big business and wall street.


Nice try.

Under Clinton, the US economy got SPENDING CUTS and TAX CUTS, and everything worked out great.

Under W, the US economy got TAX CUTS and MONSTEROUSLY LIBERAL SPENDING INCREASES, which fucked up everything.

the SPENDING is the problem.

Here's the proof...

Hey dumbass....that was NEWT'S economy....ScumWilly had to be dragged kicking and screaming to make the cuts.
Hey dumbass....that was NEWT'S economy....ScumWilly had to be dragged kicking and screaming to make the cuts.


The economy prospered "under Clinton" because the agenda of the "dual Presidency" got blocked, first by the Dems who couldn't pass HillaryCare, and then by Newt, the last great American politician in any position of power here.
Hey dumbass....that was NEWT'S economy....ScumWilly had to be dragged kicking and screaming to make the cuts.


The economy prospered "under Clinton" because the agenda of the "dual Presidency" got blocked, first by the Dems who couldn't pass HillaryCare, and then by Newt, the last great American politician in any position of power here.

I'm you're giving Willy credit for Newt's economy? huh?
I really do not care what it is called, the "clinton economy" or the "gingrich economy," I just want everyone to be informed what caused it - FISCAL CONSERVATISM, what the Dems call "trickle down..."
I really do not care what it is called, the "clinton economy" or the "gingrich economy," I just want everyone to be informed what caused it - FISCAL CONSERVATISM, what the Dems call "trickle down..."

Yeah but that's the have to call it what it was and who did it....NEWT. Clinton finally gave in to Perot's "contract with America", signed NAFTA, and spent the rest of his time raping women and interns.
When that bubble breaks, its gonna be messy. The bubble heads wandering around in a daze with some of them going crazy zombie mad.

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