The Post Office Psycho Phenomenon: Evangelists


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do modernism-symbolic crimes/terrorism (e.g., 9/11) make you think about governance hotlines?

This pseudo-evangelical vignette was inspired by Black Rain.



A group of U.S. post-office workers decided to band together to form an underground 'army of darkness' devoted to crime and anarchy, as a defiance to the new age of capitalism-oriented socio-political 'etiquette.' This 'army of darkness' called itself Hell's Mailmen. As they pursued their reign of terror, Americans wondered who could stop them. The CIA had no choice but to call the vigilante-superhero Deadpool and his Allies to deal with this very 'modern problem.'


Deadpool was a loudmouth combat-specialist and was excellent at negotiating too. Deadpool began tracking the Hell's Mailmen before they did something truly awful like killing the First Lady of the United States. Deadpool managed to pick up clues and followed the Hell's Mailmen to an area in Chicago where the 'army of darkness' was hiding. Deadpool believed the Hell's Mailmen were planning a large-scale attack, so he called his Allies for assistance in this matter.


As the Allies assembled with Deadpool to stop the Hell's Mailmen from destroying some piece of morality and modernism-optimism still remaining after so many traumas --- e.g., 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing, Enron scandal, TrumpUSA protests, etc. However, unfortunately, the Hell's Angels managed to create a devastating conflagrating fire in a major world-city, and Deadpool and his Allies were simply unable to prevent this. After the tragedy, which resulted in at least 50 deaths, Deadpool told the press, "We'll bring the Hell's Mailmen in...we're simply hoping Americans will just keep their cool for now!"


After Deadpool and his Allies scoured the nation tracking the Hell's Mailmen, Deadpool decided one tactic they could try was to simply fly around in their private military jet-plane until they found the Hell's Mailmen committing some crime in plain sight. Well, Deadpool and his Allies lucked-out, and they spotted the Hell's Mailmen trying to plant explosives in Mount Rushmore, to disfigure the faces of the U.S. Presidents carved in the mountain. Deadpool and his Allies swooped down and wrestled with the 'army of darkness' and managed to nab the leader of the Hell's Mailmen. Deadpool and his triumphant Allies hauled off their 'prisoners' to an insane-asylum in D.C. President Trump awarded them medals of course.


TRUMP: I'm so proud of Deadpool and his Allies.
CARTER: They're a super-group of crime-fighters.
TRUMP: They've managed to safeguard American pride!
CARTER: It's so traumatizing when post-office workers go bananas.
TRUMP: It's a new age phenomenon in response to various capitalism-culture anxieties.
CARTER: Unemployment and inflation can make consumerism seem not so 'tasty.'
TRUMP: Post-office workers becoming criminals is as bad as the Manson Family murders.
CARTER: That's certainly a strong argument...
TRUMP: We need the right brand of pro-American evangelism in these 'hot times.'
CARTER: Americans are simply haunted by the scars of 9/11.
TRUMP: We have to ensure the public that Deadpool and his Allies are able to create cheer!
CARTER: It's funny how the complexities of modern capitalism can create true madness.
TRUMP: Sure. Remember the Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992 --- when stores were looted?
CARTER: Yes. Journalists didn't know if they should report on racism or basic urban anarchy.
TRUMP: People need to feel like they would be wise/moral to praise commerce.
CARTER: Commerce/capitalism can be so do you 'create' optimism?
TRUMP: If we fail to make capitalism 'inspiring,' terrorism will be the 'face' of modern sickness.
CARTER: Maybe the burden should fall on educators and the media...
TRUMP: I like students using media/technology in the classroom to learn about commerce.
CARTER: Sure. This is happening even in high schools now...
TRUMP: That's a good thing!
CARTER: Maybe the Christian prophecy of the AntiChrist ascending to create havoc is true.
TRUMP: I wonder if this 'AntiChrist' could be an unruly movie-star making rebellious films.
CARTER: Perhaps Deadpool can give school-talks comparing films like Fight Club and Syriana.


I'll have to come back later and read this, your opening paragraph sure got my attention. Hells Mailmen, love it.

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