The Post-Trump GOP

Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
If anyone bothered to check the young voted this year in large numbers. They know this is their future. We have a highly Educated group who know climate Change is real. They are not happy their future is not as bright as their parents. They are fixing to change that.

I have been listening closely to the difference between this generation and the last. Find it very interesting!
One of my favorite parts of this election -- aside from schologing Trump -- was seeing the size of the young vote. Our daughters (22 & 25) couldn't freaking WAIT to vote.

We older folks think we have all the answers because we're older. Yet look at what we're leaving them.

The question is whether they REMAIN engaged.

The Trump Base won't remain engaged if they see the situation as hopeless.

As far as young liberals, why not? AOC et al are ascendant in the Democrat Party.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
My thoughts:

With tRump still around and noisy (damn is he ever noisy!) They will be a party divided unless they throw their weight behind him. And if they do, as they must to have even the slightest chance at the presidency in 2024, then all the down ballot races have to kiss the orange ass for support, taking the party even farther afield from it's long lost core principals. Four more years of this and the gop is forever gone. Replaced by the tRumplings.
What you forget about the yahoo virus?

Joe won't last a second term this is not going away soon.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So your wish is to murder 75 million Americans who say your full of shit?

How fascist of you

Uhm, no. But very telling this is how you read my posting.

It looks like this must be spelled out in America in 2020, but one political party murdering the other in camps is just the example in history that should better be avoided ... if you're sane, that is.
Well what does fingers crossed mean in British?

I can tell you what it means in German ... anyway, I keep my fingers crossed that the situation won't get as bad over there in your place, as it was over here 90 years ago.
Republicans are being short sighted
Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.
But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever
Might be true, but the Dems are making a big mistake if they assume too much. They're certainly capable of going too far, as well.

This is why I don't like seeing the GOP turn into a fuckin' psycho ward like this. We need (at least) two strong parties.

So you don't think the "psychos" will leave the Republican Party to the Moderates if they think its a quixotic effort to gain power?
I don't know. The Trumpsters have the power right now, and the job will be to marginalize them just enough.

Will that happen? I don't know. It may split the party in two literally, and you'll all receive Thank You Cards from the Democrats.

I don't see the Republican Party splitting up. I think the base will just stand down. There isn't anyone other than Trump with the vision, and visibility and Public relations acumen to really stand a chance against the media.

If the GOP nominates a Romney or Kasich in 2024, I can't imagine at this point in time bothering to cast a ballot.
When did Trump threaten to piss on the Constitution?

When he declared *before* the election he will only accept the result if he wins, and when after the election, he pushed the lie narrative to "fraud" among his supporters to undermine the will of the people and the institutions of the free republic as they are determined in the Constitution.
Sorry, but saying things that you disagree with is not "pissing on the Constitution."

If these things I disagree with are a concerted effort to cling to power despite the clear will of the people that was declared in a free election (you could also call that "putsch" or "coup d'état"), then yes, that is "pissing on the Constitution" in my book.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
My thoughts:

With tRump still around and noisy (damn is he ever noisy!) They will be a party divided unless they throw their weight behind him. And if they do, as they must to have even the slightest chance at the presidency in 2024, then all the down ballot races have to kiss the orange ass for support, taking the party even farther afield from it's long lost core principals. Four more years of this and the gop is forever gone. Replaced by the tRumplings.
What you forget about the yahoo virus?

Joe won't last a second term this is not going away soon.

I don’t think Biden will run for a second term.....
Unless Trump looks like he will represent the GOP

Then, Biden will kick his ass again
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain backed Republicans on Trumpcare, he voted for it.

However, when Republicans pivoted and went to a blind repeal of Obamacare without anything to cover those who would lose coverage......He gave a thumbs down
Bunk. He opposed it to fuck Trump.

Then why did he vote FOR Trumpcare?

That would have been the bigger victory
Why did he vote for it before he voted against it?

Simple: he's a douchebag.

He didn’t vote against Trumpcare

What he voted against was the callous attempt to repeal Obamacare without concern for those it would hurt

Question is.....Why didn’t more Republicans?
He voted against Trump care. Your spin fools no one.
Wrong again Finger Boy!

There were two votes
The fist was for the abysmal Trumpcare, that McCain supported
The second, a month later, was to repeal Obamacare with no identified replacement. McCain gave a thumbs down
McCain ran on repealing Obamacare, you fucking moron. He double crossed the voters in AZ when he did that.
Republicans are being short sighted

Pandering to the MAGA crowd may help them win with the older, white Christians who fear their loss of power.

But younger Americans and minorities are repulsed by the actions of the far right. They are lost forever

I think the Republicans are very capable of alienating conservatives if they put their mind to it.

The Late John McCain and Mitt Romney were tremendous in doing that. But the key of the LP folks is to expel the base from the Republican Party so they can reassert control.

John McCain was a Maverick. He would back his party but when given a choice between party and his state, he would do what was in the best interest of his state.

Romney is a devout Mormon. As such, he is repulsed by Trump and his antics. He votes accordingly

McCain was willing to betray his party for good press. He thought that would get him in the White House.

But you people turned on his, on a dime. Because everything you say, is a bullshit. so reversing course is easy for you.

That you took him back afterwards, and that he accepted that, is him being a broken old man.
McCain backed Republicans on Trumpcare, he voted for it.

However, when Republicans pivoted and went to a blind repeal of Obamacare without anything to cover those who would lose coverage......He gave a thumbs down
Bunk. He opposed it to fuck Trump.

Then why did he vote FOR Trumpcare?

That would have been the bigger victory
Why did he vote for it before he voted against it?

Simple: he's a douchebag.

He didn’t vote against Trumpcare

What he voted against was the callous attempt to repeal Obamacare without concern for those it would hurt

Question is.....Why didn’t more Republicans?
He voted against Trump care. Your spin fools no one.
Wrong again Finger Boy!

There were two votes
The fist was for the abysmal Trumpcare, that McCain supported
The second, a month later, was to repeal Obamacare with no identified replacement. McCain gave a thumbs down
McCain ran on repealing Obamacare, you fucking moron. He double crossed the voters in AZ when he did that.

Wrong again Finger Boy

McCain ran on Repeal and REPLACE
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
What's next for the GOP?

A couple of very interesting pieces this morning. Interestingly, much of what they cover includes what we've been talking about here. The anti-Trump types like the Lincoln Project know damn well that he has a vice-like grip on the party, and will even have to consider running separate candidates, which we haven't really talked about here. The party is so afraid of Trump, in fact, that they're not even engaging in the traditional post-mortem for fear of angering him. Holy crap.

At the same time, they did do better than expected down ticket (or was it the Democrats doing worse than expected?), so that just muddies the waters even more. So what do the next few years look like for the GOP?

Oh, for Trumpsters: Ignore all this, he won, "by a lot", they cheated, he'll stay in office, MAGA.
My thoughts:

With tRump still around and noisy (damn is he ever noisy!) They will be a party divided unless they throw their weight behind him. And if they do, as they must to have even the slightest chance at the presidency in 2024, then all the down ballot races have to kiss the orange ass for support, taking the party even farther afield from it's long lost core principals. Four more years of this and the gop is forever gone. Replaced by the tRumplings.
What you forget about the yahoo virus?

Joe won't last a second term this is not going away soon.

I don’t think Biden will run for a second term.....
Unless Trump looks like he will represent the GOP

Then, Biden will kick his ass again

I suppose if they send out paper ballots again to grade school children and illegal mexicans
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

In the bad historical example I mentioned, it weren't the commies who ran the gas chambers.

It were people who wanted "to make Germany great again" after the perceived humiliation in WW1 ... and who thought in order to do so, it's no longer necessary to respect the outcome of free elections.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, it's silly, really.

I mean, I too believe some on the left are going too far, and the constant whining of some people about all kinds of identity issues and perceived victimhood quite gets on my nerves, too ... but far and wide I see no "commies" in America. This is absurd.

But yeah, it's one thing if some random person is just venting frustration on the internet ... but quite another if it's the President who does the very same.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Of course, this is hyperbole at the moment, however, the path is being laid by the Democrats for such atrocities and many, including yourself, can't see it.

If I would have told the average Democrat 20 years ago that a professed Socialist would nearly win their nomination, they would have laughed, just as you are today. Low and behold, here we are because the path was being laid. I can't help it that you and your ilk don't have enough foresight to see where things are headed. It is kind of frustrating actually. It's kind of like doing homework with a 6-year-old who wants to go play outside and won't focus.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.
No, I do not believe they are LITERALLY warming up the gas chambers, jackass. Are you incapable of discerning analogous commentary?

You are just like all the other AUTHORITARIAN leftists. You do nothing but pretend. This post of yours is evidence. You'll take me literally, but never seriously. That will be the end of the Union.

You and communist liars like you are incapable of a real discussion. So, what are we left with?

I LITERALLY want Texas to get the fuck out of this shit, fake "union." I do not want to share the same country with the likes of your wolf-in-sheep's-clothing, fake liberal, communist, authoritarian ass.

I will LITERALLY fight a war and die if I must. Valhalla I am coming.

Take me literally and seriously.
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Of course, this is hyperbole at the moment, however, the path is being laid by the Democrats for such atrocities and many, including yourself, can't see it.

Look, the eastern part of my country was under the control of REAL communists for more than 40 years. And it wasn't funny. My father grew up there.

They didn't allow anybody to get out of the country and shot those who tried at the fortified border. In each school and workplace, they installed snitches to watch over their co-workers. There was no freedom of speech and a joke to the wrong people could end you in jail.

All the economy was nationalized and private enterprisers disowned without compensation. If you didn't show "political reliability", or if you were engaged in church work, you were not allowed to colleges and universities. And the economy was so poor that most of the time, people were happy when there were apples to buy, rather than bananas.

THIS is what REAL communism looks like.

Communism ain't "the taxes are a little too high for my taste". :/
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Of course, this is hyperbole at the moment, however, the path is being laid by the Democrats for such atrocities and many, including yourself, can't see it.

Look, the eastern part of my country was under the control of REAL communists for more than 40 years. And it wasn't funny. My father grew up there.

They didn't allow anybody to get out of the country and shot those who tried at the fortified border. In each school and workplace, they installed snitches to watch over their co-workers. There was no freedom of speech and a joke to the wrong people could end you in jail.

All the economy was nationalized and private enterprisers disowned without compensation. If you didn't show "political reliability", or if you were engaged in church work, you were not allowed to colleges and universities. And the economy was so poor that most of the time, people were happy when there were apples to buy, rather than bananas.

THIS is what REAL communism looks like.

Communism ain't "the taxes are a little too high for my taste". :/
That was not communism. It was socialism. Communism is a stateless society.

And, how do you think countries GET to full-blow socialism???
This is a very large part of why Trump won in 2016 and why the Dems underperformed in November. The Regressive Left wing of the party -- the illiberal, authoritarian end that pushes Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture -- has damaged the party considerably.
You're describing the WHOLE FUCKING PARTY.

There are no more liberals in the Dem party. They all bailed. It's a goose-stepping commie fest.

Guess if you took the effort of actually talking with some Democrats, you'd probably realize many of them are decent human beings, rather than the silly caricatures the Trump fake news machine wants you to believe they are.

Considering how many Reps still cling to Trump and fail to defend the Constitution against Trump's attempts to piss on it, looks like they're in lockstep to me... but I'm pretty sure there must still be many decent people among them. It's just about time they finally speak up again.
They can't do that. I don't know how familiar you are with the alternate universe they have created, but they are conditioned to avoid / ignore / dismiss anything they are provided in their ideological ecosystem as "fake news" and "commie lies". This alternate universe is now entirely self-sustaining and fully functional. They have their reality, the rest of the country and world has another.

I'm being dead serious. This is what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, I have a vague idea about this problem ... over here in Germany, we have such a faction as well. Fortunately, it's still relatively small, the only party that panders to them and fuels their ideas is the far-right AfD, but it only gets around 10% of the votes and is shunned by all other parties, including the moderate right. Hope it stays that way.

But it's really scary to imagine they might rise in numbers. You got them siding with conspiracy ideologues denying Covid, watching racist anti-immigrant fake news online and watching Russian propaganda like RT News that rallys them up against our free, republican system. Really disgusting.

I'd call them what they are, traitors, but the problem is that won't bring us any further and will convince none of them.
Well, try to look at us as a cautionary tale. You went through the 30s and 40s with something similar in a few ways. You made it, but not before a great deal of damage was done. It's difficult for many of us to understand how this is happening. We thought that history taught us something.

I have a brother who lives in London, and as goofy as things are there now, he's just stunned by what he's seeing coming from us. We're in regression right now, and we have to find a way past this. Soon.

Yes, it's especially the division in America that worries me a lot. Looks like you guys can't even agree anymore what's facts and the truth.

As you say, we had such a massive division over here, too, in the 1920s... with genuine communists on one side winning more than 20% of the vote, and genuine fascists on the other winning 30-40% ... and a far-right media corporation owning more than 50% of the papers and radio stations at that time spreading fake news. Both sides were no longer capable of even agreeing on reality.

We all know how that ended: One side finally got the power, did away with the republic and murdered the other side in camps and gas chambers.

Fingers crossed.
So, now is a good time for Texas to get the fuck out...while the "gittin" is good?

I agree.

Another Civil War is another example in history that I believe should better be avoided.
So, we should just sit here and take it while the commies warm up the gas chambers?

Fuck no. I am not going down without a fight.

If some Germans had more fight in them, we would have avoided WWII, no offense. Too many people accepted their fate without so much as raising a finger.

Serious question: Do you really think the commies are warming up the gas chambers?

Is this serious, is it hyperbole, is it politics, or are you just goofing around on the internet?

Just give me one (1) serious, sincere answer. Thanks in advance.

Of course, this is hyperbole at the moment, however, the path is being laid by the Democrats for such atrocities and many, including yourself, can't see it.

Look, the eastern part of my country was under the control of REAL communists for more than 40 years. And it wasn't funny. My father grew up there.

They didn't allow anybody to get out of the country and shot those who tried at the fortified border. In each school and workplace, they installed snitches to watch over their co-workers. There was no freedom of speech and a joke to the wrong people could end you in jail.

All the economy was nationalized and private enterprisers disowned without compensation. If you didn't show "political reliability", or if you were engaged in church work, you were not allowed to colleges and universities. And the economy was so poor that most of the time, people were happy when there were apples to buy, rather than bananas.

THIS is what REAL communism looks like.

Communism ain't "the taxes are a little too high for my taste". :/
That was not communism. It was socialism. Communism is a stateless society.

And, how do you think countries GET to full-blow socialism???

Well, do your homework, there are more different ideas of "socialism" than there Protestant churches in America. But ...

You are telling me the Democrats are "commies" and thus want "a stateless society" ... while at the same time "warming up the gas chambers" to let the STATE imprison dissenters? :p

Lack of logical coherence aside, it's really getting old ... some people told me the same about Obama 10 years ago. That he's a commie or wants to erect gas chambers. Doesn't look like that's what happened. But now, it's a Republican President who tries to subvert the Constitution by refusing to accept the will of the people, like some former east Bloc commie dictator.

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