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The President, the Russians and the Deep State.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The recent presidential election in America produced unanticipated results leading to the rise of a leader unconnected and uncontrolled by the secretive machinery that functions invisibly to the average citizen. So when the current president complains that he was wiretapped during the election he is really prying at something that exposes the corrupt underbelly of the American Deep State. Oddly, if it were not for renegade whistleblowers like Julien Assange and Edward Snowden most Americans would be blissfully unaware of just how widespread the Deep State is in the US.

The Deep State in America is a foreign concept to most citizens because it camouflages itself by hiding in plain sight. The new president’s initiatives to repeal the Affordable Care Act is a good example of an attempt to unmask and replace the sinister socialization of American medicine with a system based on more choices not fewer. Anyone who went to high school fifty years ago and took a comparative government class knows that the ACA is virtually indistinguishable from Soviet medicine of the 1960’s where the common citizen is shepherded into a second class health system while the political hierarchy is guaranteed separate, privileged access to a superior scheme of first class medicine.

The first thing attentive Americans noticed about those who imposed the ACA onto the masses was how quickly they moved to shield themselves from the effects of it. How many inhabitants of the US political establishment, Republicans or Democrats, did we see lining up to demand that they be allowed to voluntarily give up their public sector pensions and Cadillac health plans so they could experience the gift of socialized medicine alongside average citizens? Don’t bother counting-there weren’t any. This is how the Deep State works. They use the iron fist of forced taxation to make you drink the Kool Aid while they sit in a protected ivory tower to watch the carnage unfold-just like the Soviets did in the 1960’s and the Russians do today.

Unlike the Russians we have a constitution that’s advertised to protect us from a central authority that wants to empower itself by taking away our rights. The American Deep State solved this by getting a political hack to butcher the US Constitution to force citizens to purchase a product (insurance) sold on the private market. In Russia you do not choose an insurance company, you are assigned a government insurance company-that’s the Deep State plan here too.

The Deep State has been very busy for fifty years. Since the war on Poverty and the Great Society Americans have been carefully and purposely prepared to become dependent on a central government while the government itself becomes more and more powerful. The new president is pulling the lid off a can of worms that demonstrates that the American people are being surveilled on a breathtaking scale by their own government-another stark comparison to the former Soviet Union and Russia today. Central planning can only survive if it watches its citizens incessantly to ensure compliance with authoritarian directives. So if you and I are being eavesdropped upon by the government through our cellphones, I-pads and televisions it’s probably for our own good in spite of what Assange and Snowden say-Do you buy that?

The contemporary Deep State is far cleverer than the Soviets ever dreamed of being. It has been presiding over the influx of foreign interlopers who have no historic or cultural connection to the US or what it stands for. Think back to the first time you saw Spanish signage appearing in Walmart-that’s how long they’ve been at and it’s very similar to introducing a disease into a healthy host. It’s a controlling mechanism to weaken the resolve of average citizens while their livelihoods and freedoms are transported to global interests far away replaced with handicap parking spaces, motorized shopping carts and robots in restaurants.

If one takes a long, hard look at the deep state cabal of politicians, national security organizations, entitlement bureaucracies, the military-industrial complex and financial/treasury institutions existing in the United States that are de facto carbon copies of the former Soviet Union, the patent absurdity of accusing the new president of conspiring with the Russians is obvious.
Hopefully Trump Fires the deep progressive state... they deserve to burn in hell
You can call it the "deep state" if you want but it's really the criminal conspiracy of the mainstream media. Any atrocity and any violation of the Constitution can be justified if the mainstream media supports it or covers it up.
"The recent presidential election in America produced unanticipated results leading to the rise of a leader unconnected and uncontrolled by the secretive machinery that functions invisibly to the average citizen."

Goldman Sachs all up in that white house, same as it ever was, same is it would have been had Hilary prevailed. Odd how that never changes when you rubes swap out parties.
You can call it the "deep state" if you want but it's really the criminal conspiracy of the mainstream media. Any atrocity and any violation of the Constitution can be justified if the mainstream media supports it or covers it up.

The corporate state media machine doesn’t have you under surveillance. Americans are THE most incarcerated (for profit) and surveilled by their own govt population on the planet. More so than the North Koreans, Chinese, Russians or any other totalitarian or Sharia Law society on the planet.
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Most would agree that we are living in an age where information can be retrieved from a seemingly bottomless well of new technology. No one is immune from this paradigm as we have seen with incidents involving the President's critics turning up in photographs with Russian operatives after they've attacked him for talking to them. No one denies that that the Russians spy on us. We spy on them as well. This is how the game is played. It's how it's always been played. What we need to watch out for is the propensity of security agencies to spy on their own people for some perceived greater good which could involve weakening a presidency that may not be friendly to unelected, career government employees.

This is the danger of the "state within a state" and it's just as dangerous as it is real. If the new President is arguing for a system that transfers power from the state to the people then this could be see as a threat to those whose livelihoods depend on the continued growth and influence of the state. When the state functions for the state and not the people then we have a mirror image of the ideological bent of our enemies used to keep the people in line. People seem to have forgotten what our system is about.

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