The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
for what reason? I live in Illinois and were in a lock down. perhaps you don't know what you're talking about.
Illinois lock down as New York and California, was called by the governor. I am asking why Trump does not call a lock down for the whole country.
Another example that you are suffering from thejc456 virus.
he can't. there is no constitutional mention to do that. that is purely a governor's call. they know the commerce in their states and needs. funny, you should really go learn about the US government and state government authorities.

one day trump can do anything he wants - HE IS THE POTUS

the next day he would be breaking the constitution.

boy, are you full of shit
how’she breaking the constitution? List the part you feel he’s breaking
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

Per the CDC, there have only been 15,219 cases nationwide from Jan 21st to date.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

That number of illnesses is not causing hospitals to be out of beds. In fact, the only places that could even plausibly be experiencing any such shortages are certain areas in NY, which has about half of the cases at this point, and Washington, which has another 1,500 or so. Throughout most of the country, the number of COVID-19 cases is relatively low per capita.

All of the talk of bed shortages, respirator shortages, etc, is based on speculation about the possible scope of the disease's spread, which is being cast in the most dire scenarios possible by the media.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
Can't read.
over 80% of the cases are mild--no medical attention needed
I read today 95% are now mild
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
who was the author of the brilliant
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
for what reason? I live in Illinois and were in a lock down. perhaps you don't know what you're talking about.
Illinois lock down as New York and California, was called by the governor. I am asking why Trump does not call a lock down for the whole country.
Another example that you are suffering from thejc456 virus.
He does not have that power. Be specific now and cite for us the paragraph section and article of the Constitution that bestows upon the President the power to order all States to lock down.
War Powers act, which he has already invoked but has not used

Comrade traitor, under the war powers act could the president have the demagogues spreading panic and hysteria over at MSNBCNN shot?

I'm not saying that would be a bad thing, I'm just curious?
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.

There is a reason for it.

Is Beijing threatened by an uprising in Hong Kong? How about the protests in Iran? That upstart in America who barged his way into the elites power circle and started fucking with the gravy train, will this get rid of him and restore power to the elite? Will the moppet in England knuckle under now?

Of course there is a reason.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

Per the CDC, there have only been 15,219 cases nationwide from Jan 21st to date.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

That number of illnesses is not causing hospitals to be out of beds. In fact, the only places that could even plausibly be experiencing any such shortages are certain areas in NY, which has about half of the cases at this point, and Washington, which has another 1,500 or so. Throughout most of the country, the number of COVID-19 cases is relatively low per capita.

All of the talk of bed shortages, respirator shortages, etc, is based on speculation about the possible scope of the disease's spread, which is being cast in the most dire scenarios possible by the media.
I agree that some of the precautions and the rush to find equipment and free beds seems unbelievable at the moment. I hope it turns out that the speculation was WAY OFF and all this haring around that the hospitals are doing is for naught. I hope it, especially since it seems that we have taken unbelievable precautions in many places where there is NO virus, including my county.

Statewide, Maine has a total of 56 cases, all in the southern quarter of the state; 5 are hospitalized and fortunately there have been no deaths. Yet all schools and the University system have shut down. The Governor has ordered all eat in restaurants, bars, shopping plazas and malls and non essential retail closed. The banks have gone to drive thru only. All libraries are closed. All businesses that can work from home have shut. Our towns, small anyway, are ghost towns. Even churches are cancelling services.

So I sure hope this has a really positive effect and stops this thing in its tracks in Maine. We sure caught it early. I don't know what else we can do but lock people in their homes.
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
Can't read.
over 80% of the cases are mild--no medical attention needed
I read today 95% are now mild

Over 80,000 people have already recovered from the virus and the mortality rate has dropped to 1%.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.

There is a reason for it.

Is Beijing threatened by an uprising in Hong Kong? How about the protests in Iran? That upstart in America who barged his way into the elites power circle and started fucking with the gravy train, will this get rid of him and restore power to the elite? Will the moppet in England knuckle under now?

Of course there is a reason.
You watch way too many movies.
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.

There is a reason for it.

Is Beijing threatened by an uprising in Hong Kong? How about the protests in Iran? That upstart in America who barged his way into the elites power circle and started fucking with the gravy train, will this get rid of him and restore power to the elite? Will the moppet in England knuckle under now?

Of course there is a reason.
You watch way too many movies.

Nah, I just don't accept the bullshit. They're shoving your face in it.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

no rhyme, reason, logic, fact or answer is good enough for Trumps collective of ass kissers - they are what they are.
And yet YOU are the one that wanted the President to do something Unlawful and declare a quarantine on all 50 States, a power he does not and never has had.
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
So that later, you can claim what he did was Fascist?!
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
Can't read.
over 80% of the cases are mild--no medical attention needed
I read today 95% are now mild

Over 80,000 people have already recovered from the virus and the mortality rate has dropped to 1%.
It’s beginning to look more like hyper psychotic hysteria. The left fking with our lives
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

no rhyme, reason, logic, fact or answer is good enough for Trumps collective of ass kissers - they are what they are.

Yeah, sure, right. Ant other time you clowns are claiming it is all fake news. Now I'm SUPPOSED to believe what the media prints! Hospitals are NOT out of beds. They are only calling out military hospital ships IN CASE, to be prepared for the worse. Tents, elective surgeries, it is all part of the panic. Quick! Did you get enough packages of toilet paper yet!

IT'S THE FUCKING FLU, Children, are our flu deaths really any higher than any other year? Does it justify this widespread panic? Sure, maybe it spreads, but since we have done so little testing, the REAL QUESTION IS:

Are any significantly greater numbers of people actually dying from this for the number of infections than any other year? The very, very few people I know who have gotten ill, recovered quickly and just fine.

SO THE QUESTION IS: is the actual threat to ourselves really justified for the terrible pain we are inflicting on ourselves, or are we doing more harm than the actual virus with all the fear and panic?

But I don't expect idiots like you to get it, you are too busy making it a POLITICAL ISSUE just as Jerkoff above claims as being "Trumps collective of ass kissers."

Just how am I kissing Trump's ass by questioning the medical veracity of all this hype which he himself is supporting now? Teewats.
Last edited:
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
You're talking to Old Lady. If her brain were a computer, she would be a Tandy TRS-80.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.

The "Powers that be?" Oh, you mean:
  • The same people that already do such a fine job running the world?
  • The same people who already lie to us about everything?
  • The same people who no matter what, still collect their taxes because all the money they spend is never theirs anyway?
  • The same people who stand to profit by controlling society and are just itching for an excuse to grab all our guns and invoke martial law over us?
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.


Hong Kong and Singapore are small Islands and the U.S. is a large land mass of Fifty individual States and had Trump done that those like you would proclaim he was overthrowing the Government and becoming a dictator...
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.

You're right. It's somewhat more virulent than the normal flu.
But steady as it goes, we will get through it.

So, NEXT winter, when the next flu strain comes floating by, another total shut down of all schools, businesses, public events, and mass quarantine of society hiding in their homes with a mass selloff of stocks and panic buying with people waiting in long lines to buy milk, bread and TP?

Covid Scare.png
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
Can't read.
over 80% of the cases are mild--no medical attention needed
I read today 95% are now mild

Over 80,000 people have already recovered from the virus and the mortality rate has dropped to 1%.

HAS ANYONE heard of one report of the rich and elite having to stand in a long line to get one of the last packages of toilet paper?
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.


Hong Kong and Singapore are small Islands and the U.S. is a large land mass of Fifty individual States and had Trump done that those like you would proclaim he was overthrowing the Government and becoming a dictator...
They already said that

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