The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

Abbott got off his ass YESTERDAY imposing state restrictions -

another do nothing until the damage has been done Republican -
The Federal Government has no authority to order lock down inside a State EXCEPT in reference to State to state business.

Abbott aint fed gov dipshit -

quit spinning
Except you demanded Trump order all States to do it. and tried to justify it with a Federal Law that CLEARLY STATES that the federal Government has NO SUCH AUTHORITY.
Abbott got off his ass YESTERDAY imposing state restrictions -

another do nothing until the damage has been done Republican -
Oh really? How many cases are there? 194 with 253 counties in the state.
Feb 27-
Gov. Greg Abbott Shares State’s Coronavirus Action Plan

Since the Governor’s first emergency declaration last Friday, the number of Covid-19 cases in Texas has jumped from 39 to 83 Wednesday and to 143 Thursday.

More than 2,300 people in Texas are being monitored for possibly having the virus.

Four people have died.

Governor Abbott issued a warning for those who ignore the order.

“The state now has quarantine authority. We don’t want to exercise that authority. If Texans are irresponsible in behavior though, there are more tools where we can be more aggressive.”
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
one question I would like to ask Elmer:
why do you have so much TDS???!!!
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.

Comrade traitor.

Two people in Los Angeles county have died from the Wuhan virus - EVER. While I typed this, 20 more people died from other causes in LA County. So WHY exactly is martial law needed? I mean, other than the obvious fear of Trump's reelection? When people started hoarding toilet paper, that was really dumb and driven by hysteria. This is even dumber.

The way the democrat rulers are doing things, millions will die. Hundreds more might even die of the Wuhan virus.

All because you couldn't win a fucking election.
Abbott got off his ass YESTERDAY imposing state restrictions -

another do nothing until the damage has been done Republican -
Oh really? How many cases are there? 194 with 253 counties in the state.
Feb 27-
Gov. Greg Abbott Shares State’s Coronavirus Action Plan

Since the Governor’s first emergency declaration last Friday, the number of Covid-19 cases in Texas has jumped from 39 to 83 Wednesday and to 143 Thursday.

More than 2,300 people in Texas are being monitored for possibly having the virus.

Four people have died.

Governor Abbott issued a warning for those who ignore the order.

“The state now has quarantine authority. We don’t want to exercise that authority. If Texans are irresponsible in behavior though, there are more tools where we can be more aggressive.”
Yeah, if they have the virus and are told to self quarantine and they don’t then action can be taken.
Abbott got off his ass YESTERDAY imposing state restrictions -

another do nothing until the damage has been done Republican -
Oh really? How many cases are there? 194 with 253 counties in the state.
Feb 27-
Gov. Greg Abbott Shares State’s Coronavirus Action Plan

Since the Governor’s first emergency declaration last Friday, the number of Covid-19 cases in Texas has jumped from 39 to 83 Wednesday and to 143 Thursday.

More than 2,300 people in Texas are being monitored for possibly having the virus.

Four people have died.

Governor Abbott issued a warning for those who ignore the order.

“The state now has quarantine authority. We don’t want to exercise that authority. If Texans are irresponsible in behavior though, there are more tools where we can be more aggressive.”

4 people dying is certainly a good reason to destroy the economy and lives of 330 million....
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
who was the author of the brilliant
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
for what reason? I live in Illinois and were in a lock down. perhaps you don't know what you're talking about.
Illinois lock down as New York and California, was called by the governor. I am asking why Trump does not call a lock down for the whole country.
Another example that you are suffering from thejc456 virus.
He does not have that power. Be specific now and cite for us the paragraph section and article of the Constitution that bestows upon the President the power to order all States to lock down.
War Powers act, which he has already invoked but has not used
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
who was the author of the brilliant
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
for what reason? I live in Illinois and were in a lock down. perhaps you don't know what you're talking about.
Illinois lock down as New York and California, was called by the governor. I am asking why Trump does not call a lock down for the whole country.
Another example that you are suffering from thejc456 virus.
He does not have that power. Be specific now and cite for us the paragraph section and article of the Constitution that bestows upon the President the power to order all States to lock down.
War Powers act, which he has already invoked but has not used
No, he didn’t.
Trump Invokes Defense Production Act to Get Medical Supplies to Hospitals
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

no rhyme, reason, logic, fact or answer is good enough for Trumps collective of ass kissers - they are what they are.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

Only in the Dimm denizens of the East and West coasts.
Flyover country is doing fine, maybe with the exception of the Shitcago area.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
The question I would like to ask Donald Trump

The states of California, New York and Washington were similar to the midwest and most states just 3 weeks ago as far as the number of coronavirus cases.

Why not put the whole country in lock down, now, rather than wait for all states to be as bad as California, New York and Washington.
That is what Hong Kong and Singapore did with good results.
I do my share a threads that are on the edge. I scan over many threads and miss others. But some people seem to not be American citizens in that they are apologists for everything. I at one time believed that we push ourselves on others to much. And maybe we do at times. But not like what we hear from our own citizens today. We live good and you apologize for it. Watch this shut down continue long enough and you won't be apologizing. I can only imagine what people who lived through the Great Depression would have thought of getting paid to stay home. Only a total idiot could believe this can last for a lengthy period of time. Perhaps the winds of war needs to start again. You have to wonder if the poorer people in the world will handle this better then us as they have much less to lose. We are a three million square mile nation with 350 million people that travel more then anyone else and you want to put it all in lock down! Singapore and Hong Kong are cities. Cities used to sterner rule and populations that are not slobs, pigs, arrogant, nasty, acidic, ignorant and other fine virtues at least anywhere near our degree. I wondered at times what it would be to live in a much poorer environment. We may get our Waterloo if not careful.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
Can't read.
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.
......panickers!! most of the cases are mild --do not need medical attention why do they need all those beds???!!
Can't read.
over 80% of the cases are mild--no medical attention needed
South Carolina is pretty much in lock down.

View attachment 313665
Do you EVER listen to the news or read the paper? During our normal flu season, do you recall a lot of news about how your local hospital is out of beds? They're calling out the military's hospital ships. Elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely. Some states are talking about setting up TENTS to treat the regular hospital patients. Trump wants manufacturers in this country to switch to making respirators, protective equipment, etc. This is apparently not a normal flu, in that it spreads so rapidly, those who are going to need hospital stays are going to flood the system all at once. It is spreading exponentially, and while most are not going to need hospitalization, the sheer size of the numbers catching it all at once is what has everyone hustling.

There are currently 984 cases of Wuhan virus in California. EVEN if every last one were hospitalized - which is not the case - you're saying that there are not 984 hospital beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA? :eek:

Look, you want to spread panic to create hysteria and chaos, I get it. BUT at least do a sanity check on the absurd shit you're posting...
I'm not telling you anything--I'm just telling toobfreak why this isn't a "normal flu."
Look, I do hear your reservations--I question the really dire predictions, too. But I truly don't think the powers that be all over the world would be tanking their economies with shutdowns and quarantines if there wasn't a reason for it.
No one said you had to believe it. Good luck to you.

You're right. It's somewhat more virulent than the normal flu.
But steady as it goes, we will get through it.

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