The REAL eason why climate change is political

So-called "climate science" has been singularly unable to make any predictions that are accurate.

Given how good all the predictions by climate science have been for 40 years running now, only the most desperate and dishonest denier cultists still stoop to telling that whopper. You're plainly jealous of the success of mainstream science, and of the credibility it's earned through that success.

In contrast, your kook fringe political cult has failed completely with every prediction over those 40 years. For example, you were predicting an ice age in the 1970s (while the scientists were predicting warming), you've predicted that ice age non-stop for 40 years running now, and you're still predicting how that ice age will arrive any day now. The world just keeps warming strongly, but that doesn't matter to you. The denier religion says the HolyIceAge will arrive, so you BELIEVE.

Your cult's perfect record of abject failure is why the whole planet defines you and you cult as zero-credibility kooks. You're trying to gain credibility by crying about how unfair it is that everyone keeps laughing at your failures. That's not how it works in science. If you want credibility, you have to earn it, like the scientists have, and you don't earn it with public tantrums.
Bullshit, the medieval warm period was much warmer,

Not according to the data. Therefore, you ignore that data, and make up your own snowflake reality.

but you folks don't want to talk about that do ya?

On the contrary. We like to take advantage of any opportunity to point out denier fraud.

So, why did you make up that story? Did you know you were pushing a fraud, or had you cult just bamboozled you with idiot propaganda?
These anti-renewable energy people want us to cease all efforts towards developing renewable energy

Au contraire. But if it's going to be so profitable and lucrative, all research should be privately funded and no tax dollar subsidies.

We want them to be able to say 'I built this'.

Because pollution and energy have no place in the national interest..

lolol, got it.

Pollution is the bi-product of civilisation. Own it.
The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?
so billy, you got all the data on the 8 million years of climate on the planet? Didn't think so, but you think you know how it works. And you post a thread like this. what a fking fool.
Bullshit, the medieval warm period was much warmer,

Not according to the data. Therefore, you ignore that data, and make up your own snowflake reality.

but you folks don't want to talk about that do ya?

On the contrary. We like to take advantage of any opportunity to point out denier fraud.

So, why did you make up that story? Did you know you were pushing a fraud, or had you cult just bamboozled you with idiot propaganda?
what data would that be tooth? You haven't won one battle on climate in this forum. so another failed attempt to push bad data I see. Why didn't you post it?
COWARD! The point is that you can't answer these basic climate/weather questions,

Sure we can. We just chose to point out that you were evading the topic in a most chickenshit manner by asking irrelevant questions, so now you're having a snowflake meltdown. I'm guessing that you can't even answer your own questions. Can you prove me wrong?

If you've got an argument, have the guts to state it clearly. Don't pull some "WAAAAA! I DEMAND YOU ANSWER MY IRRELEVANT QUESTIONS, OR I WIN!" evasion, because everyone will laugh at such cult weasel tactics.
You're forgetting the second part. When your predictive models fail, you MUST revise your theory.

Then why won't deniers ever revise any of their their failed theories? You've just admitted your "science" is actually more like a religion. Thanks for playing.

Now, the rational people, we have it much easier, because the models have been very good. Not perfect, but that's why they're constantly being tweaked. Of course, the models aren't even necessary. If no models existed, global warming theory would still be proven, being how the directly measured physical data supports global warming theory, and contradicts denier theories. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.
You're forgetting the second part. When your predictive models fail, you MUST revise your theory.

Then why won't deniers ever revise any of their their failed theories? You've just admitted your "science" is actually more like a religion. Thanks for playing.

Now, the rational people, we have it much easier, because the models have been very good. Not perfect, but that's why they're constantly being tweaked. Of course, the models aren't even necessary. If no models existed, global warming theory would still be proven, being how the directly measured physical data supports global warming theory, and contradicts denier theories. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.
The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.


That's hilariously stupid logic you're using. "Climate changed naturally in the past, so humans can't change climate!".

According to that moron logic, since forest fires always happened naturally in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

The fact that is was cold during the LIA in no way says or implies that humans can't cause strong global warming.
In other words, you're a fraud.

I thought you were done wasting time with me? You shouldn't make promises and then break them immediately.

You responded to links you never read as if you did.

But I did read them, on previous occasions. I told you that.

You're just weeping at me out of sheer butthurt now. Don't feel too badly about it. Most deniers eventually reach that stage, after receiving repeated spankings.
The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.


That's hilariously stupid logic you're using. "Climate changed naturally in the past, so humans can't change climate!".

According to that moron logic, since forest fires always happened naturally in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

The fact that is was cold during the LIA in no way says or implies that humans can't cause strong global warming.

Of course, you're too fucking stupid to get the point. Climate alarmists, like the idiot Billy000 just did, claim "climate change" started with the industrial revolution. Unfortunately for such stupidity, the historical record shows the earth has been warming for over 500 years. The recent record of warming therefor doesn't prove a thing.
The Deleware hasn't iced over like that for over 100 years.


That's hilariously stupid logic you're using. "Climate changed naturally in the past, so humans can't change climate!".

According to that moron logic, since forest fires always happened naturally in the past, humans can't cause forest fires.

The fact that is was cold during the LIA in no way says or implies that humans can't cause strong global warming.

What kind of logic is that trying to compare climate change to Forrest fires?

If man was so special he could make it rain ?


The ONLY reason why the rightwing initially doubted the science on climate change is because republicans in office told them to. That's it. And yes, I am referring to independent conservatives as well. The rightwing listens to anything those Neanderthals in office say.

Once republicans in office denied climate change because they were bought off by the fossil fuel industry, the republican dick-sucking network known as Fox News ran with it. From there, their simple minded stupid audience bought into it too.

If the fossil fuel industry never made the GOP their bitch in the first place, this wouldn't even be a political issue.

Then we have Trump in his typical 5 year old boy fashion, pulled the US from the Paris Accord and cited a made-up global conspiracy to undermine the US economically. God he is a moron. Oh and just in case you didn't know Trumpsters, the man you now worship used to publicly criticize Obama for not doing enough about climate change. Further proof that Trump has no core principles. Why do Trumpsters not see that by now?

When literally every government on earth says that climate change is real and the republicans are still in denial, you have to wonder if it is simply because repubs are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about this issue all along. Maybe they are scared of the truth?

These 22 Republican Senators Got Paid By Exxon To Urge Trump To Ditch Paris Climate Accords

Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns

Donald Trump once backed urgent climate action. Wait, what?

You left out the links of how many of the "scientists" are told what conclusion to parrot in return for their grants. But do go on with your fantasy and conspiracy theory. It's just so darling when you get all wound up.
You left out the links of how many of the "scientists" are told what conclusion to parrot in return for their grants.

How many? None.

That was easy.

We do get it. You'd lie for money, everyone in your cult will lie for money, so you assume all people will lie for money. That's not how it works. We are not like you.
Of course, you're too fucking stupid to get the point. Climate alarmists, like the idiot Billy000 just did, claim "climate change" started with the industrial revolution. Unfortunately for such stupidity, the historical record shows the earth has been warming for over 500 years. The recent record of warming therefor doesn't prove a thing.

Didn't I just show that your "climate has changed naturally, so humans can't change climate!" point was quite retarded?

Why yes, I did. The result? You simply repeat the same stupid claims at higher volume.

I suppose that such religious mantras give you comfort in these difficult times for your cult. Stay true to your faith, Bri. It's all you have. It's not like you can think.
Of course, you're too fucking stupid to get the point. Climate alarmists, like the idiot Billy000 just did, claim "climate change" started with the industrial revolution. Unfortunately for such stupidity, the historical record shows the earth has been warming for over 500 years. The recent record of warming therefor doesn't prove a thing.

Didn't I just show that your "climate has changed naturally, so humans can't change climate!" point was quite retarded?.

Why yes, I did. The result? You simply repeat the same stupid claims at higher volume.

That wasn't my point, moron. You can't address what I said, so you make stuff up. Of course, you are too fucking stupid to understand the difference between what I actually said and what you claim I said.

I suppose that such religious mantras give you comfort in these difficult times for you cult. Stay true to your faith, Bri. It's all you have. It's not like you can think.

It's hilarious watching members of the climate cult babble about their critics spouting "religious mantras"
You left out the links of how many of the "scientists" are told what conclusion to parrot in return for their grants.

How many? None.

That was easy.

We do get it. You'd lie for money, everyone in your cult will lie for money, so you assume all people will lie for money. That's not how it works. We are not like you.

That 20 year old tipping point is sure taking a long time to tip over the edge. Tick tock.

Advice from a guy with an actual Science degree or

Missing - Omitted - Excluded Data

Man made global warming is a myth and unprovable. It's based on faulty computer models built on manipulated and omitted data.
You cannot build a model like that and exclude variables like cloud cover, the tilt and wobble of the Earth's axis, and the solar minimum and maximums.
Furthermore there is no reliable temperature data beyond the space era, and I am talking about not the 1960s, but it was not until the 1990s that we had enough satellite coverage to get a ROUGH SKETCH of what the average global temperature "might be".

I say "might be" because even satellites cannot measure the temperature of every square inch of the planet, and neither are there enough ground stations to accurately measure it either. We also have an accuracy issue with Ocean temperatures, which is a major flaw in the modeling and theory. We can only measure surface temps of the Ocean. We cannot measure the temperature at various depths unless we have a probe\buoy at that location. And even then we cannot measure the temperature at any depth all over the vast oceans of the Earth with any certainty. The Earth is simply too large a system to be measured by too few instruments in too few locations.

The Difficulty of Measuring CO2 Levels Globally

We also cannot accurately measure global CO2 concentrations. We just make educated guesses. We have the same problem with temperature measurements as we do with CO2. We simply cannot measure every square inch of the atmosphere to get an accurate picture of CO2 levels. CO2 near volcanic islands like Hawaii where our so called "Scientists" measure CO2 at Mauna Loa cannot be reliably depended upon and extrapolated as a global average. Volcanoes are contaminating the readings at Mauna Loa because they dump massive amounts of CO2 in the upper atmosphere. This is completely unreliable data. One Volcano in one day can spew out more CO2 than an entire year's industrial output of the most heavily industrialized nation. Even bringing humanity to zero CO2 emissions, and asking all of us to simply quit breathing will be fruitless if even one volcano on planet Earth erupts.

The Truth about Climate in Paleogeology.

Rock sampling is the way to go. When igneous rock is formed, it more or less locks in the atmospheric conditions at the time of it's formation. Think of things like Granite, Feldspar, Dolemite etc. The rock is dated, and the CO2 levels can be assessed. Even this method, which is the most accurate way of measuring prehistoric CO2 levels is not completely accurate but it's the best we have. Using this method we see that the Earth has had abundant life at all sorts of different concentrations of CO2 all through it's geologic history. CO2 is a non factor when it comes to bio diversity and life thriving on Earth unless you want to discuss it's greening factor when there are higher concentrations of it. It's a trace gas and has little effect on climate.

Don't Throw Stones at Glass Houses

We don't live in a Greenhouse. Greenhouse gas theory....and that is exactly what it is....a theory is based on a faulty premise that "The Greenhouse" traps all solar radiation or IR. This is completely false. Someone had a good imagination though, but it's a fairy tale. Heat escapes from the Earth continually, and not only that CO2 is very poor at trapping heat. It has ZERO IR TRANSITIVE properties. What that means is that as a molecule it reflects as much IR as it absorbs meaning that speaking from a physics perspective it is neutral in this regard.

Hey You Kids, Keep Your Politics Off Of My Green Lawn!

Lastly, the primary driver of Anthropogenic Global Warming theory is not actually science or facts. Theories are NEVER "Settled Science" They are educated guesses made about things we really don't understand. That is correct....we do not understand our own Climate and why exactly we have ICE AGES, and Warming Trends which have occurred for 4 Billion Years with zero input from Man. AGW is a funding instrument for research and the green industry. So was the ozone hole scare, so was the impending doom of the Next Ice Age scare before it.

AGW also servers as political leverage to coerce and entice Sovereign Nations to adopt Globalist Government and allow themselves to be placed under Global Taxation. This flies completely in opposition to The American Principle of Taxation without Representation, and it is an Usurping of our rights to govern ourselves, and to determine our own destiny. It's a trojan horse rolled up to our gates, waiting for the gullible and the useful idiots to roll it inside the wall as if it were a prize, a war trophy. But inside are the seeds of destruction just waiting for the right moment to subjugate and conquer us from within.

With gifts like that from so called 'friends' who needs enemies?

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Bullshit, the medieval warm period was much warmer,

Not according to the data. Therefore, you ignore that data, and make up your own snowflake reality.

but you folks don't want to talk about that do ya?

On the contrary. We like to take advantage of any opportunity to point out denier fraud.

So, why did you make up that story? Did you know you were pushing a fraud, or had you cult just bamboozled you with idiot propaganda?

Data, you mean all the data that has been manipulated by "scientist" to show more warming than has actually occurred?


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