The real reason the left hates Trump...

Thinking like that is why we hate trump.

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So that would be the left -- the entire left -- the Swamp Republicans -- and you.

So because republicans think liberals are the enemy is the fault of liberals?

You, sir are an idiot.

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If history has taught us anything, it's taught us that liberals don't and won't take responsibility for anything. Nice of you to confirm that...dumbass.

Get therapy...dumbass.

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Get a clue...AH.


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Why would anyone hate Trump?

Hateful people hate.

If they can't come up with a reason to hate, they'll make one up.

That's just who they are.

Wow. that's a relief, Vichy Mac. Now, here i was thinking I was hating Trump because he throws children in concentration camps....mocks the disabled... brags about assaulting women...disrespects Gold Star Families... you know, stuff I was told decent people don't do.

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