The Real Reason the Once Great City of Detroit Came to Ruin

Capitalists used up Detroit and left when they were done
Democraps and unions sucked it dry.

Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit
Capitalists used up Detroit and left when they were done
Democraps and unions sucked it dry.

Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?
Unions stood up for unsustainable wages and benefits, including a "jobs bank" at GM that meant people could retire only actually having worked 15 or 16 years.
Yeah, unions fucked the auto makers and fucked Detroit. And of course their own membership.
Speculation is gay. The only thing that matters is who the people think fucked up Detroit because, as we all know, reality is 95% perception. Detroit is the model for the failure of liberal idea's and everybody knows it.......a handful of hyperpartisan k00ks on the internet wont be changing that perception.

And who cant love JoeB's tall tale >>> "Of course, what really gave the Japanese and German carmakers a boost was that they were developing fuel efficient cars while Detroit kept cranking out the same gas guzzlers. Which ended up really sucking when gasoline shot up"......... my God lad, you are at the head of the Legion of Lefty Liars!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
Democraps and unions sucked it dry.

Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?
Unions stood up for unsustainable wages and benefits, including a "jobs bank" at GM that meant people could retire only actually having worked 15 or 16 years.
Yeah, unions fucked the auto makers and fucked Detroit. And of course their own membership.

But the UAW did manage to make their leaders wealthy, funnel millions into the DNC, and get saved by an obozo bailout.

For you libs------the auto bailout was not to save GM and Chrysler------it was to save the UAW. Wake the fuck up and smell the truth.
Democraps and unions sucked it dry.

Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

Competitiveness of the US Car industry? Detroit cars were not overpriced. They were poorly designed and out of date. They substituted big engines and bling for good engineering. The capitalists raped the US car industry chasing short term profits
The city thrived when they had workers making good wages where they could afford a decent life and even afford the cars they were building. Look at Henry Ford
Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

Competitiveness of the US Car industry? Detroit cars were not overpriced. They were poorly designed and out of date. They substituted big engines and bling for good engineering. The capitalists raped the US car industry chasing short term profits
The city thrived when they had workers making good wages where they could afford a decent life and even afford the cars they were building. Look at Henry Ford

I said that, (in red). Poor management, crappy products, and greedy unions = failure

But fear not-------under the obama philosophy failure is rewarded, hence the bailouts.

liberal lunacy in action.
That's the dumbest post you've made yet.

There is a vibrant auto industry in the US. It just isnt in Detroit.
Detroit was mismanaged by blacks for years, and received generous federal funds for years. The feds wouldn't prosecute corruption because it was a black Dem city.

You look at Pittsburg and you see what happens when responsible leadership runs a city.

Guy, two of the three major US Automakers required government bailouts, and one of them was acquired by the Italians.

And frankly, Pittsburgh isn't that much better off than Detroit. Neither is Cleveland, which was run by Republicans for years, and is largely a burned out husk of a city.

Now, I do take issue with OnePercerters characterization that the "Japs" were allowed to dump by Reagan. In fact, it was quite the oppossite. Reagan realized the Japanese companies were "Dumping" (i.e. selling products in the US at a discount to put American manufacturers under) and he put a stop to it. Which is why so many Japanese Car Makers opened factories in the US, using retired Big THree workers as labor.

Of course, what really gave the Japanese and German carmakers a boost was that they were developing fuel efficient cars while Detroit kept cranking out the same gas guzzlers. Which ended up really sucking when gasoline shot up.

Josef B Pathological Liar

Cleveland's had 11 Mayors since the end of WWII: 2 Republicans, guess the Party of other 9

He has no peer...........the biggest phoney on the forums.:D Half the shit he posts is pure fantasy.
Democraps and unions sucked it dry.

Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

German and Japanese autoworkers make a good wage with benefits. Their autocompanies invested in engineering and preferred long term investment to short term profits.
The Capitalists in Detroit paid multimillion dollar salaries to CEOs who gutted the manufacturing infrastructure but kept the dividends high

It was the Capitalists chasing short term profits that gutted Detroit and then abandoned it when they soaked the last dollar out of it
Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

German and Japanese autoworkers make a good wage with benefits. Their autocompanies invested in engineering and preferred long term investment to short term profits.
The Capitalists in Detroit paid multimillion dollar salaries to CEOs who gutted the manufacturing infrastructure but kept the dividends high

It was the Capitalists chasing short term profits that gutted Detroit and then abandoned it when they soaked the last dollar out of it

German and Jap cars have $2000 less of labor cost per vehicle. They dont make anywhere near what American auto workers make, on an adjusted basis. Try selling something with a $2k price disadvantage in a competitive market. But they can't help that as they are stuck with UAW contracts.
Deytoit's problem wasnt auto makers. It was Democrats. Black liberal Democrats. They suck. They destroy everything they touch.
Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

German and Japanese autoworkers make a good wage with benefits. Their autocompanies invested in engineering and preferred long term investment to short term profits.
The Capitalists in Detroit paid multimillion dollar salaries to CEOs who gutted the manufacturing infrastructure but kept the dividends high

It was the Capitalists chasing short term profits that gutted Detroit and then abandoned it when they soaked the last dollar out of it

That was only half of the problem, yes, they put out crappy products in the 70s and 80s, yes, management was greedy and corrupt. But, the UAW was equally corrupt. The union stole the workers money (forced them to pay) and then used that money to bribe politicians at the local, state, and federal level to get more union power.

To put all the blame on only one side of the equation is ignorant--------or, in your case, partisan bias and stupidity.

As to the Japanese car makers, no unions, when you go to work for a japanese company it becomes your family, it is a lifetime relationship with mutual respect and caring.
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Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

German and Japanese autoworkers make a good wage with benefits. Their autocompanies invested in engineering and preferred long term investment to short term profits.
The Capitalists in Detroit paid multimillion dollar salaries to CEOs who gutted the manufacturing infrastructure but kept the dividends high

It was the Capitalists chasing short term profits that gutted Detroit and then abandoned it when they soaked the last dollar out of it

Yeah the UAW pays a horrible, below subsistence wage, that's what brought Detroit down.

You Lefties are just pathological and detached from reality

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
The question was: Why is it no other city run by white people ever experienced what Detroit did?

Vegas isn't billions of dollars in the hole....

Tell that to MGM/Mirage that had to sell Treasure Island to make payroll.

Only 1/2 of Trump was finished

Fountain Bleu


City Center

El Rancho Property

Sahara Hotel

Frontier Property

I'm at $12.5 billion. Do you want me to go on?

And surprise surprise those are all PRIVATE companies. They took risks and the depression hurt the hell out of them. The taxpayers though are not on the hook for that money, the investors ARE.
Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?

The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

Competitiveness of the US Car industry? Detroit cars were not overpriced. They were poorly designed and out of date. They substituted big engines and bling for good engineering. The capitalists raped the US car industry chasing short term profits
The city thrived when they had workers making good wages where they could afford a decent life and even afford the cars they were building. Look at Henry Ford

If that's true why are workers at places like Toyota doing well even though they don't make union wages? of course they're employed so that probably helps. but they don't have the BS "work rules" that strangled GM. And please note it took decades for the unions to kill Detroit.....we're just enjoying the final moments as it were.
The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

Competitiveness of the US Car industry? Detroit cars were not overpriced. They were poorly designed and out of date. They substituted big engines and bling for good engineering. The capitalists raped the US car industry chasing short term profits
The city thrived when they had workers making good wages where they could afford a decent life and even afford the cars they were building. Look at Henry Ford

If that's true why are workers at places like Toyota doing well even though they don't make union wages? of course they're employed so that probably helps. but they don't have the BS "work rules" that strangled GM. And please note it took decades for the unions to kill Detroit.....we're just enjoying the final moments as it were.

The unions did not design the cars. They did not decide where the profits went. They were not the ones who decided not to invest in modern technology. They were not the ones who decided to grossly overpay executives

All unions did was look out for workers who wanted good wages, health benefits and a chace to retire
The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.

Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit

Competitiveness of the US Car industry? Detroit cars were not overpriced. They were poorly designed and out of date. They substituted big engines and bling for good engineering. The capitalists raped the US car industry chasing short term profits
The city thrived when they had workers making good wages where they could afford a decent life and even afford the cars they were building. Look at Henry Ford

If that's true why are workers at places like Toyota doing well even though they don't make union wages? of course they're employed so that probably helps. but they don't have the BS "work rules" that strangled GM. And please note it took decades for the unions to kill Detroit.....we're just enjoying the final moments as it were.

to top it off the non-union car factories in the south are doing great, paying good wages and benefits and putting out great products-------BMW, Mercedes, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, Mazda, Nisson, VW.

Unions have outlived their usefullness-------what they fought for in the 20s and 30s is now law. But the unions did manage to kill the US textile, shipbuilding, steel, and electronics manufacturing industries.

Oh, and they did manage to funnel millions into the DNC----millions that were taken from their hourly working members.
Competitiveness of the US Car industry? Detroit cars were not overpriced. They were poorly designed and out of date. They substituted big engines and bling for good engineering. The capitalists raped the US car industry chasing short term profits
The city thrived when they had workers making good wages where they could afford a decent life and even afford the cars they were building. Look at Henry Ford

If that's true why are workers at places like Toyota doing well even though they don't make union wages? of course they're employed so that probably helps. but they don't have the BS "work rules" that strangled GM. And please note it took decades for the unions to kill Detroit.....we're just enjoying the final moments as it were.

The unions did not design the cars. They did not decide where the profits went. They were not the ones who decided not to invest in modern technology. They were not the ones who decided to grossly overpay executives

All unions did was look out for workers who wanted good wages, health benefits and a chace to retire

Horseshit----------total unadulterated horseshit
Well lets look at the culprits
Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires
The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures
Who is the villian here?
The UAW, when they forced the US auto industry into paying wages and benefits that were not in line with the skills required for the jobs, they destroyed the competitiveness of the US car industry. When they negotiated "no-layoff" contracts they took away the work ethic of the workers. Combine that with a greedy 'don"t give a shit' management, bribes to democrat politiicians and the result is a dead corrupt city.
Democrats, unions, liberals, and minority rule = Detroit
German and Japanese autoworkers make a good wage with benefits. Their autocompanies invested in engineering and preferred long term investment to short term profits.
The Capitalists in Detroit paid multimillion dollar salaries to CEOs who gutted the manufacturing infrastructure but kept the dividends high
It was the Capitalists chasing short term profits that gutted Detroit and then abandoned it when they soaked the last dollar out of it
If that's true why are workers at places like Toyota doing well even though they don't make union wages? of course they're employed so that probably helps. but they don't have the BS "work rules" that strangled GM. And please note it took decades for the unions to kill Detroit.....we're just enjoying the final moments as it were.
The unions did not design the cars. They did not decide where the profits went. They were not the ones who decided not to invest in modern technology. They were not the ones who decided to grossly overpay executives
All unions did was look out for workers who wanted good wages, health benefits and a chace to retire
Horseshit----------total unadulterated horseshit

The Unions did perhaps ask for a bit too much.....but the sell-out states in the south that SUBSIDIZED foreign manufactures also contributed...... I think I saw once a state in the South subsidized an auto manufactorers jobs to the tuneof 1000,000 per job created. "economic development" is usually just another name for graft.

Detroit is just the future of America if we dont weed out the corruption. Anybody who thinks it has something to do with which major puppet party is in charge is an idiot.

here is a video initially talking about the financial collapse of America
[ame=]Keiser Report: Behind the CNN Curtain! (E594) - YouTube[/ame]
Detroit needs food stamps and unemployment to kick start the local Obama economy

Kick-starting is too much work for liberals.

They prefer to lie by the tailpipe and suck-start.

Smarter ones get away quick so they don't get their lips burned. Most, though, just talk funny afterwards.

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