The Real Reason the Once Great City of Detroit Came to Ruin

Actually Detroit's problem is four fold.

1. Reagan allowing the Japs to product dump.
2. The big three building CRAP for a number of years.
3. The slaughter of the middle class by Republicans through disproportionate income.
4. Old people not wanting to vote school bonds because their kids were already grown.

None of which were Detroit's problems.
You can deflect all you like. The article in the OP tells it all. And tells the facts.
Discussion over.
Actually Detroit's problem is four fold.

1. Reagan allowing the Japs to product dump.
2. The big three building CRAP for a number of years.
3. The slaughter of the middle class by Republicans through disproportionate income.
4. Old people not wanting to vote school bonds because their kids were already grown.

That's the dumbest post you've made yet.

There is a vibrant auto industry in the US. It just isnt in Detroit.
Detroit was mismanaged by blacks for years, and received generous federal funds for years. The feds wouldn't prosecute corruption because it was a black Dem city.

You look at Pittsburg and you see what happens when responsible leadership runs a city.

The Pittsburgh steel industry that was decimated by Jap dumping?

Stop with the "Jap" shit...You have no idea what you're talking about. And it never happened..
BTW I happened to notice...The stamping on the storm drain grate in front of my house says right on it....."Made in India"....
The facts about the steel industry in the US are indeed sad.
One, the unions made labor so expensive that US based steel companies simply could not compete. Two other countries had companies that made steel in a more efficient and less costly process making their product less costly on the open market. Of course guess what happened..US based companies started buying their steel from these over seas companies.
Pittsburgh was saved because the people in charge decided it was a very good idea to diversify the local economy...Unlike Detroit, which had all of its economic eggs in the auto industry basket. Short sighted. Bad move.
The Pittsburgh steel industry that was decimated by Jap dumping?
Yet they thrive today.

Good on them that they didn't sit around and whine.

Thrive isn't the word I'd use. Half the population from 1950 to 2010. The city ranked number 12 in 1950, and 61 in 2010.

What's that got to do with anything?
Those that moved away never came back. But those that stayed to help the city battle back, are doing quite well. Why so bitter over this?
Don't just you love it when ever-so politically correct, anti-racism liberals degenerate into racist rants?

Though it's getting harder to find novel since it been happening so often of late.
Yet they thrive today.

Good on them that they didn't sit around and whine.

Thrive isn't the word I'd use. Half the population from 1950 to 2010. The city ranked number 12 in 1950, and 61 in 2010.

How are they doing compared to Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA or Bessemer AL?

Allentown looks pretty good. There is a gigantic medical center there now. Other industries have moved in . Warehousing logistics and high tech.
Allentown's lower than NJ taxes, has a major interstate (78) which puts the city less than 90 mins form New York, And a major airport that has far cheaper landing fees than Philly or the NY Metro airports. There is also a large intermodal complex at ABE Airport.
There are people that commute to NYC from the ABE area for work. The cost of living is cheaper, housing prices are lower and the taxes are MUCH lower than in NJ.
About 20 years ago the one project that set forth the rebirth of Allentown and environs was the completion of the I-78 bridge that connects NJ and PA across the Delaware River.
So where did they go next? Austin, TX? Miami, FL? Why is it no other city run by white people ever experienced what Detroit did?

What about Vegas where the majority of people worked for or provided support for one industry?

Who is discussing Las Vegas? That city depends upon tourism..What's your point?

The question was: Why is it no other city run by white people ever experienced what Detroit did?
Thrive isn't the word I'd use. Half the population from 1950 to 2010. The city ranked number 12 in 1950, and 61 in 2010.

How are they doing compared to Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA or Bessemer AL?

Allentown looks pretty good. There is a gigantic medical center there now. Other industries have moved in . Warehousing logistics and high tech.
Allentown's lower than NJ taxes, has a major interstate (78) which puts the city less than 90 mins form New York, And a major airport that has far cheaper landing fees than Philly or the NY Metro airports. There is also a large intermodal complex at ABE Airport.
There are people that commute to NYC from the ABE area for work. The cost of living is cheaper, housing prices are lower and the taxes are MUCH lower than in NJ.
About 20 years ago the one project that set forth the rebirth of Allentown and environs was the completion of the I-78 bridge that connects NJ and PA across the Delaware River.

Perhaps HH was referring to Scranton, PA which in 2012 cut municipal salaries to minimum wage and has lost half its residents since WW2.
For Scranton residents, bankruptcy is an inviting option -
Who is discussing Las Vegas? That city depends upon tourism..What's your point?

The question was: Why is it no other city run by white people ever experienced what Detroit did?

Vegas isn't billions of dollars in the hole....

Tell that to MGM/Mirage that had to sell Treasure Island to make payroll.

Only 1/2 of Trump was finished

Fountain Bleu


City Center

El Rancho Property

Sahara Hotel

Frontier Property

I'm at $12.5 billion. Do you want me to go on?
It is not just Detroit. Atlanta's school system is a joke. LA Unified and Chicago has some of the lowest test scores in the nation, despite spending the most. Violence, poverty, failure--those are the results of Democrat policies.

Wisconsin, among a few other red states, is flourishing. Its economy is roaring, there is a budget surplus and a balanced budget.

What are we to do if we wish to fix the situation? Detroit was flooded with low educated, low income people. How do you turn that around? How do you turn around the education of children that come from low educated poor homes? Families with parents that barely can fend for themselves let alone their children. I guess what I am asking is how do we break the cycle? One method tried in Detroit was a failure and it seems we are trying the same thing in other places, as you point out, and nationally. I see no easy answer. But flooding the country with more low educated poor certainly isn't one.

This is why segregation as we see in so many of our cities is a very bad thing. How we change that I do not know. For those who are poor and less educated, their children face an uphill battle to become successful productive adults. It is a bad cycle, and it is not easily broken. Saying that people just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and find their own way may sound grand, but in reality it doesn't do a thing to address the real problems we face.
Actually Detroit's problem is four fold.

1. Reagan allowing the Japs to product dump.
2. The big three building CRAP for a number of years.
3. The slaughter of the middle class by Republicans through disproportionate income.
4. Old people not wanting to vote school bonds because their kids were already grown.

That's the dumbest post you've made yet.

There is a vibrant auto industry in the US. It just isnt in Detroit.
Detroit was mismanaged by blacks for years, and received generous federal funds for years. The feds wouldn't prosecute corruption because it was a black Dem city.

You look at Pittsburg and you see what happens when responsible leadership runs a city.

Here is the thing: responsible leadership does not necessarily mean Republican leadership. It just means good leadership. As in the case of most American cities, Pittsburgh has not seen a Republican mayor since before the Great Depression. I'm not sure they have even had a single Republican city councilman.
Capitalists used up Detroit and left when they were done
Democraps and unions sucked it dry.

Well lets look at the culprits

Unions stood up for the workforce insisting on good wages, health benefits and a chance to someday retire. Detroit autoworkers did not retire as millionaires

The capitalists looked out for short term profits, designed crappy cars that nobody wanted to buy, refused to invest in modern facilities and then abandoned the city for greener pastures

Who is the villian here?
Actually Detroit's problem is four fold.

1. Reagan allowing the Japs to product dump.
2. The big three building CRAP for a number of years.
3. The slaughter of the middle class by Republicans through disproportionate income.
4. Old people not wanting to vote school bonds because their kids were already grown.

That's the dumbest post you've made yet.

There is a vibrant auto industry in the US. It just isnt in Detroit.
Detroit was mismanaged by blacks for years, and received generous federal funds for years. The feds wouldn't prosecute corruption because it was a black Dem city.

You look at Pittsburg and you see what happens when responsible leadership runs a city.

Guy, two of the three major US Automakers required government bailouts, and one of them was acquired by the Italians.

And frankly, Pittsburgh isn't that much better off than Detroit. Neither is Cleveland, which was run by Republicans for years, and is largely a burned out husk of a city.

Now, I do take issue with OnePercerters characterization that the "Japs" were allowed to dump by Reagan. In fact, it was quite the oppossite. Reagan realized the Japanese companies were "Dumping" (i.e. selling products in the US at a discount to put American manufacturers under) and he put a stop to it. Which is why so many Japanese Car Makers opened factories in the US, using retired Big THree workers as labor.

Of course, what really gave the Japanese and German carmakers a boost was that they were developing fuel efficient cars while Detroit kept cranking out the same gas guzzlers. Which ended up really sucking when gasoline shot up.
Actually Detroit's problem is four fold.

1. Reagan allowing the Japs to product dump.
2. The big three building CRAP for a number of years.
3. The slaughter of the middle class by Republicans through disproportionate income.
4. Old people not wanting to vote school bonds because their kids were already grown.


You fucking moron!!!!!!!!!!!!



LOLOLlolo thats hysterical!!!


That's the funniest stuff I read all day!

And you believe it too because you were told to believe it!

Actually Detroit's problem is four fold.

1. Reagan allowing the Japs to product dump.
2. The big three building CRAP for a number of years.
3. The slaughter of the middle class by Republicans through disproportionate income.
4. Old people not wanting to vote school bonds because their kids were already grown.

That's the dumbest post you've made yet.

There is a vibrant auto industry in the US. It just isnt in Detroit.
Detroit was mismanaged by blacks for years, and received generous federal funds for years. The feds wouldn't prosecute corruption because it was a black Dem city.

You look at Pittsburg and you see what happens when responsible leadership runs a city.

Guy, two of the three major US Automakers required government bailouts, and one of them was acquired by the Italians.

And frankly, Pittsburgh isn't that much better off than Detroit. Neither is Cleveland, which was run by Republicans for years, and is largely a burned out husk of a city.

Now, I do take issue with OnePercerters characterization that the "Japs" were allowed to dump by Reagan. In fact, it was quite the oppossite. Reagan realized the Japanese companies were "Dumping" (i.e. selling products in the US at a discount to put American manufacturers under) and he put a stop to it. Which is why so many Japanese Car Makers opened factories in the US, using retired Big THree workers as labor.

Of course, what really gave the Japanese and German carmakers a boost was that they were developing fuel efficient cars while Detroit kept cranking out the same gas guzzlers. Which ended up really sucking when gasoline shot up.

Josef B Pathological Liar

Cleveland's had 11 Mayors since the end of WWII: 2 Republicans, guess the Party of other 9
The question was: Why is it no other city run by white people ever experienced what Detroit did?

Vegas isn't billions of dollars in the hole....

Tell that to MGM/Mirage that had to sell Treasure Island to make payroll.

Only 1/2 of Trump was finished

Fountain Bleu


City Center

El Rancho Property

Sahara Hotel

Frontier Property

I'm at $12.5 billion. Do you want me to go on?

What does that have to do with anything? Is Las Vegas a burned out wreck on the verge of bankruptcy? No.

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