The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

If I were black and did well for myself, then my opinion would be I did it, why can't you? Instead they make excuses for them, and it makes me highly suspicious that they are not doing that well at all. They are not speaking on behalf of anybody else, they are speaking on behalf of themselves.

Yeah, Ray, but you've had all the advantages of being white, and you still ended up living in a slum and collecting welfare.
That's likely because blacks mostly kill blacks and whites mostly kill whites.

Let's look at the largest domestic terror attack of last year. A black guy and renown racist BLM supporter drove to an all white area where a parade was being held. He used his car to hit over 50 white people, killing 6 of them including an 8 year old white child. It disappeared from the news in less than a week. Unless you really look around, nobody even knows what happened to this terrorist.

Do you think he will be charged with a hate crime? Do you think he will even face the death penalty? It will be such a buried story we will probably never know. Now can you put your hand on the Holy Bible and swear to me that if this was a white attacker that went to an all black area to kill as many blacks as possible, it would be ignored like this story is?

Actually, as been explained to you numerous times, Wisconsin doesn't have a death penalty.

So we can say with a certain level of certainty that he won't face the death penalty.

Most criminal stories disappear after a week.

As far as them not treating him seriously...

Prosecutors have filed 71 new charges in their case against the suspect in last November's Waukesha, Wisconsin parade tragedy that left six people dead and dozens more injured.

Darrell Brooks was previously charged with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide related to the victims killed in the crash. Now, he is facing a total of 77 charges, according to online court records reviewed by NPR.

The new charges, filed on Wednesday, include 61 counts of first degree recklessly endangering safety with a dangerous weapon, six counts of committing a hit and run causing a death, two felony charges of bail jumping and two counts of domestic abuse.

Sounds to me like they are throwing the book at him.

I guarantee you they won’t be televising the trial, like they did with Kyle Rittenhouse - to make an example of the white boy who interfered with BLM’s destruction.

Actually, all cases in Wisconsin are televised. Will the national networks carry it like they did Shooty McFlopsweat? Probably not. Mostly because he won't get thousand of people contributing millions to his defense fund to put on a real show, but also because the legal issue will probably be whether or not his actions meet the legal definition of insanity.

He was mentally ill, but the legal standard is could he tell the difference between right and wrong. On the assumption he can afford expert witnesses, it's probably not going to be that interesting to hear a discussion about schizophrenia or paranoia.

But check it out, the ADL is pointing out how Neo-Nazis are exploiting this case. Good company you are finding yourself in these days, Lisa.

  • Thanks
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McDonald had a knife and was running down a busy street.
Floyd was operating a vehicle stoned out of his mind on PCP
Wright was attempting to flee in his vehicle

OK. Look. You're trolling now and just repeating what you have already said. Besides this is turning into a "last man talking contest"

It's debating style that's common on USMB. It's where you out-talk everyone and then claim victory once they all lose patience and give up. “See! No one can prove me wrong!”

The point is not to deepen your understanding or seek the truth or learn from others, but to make it into an argument that you “win”. If you can win on debating points, wonderful, but if all else fails you can always “win” by being the last man talking.

OK. You can have the last word if you want

I rarely stick up for Ray, but why not address his point.

Just because Van Dyke, Chauvin, and Potter were bad guys did not make McDonald, Floyd and Wright "Good guys". I can have a little sympathy for McDonald because there was mental illness in play, Floyd was endangering everyone on that street, and he had a long criminal record. Wright was attempting to flee because he had jumped bail on other criminal charges he was facing.

Now, there are "perfect" victims. Jean Botham was sitting in his apartment minding his own business. Sandra Bland was arrested for "contempt of cop" and killed herself because she wasn't carefully watched. Breonna Taylor was in her home, because the police had the wrong address. Anjanette Young was forced to stand naked in her own home handcuffed because the CPD had the wrong address.

Ironically, the one officer who acted decently in the Young case, Ella French, was praised for doing the right thing and insisting they get the woman some clothes, but was later killed in August by a suspect. COPA, on the other hand recommended a 3 day suspension for her, and didn't release their findings until AFTER she had been slain. .
LOL, what kind of sense would that make? For members of the race who instituted white supremacy as the law of the land to blame their own racism for their inability to get out of poverty?

You're not fooling anyone Lisa, none of you are.
Why is the nasty, angry black woman who refuses to acknowledge that poor blacks are so for the same reasons as poor whites (irresponsible behavior and stupid choices) still addressing me?

I told her that I am not going to condescend to someone who calls me evil simply for pointing out the obvious truth instead of blaming everything on racism.
Ray From Cleveland
McDonald had a knife and was running down a busy street.
Floyd was operating a vehicle stoned out of his mind on PCP
Wright was attempting to flee in his vehicle

OK. Look. You're trolling now and just repeating what you have already said. Besides this is turning into a "last man talking contest"

It's debating style that's common on USMB. It's where you out-talk everyone and then claim victory once they all lose patience and give up. “See! No one can prove me wrong!”

The point is not to deepen your understanding or seek the truth or learn from others, but to make it into an argument that you “win”. If you can win on debating points, wonderful, but if all else fails you can always “win” by being the last man talking.

OK. You can have the last word if you want

The debating style on USMB is to use actual quotes; actually it's a USMB violation if you make up quotes people never said in a discussion.

I don't come here for victory or defeat, only to present my points of view. I do so supporting my points with reliable studies, links, and even evidence.

I heed the words of the late Rush Limbaugh "Folks, you can never tell anybody they are wrong. They have to decide that for themselves. All you can do is give them the necessary tools so they can come to that conclusion on their own."
They're actually giving that stupid post "high fives." You're wasting time trying to reason with them. They're determined to remain thick as rocks. I'm beginning to believe it's their natural state.
All they’re doing is revealing how determined they are to keep poor blacks poor. All they have to do is not have a baby in high school and complete one’s education, and they’re not poor. Every single poor person alive I’ve come across - I volunteer teach financial literacy - has the same thing in common: they each had at least one baby as a teen, unmarried. THAT is what causes poverty.

The answer is in the very first paragraph of her opening post.

Amazing. I hope you're just being a wiseguy. But I think not. Sadly, your question was probably meant as a serious one. 😒
I think some of these leftists are either brain-dead or so mired in their own world of “whites are racist! Look at what they did in the 19th century!” that the can’t see the truth when it repeated as nauseum.

They simply refuse to admit that blacks can make bad choices and end up with a difficult life as a result. It’s always got to be an outside reason. At the same time, they gleefully show their disdain for poor whites, with their “white trash” label.
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Van Dyke, Chauvin, and Potter were bad guys did not make McDonald, Floyd and Wright "Good guys". I can have a little sympathy for McDonald because there was mental illness in play, Floyd was endangering everyone on that street, and he had a long criminal record. Wright was attempting to flee because he had jumped bail on other criminal charges he was facing.

But all you doing here is just repeating your point again. A point I have answered. Once again it comes back to the Adolf Hitler tactic. I like a debate to grow. When ppl just keep on repeating what they have already said. Now they are trolling


Now, there are "perfect" victims. Jean Botham was sitting in his apartment minding his own business. Sandra Bland was arrested for "contempt of cop" and killed herself because she wasn't carefully watched. Breonna Taylor was in her home, because the police had the wrong address. Anjanette Young was forced to stand naked in her own home handcuffed because the CPD had the wrong address.

And here another difference when Channon Christian and Newsome were murdered by black men. No black man or woman justified that. But part of white supremacist culture is always trying to justify why black people deserve to be killed and that's done by repeating the same lie over and over again .
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Ray From Cleveland
The debating style on USMB is to use actual quotes; actually it's a USMB violation if you make up quotes people never said in a discussion.

I admit I quoted the wrong person. I quoted something JoeB131 wrote but quoted you by mistake. I've deleted it now. But to be honest it still applies to both of you in that both of your debating styles is not to dispute but to dismiss and then repeat what yfrou have already said. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It's part of how your brain works.

The both of you are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you two is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.

Ray From Cleveland
I don't come here for victory or defeat, only to present my points of view.

Which is the white supremacist POV which is taken seriously and that's the issue. Guys like you are given the mic and taken seriouslty.
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Now, there are "perfect" victims. Jean Botham was sitting in his apartment minding his own business. Sandra Bland was arrested for "contempt of cop" and killed herself because she wasn't carefully watched. Breonna Taylor was in her home, because the police had the wrong address. Anjanette Young was forced to stand naked in her own home handcuffed because the CPD had the wrong address.

But once again and I don't want to repeat what I have wrote you. This does not apply to white people.

The value of white life to you is unconditional. The value of black life is conditional.

And people who think like you are taken seriously. People who think like you are in the Jury, are the Juder etc

You didn't apply that same rule to the father of Jeremy Mardis whose wife was banging the black guy and who was a wife beater and the reason the two blk cops were at his home was to arrest him for that but he sped off which ended up in a shoot out which his son was shot and killed

Take Nicole Simpson in the OJ case
  • No one belittled the killing of Nicole Simpson by quoting white crime statistics, saying “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?”
  • No one deflected by talking about white parenting or violence in white films.
  • No one made Nicole Simpson posters for target practice.
  • No one pretended to be a dead Nicole Simpson for laughs.
  • No one questioned Nicole Simpson’s character – or her choice in clothing.
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Ray From Cleveland
Why would it matter what race I was? I am white.

And that shapes how you think.

Ray From Cleveland
but don't use my race as a crutch like the rest of you do here.

That's because white people are not crutches. You live in a system of racism - white supremacy

Ray From Cleveland
I'm talking about law

And who creates the law ?

Ray From Cleveland
and you're talking about race since you have no argument of the laws even with your six page replies.

Look at the arrogance.
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Global Talking Machine. Y
You have sites like n*ggermania, chimpmania. No one is taken them down. You you can talk sh*t about black people all day. You have Nick Fuentes. You have Richard Spencer. You have Tucker Carlson. You have Ben Shapiro. You have Jared Taylor. You have Matt Heimbach.

White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, and now Elon Musk has took over Twitter that's gonna be like Klan rally, run a muck on facebook, run a muck on reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

You have stormfront. You have AmericanRennsance. We just finished two terms of Trump the most pro white POTUS ever. You EVEN have black ppl like Cndace Owens and Larry Elder speaking like a white supremacist

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you can read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

The white supremacist male male opinion is rammed down everyone's throats 24-7

And you still complain ?

That my and other blk ppl posts are such an affront to certain you speaks VOLUMES about the privilege you posses, where even a single small instance of contrary opinions are a threat to u. And causes you to erupt like a hilarious volcano (lol)

I don't come here to get angry, I come here for enjoyment. If I start getting angry over here, I'll find something better to do with my time. You are apparently reading way too much into my words.

In any case, you are so mired in race that you ignore the politics of race altogether. Most of the people, programming and institutions you listed belong to leftists, lock, stock and bond. As a pretty hard right person myself I'm against them and their practices as well. Hard to believe that you and I could ever be on the same side, huh?

I believe we have a US President that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime before taking office. I believe the media and social media are responsible for all those riots that spread coast to coast. It cost black businesses, closed some of them down, killed black people, put many in jail or prison, destroyed their communities, all for the sake of a dollar, and for leftist politicians to try and win the next presidential election, which they did by the way. I believe they hurt black communities by defunding their police departments, empowering criminals, not punishing criminals we were not allowed to even be near a firearm.

President Trump didn't serve two terms, he served one. Unlike Biden, you can't point to one actual racist thing the man said in his life. Under his leadership, black unemployment hit it's lowest point since records were kept. He signed the re-funding of historic black colleges that DumBama took away. He instituted prison reform that gave early release to non-violent offenders many which were black. He offered federal help to places like Chicago and Baltimore to help them bring down violence and murders they couldn't (and still can't) control. Of course they refused his offers. His strict border policies stopped many of these illegals from taking jobs from Americans, and yes, that benefited the black communities as well since they mostly migrated to liberal cities.

What I find disturbing about your comment is this opinion that any prominent black person that doesn't hold your views are white supremacists. In your world, blacks are either anti-white or white supremacists? That's pretty narrow minded, don't you think? And after all the struggles of blacks of the past that you and others often refer to here, blacks are only allowed to have one point of view?


[ suh-prem-uh-see, soo- ]

Definition of supremacy
the state of being supreme.
supreme authority or power.

So please tell me what Elder, Thomas or Owens ever said that ever hinted at white supremacy.
So you're not willing to bet anything huh, figures you'd punk out just like your heroes, who wouldn't have had to shoot their way out of a situation had they not inserted themselves into it.

I no longer a copy of the webpage on this computer but I'd say about 10 years ago the state of Florida actually had a statement on it's website where you apply for concealed carry that stated (paraphrased) "A permit to carry a concealed weapon does not grant permission to use your weapon". It then went on to advise anyone applying for or with a permit to familiarize themselves with the Florida statues governing lawful self-defense and other applicable statutes (such as prohibited places for example).

You have no idea how very amusing it is to observe your white male mansplaining especially when you are so very wrong about practically every salient point. And don't go attributing all of the bad habits and ignorance of your particular demographic to me. Even if I had slept through the course although I'm not sure how I would have gotten through the shooting portion had I not been awake, I would still be able to easily tell that YOU are the one who doesn't know what they're talking about.

I'm not going to argue with you about the case because it's water under the bridge but I will tell you exactly what you said that gives you away.

A concealed carry permit has NOTHING to do with the circumstances under which you can LAWFULLY use your firearm, for self-defense, The aforementioned Florida website even mentioned that a concealed carry permit does not grant police powers, it only grants permission from the government for you to carry it on your person. That's it.

So since you don't make to make a wager I guess you're conceding the fact that you are full of it and just talking out of your rear?

How are you going to wager something you can't prove? Nobody on the internet gives their names, dates or SS numbers to strange people on a blog. What evidence could you present? Hey, here is my CCW license from Florida:


:auiqs.jpg: :badgrin::laughing0301::badgrin::badgrin:

Now Mrs CCW holder, can you explain to me what good a CCW license is if you can only carry a gun and never use it? :eusa_shhh:

Oh, and for the parts you slept through in class:

The 2021 Florida Statutes

Title XLVI
Chapter 776
View Entire Chapter
776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—

(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

(2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

History.—s. 13, ch. 74-383; s. 1188, ch. 97-102; s. 2, ch. 2005-27; s. 3, ch. 2014-195.

As I said earlier, Florida laws reflect most other states including mine as to the legal use of deadly force. In the Zimmerman/ Martin case, Zimmerman was well within the laws to use his firearm as you can see in this statute.
I don't come here to get angry, I come here for enjoyment. If I start getting angry over here, I'll find something better to do with my time. You are apparently reading way too much into my words.

In any case, you are so mired in race that you ignore the politics of race altogether. Most of the people, programming and institutions you listed belong to leftists, lock, stock and bond. As a pretty hard right person myself I'm against them and their practices as well. Hard to believe that you and I could ever be on the same side, huh?

I believe we have a US President that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime before taking office. I believe the media and social media are responsible for all those riots that spread coast to coast. It cost black businesses, closed some of them down, killed black people, put many in jail or prison, destroyed their communities, all for the sake of a dollar, and for leftist politicians to try and win the next presidential election, which they did by the way. I believe they hurt black communities by defunding their police departments, empowering criminals, not punishing criminals we were not allowed to even be near a firearm.

President Trump didn't serve two terms, he served one. Unlike Biden, you can't point to one actual racist thing the man said in his life. Under his leadership, black unemployment hit it's lowest point since records were kept. He signed the re-funding of historic black colleges that DumBama took away. He instituted prison reform that gave early release to non-violent offenders many which were black. He offered federal help to places like Chicago and Baltimore to help them bring down violence and murders they couldn't (and still can't) control. Of course they refused his offers. His strict border policies stopped many of these illegals from taking jobs from Americans, and yes, that benefited the black communities as well since they mostly migrated to liberal cities.

What I find disturbing about your comment is this opinion that any prominent black person that doesn't hold your views are white supremacists. In your world, blacks are either anti-white or white supremacists? That's pretty narrow minded, don't you think? And after all the struggles of blacks of the past that you and others often refer to here, blacks are only allowed to have one point of view?


[ suh-prem-uh-see, soo- ]

Definition of supremacy
the state of being supreme.
supreme authority or power.

So please tell me what Elder, Thomas or Owens ever said that ever hinted at white supremacy.
If I might jump into this lovely discussion, you bring up an excellent point. For the worst of the blacks on this forum [IM2, Essen, and Vine), the choice is either:

1) You blame whites and racism for any problems that exist in the black community, and hold all blacks blameless entirely for any poor outcomes among them, or

2) You are on evil, white suoremacist.

What about neither?? I said at the outset that blacks and whites who remain stuck in poverty do so because of the same poor choices - babies as unwed teens and incomplete schooling - and that racism isn’t to blame. Yet bam! You don’t blame racism? You’re an evil racist!

Similarly, opposition to race-based affirmative action, as it is has been applied for the past 40 years to blacks, and favoring a race-blind policy is routed as being racist. You don’t want to keep giving admitting blacks over whites, even if the whites have better grades and scores? Bam! You’re a racist.

Or, final example, you object when the U.S. President brags that he I’ll excludes all whites from consideration for a prestigious, lifelong appointment, and think it should instead just go to the best qualified, regardless of race? Bam! You’re a white suoremacist.

Ironically, leftist consider the only whites not racist to be the ones who support racist policies and decisions that favor blacks.
Here's some facts for you and the rest of the racists. Compton is where I grew up. Note the differences between how we viewed our neighbors (and were viewed) and how you all view your black neighbors and black people in general. Note also how none of the racists mentioned below considered themselves racist either, just like many of you, though they fought tooth and nail to keep black people out of their neighborhoods:

Before the 1950s, the Whiteness of Compton was Defended Vehemently

When Ellis Cooke moved to Compton in 1962, it was a time when whites and blacks peacefully coexisted. That, however, was a very unique sandwiched-in period for the city. Before the courts struck down racially restrictive covenants--deeds that prohibited blacks and other races from living on a property--in 1948, Compton was white. Really white.

"It's difficult to overstate how white Compton was in the early 50s and late 40s--exclusively white with an extraordinary web of racially restrictive covenants with a very aggressive policing strategy about keeping black people out," explained historian Josh Sides, the director of the Center for Southern California Studies at CSU Northridge. "There was no more effective tool in 20th America than the racially restrictive covenant in terms of keeping neighborhoods white, and Compton was not unique in its application of covenants. There were very few neighborhoods in Los Angeles or Southern California generally in which there was not a restrictive web of covenants established. So in that regard, Compton is unexceptional, but the virulence and the violence in which the Comptonites protected the whiteness of their neighborhood was much more acute than you would have found in the city of Los Angeles for example."

Compton as the Bellwether for Urban America
Richland Farms: An Introduction

Covenants across the country began in the late 1910s and early 1920s in response to the increasing black population in American cities, namely Northern and Western ones that saw the rise during World War I during the so-called great migration from the South. In Los Angeles, however, the move of African Americans was slow until World War II. Still, that slow growth in the 1920s was enough for white homeowners to become concerned about declining property values because of the black influx.

"There's a curious thing about this and that is this: whites believe then, and I think now, that the arrival of black people in their neighborhood will lower property values," said Sides. "And the really troubling reality is, that that is true. The arrival of black people does usually lower property values, but not, of course, because of any material difference, but simply because real estate is all about perception. In fact, if you looked at the FHA--Federal Housing Administration--studies during World War II, they actually found that blacks defaulted at a lower rate on their mortgage than whites did. But it doesn't really matter."

Sides continued: "[The FHA] even had an anecdotal study in L.A. that was kind of colorful that talked about the extent to which blacks planted more flowers and maintained their gardens in better condition than whites did, but, of course, real estate is never really about true value, it's about perceptual value. And in this case, the perception that blacks would lower value meant that in reality, the values did decline. And so white paranoia about that decline, even when whites did not think of themselves as racists. In fact, in L.A., they really distanced themselves from that sort of malicious Southern racism, but, of course, whether they were racists or not was sort of immaterial because they entered into an agreement that kept blacks out of their neighborhoods, and they defended those agreements very vehemently."

More About Redlining and Restrictive Covenants

The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Covenants

When the legality of racially restrictive covenants was destroyed, white developers with the primary goal of turning a profit looked to creating affordable housing for aspiring middle-class African Americans who wanted to move to Compton. And in 1952 with a series of new developments, the demographics change almost overnight. "There's a moment in time, which as a historian to me I find so interesting because it was really kind of a window of opportunity, where blacks and whites coexisted quite peacefully in Compton" from the early 1950s to the Watts riots of 1965, said Sides.

During that time, the landscape, physically speaking, was also considerably different. "We had a lot of open space to do horseback riding at that time," Cooke said, reminiscing about his five-hour morning rides. He even knew people who could ride to Pasadena and back.

The Departures Richland Farms series is broken down into two parts as interactive murals: The Past and The Present. The above information is based on The Past's fourth mural hotspot, where two additional video interviews with Cooke and another resident, Marie Hollis, can be found. Additionally, a photo slide show, " From the South to Compton," can be viewed there.

Read More

Look, you always go back to times when you weren't even on this planet yet. Talk about today, ten years ago, twenty years ago. I'll be the first to admit racism was strong and widespread in the past. I was a child of the 60s. I know what went on even back then. But times have changed, quite a bit actually. Talking about the past doesn't do you or anybody else any good since, was the past.

What my father or grandfather endured has nothing to do with my life in America. My father was poor, grew up on welfare, had to leave school in 9th grade to help support his family, grew up in a tiny house with his five siblings that had no electricity or running water. But what my father went through has no affect on how I conduct my life, what decisions I made, what my successes or failures were or are. I didn't lead their life, I led my own.

The reason dwelling on the past is fruitless is because you can't change the past. Neither can I. Nobody can. What you can change is the future. We only have so much energy in our little bodies, and to use that energy on something you can never change is a waste of time. We all wish we did some things differently in life. It's quite normal for most people. However if we use that same energy to advance ourselves instead of trying to change something we can't, we stand a chance at bettering our lifestyle.
Ray From Cleveland
I don't come here to get angry, I come here for enjoyment. If I start getting angry over here, I'll find something better to do with my time. You are apparently reading way too much into my words.


Ray From Cleveland
In any case, you are so mired in race that you ignore the politics of race altogether. Most of the people, programming and institutions you listed belong to leftists, lock, stock and bond. As a pretty hard right person myself I'm against them and their practices as well. Hard to believe that you and I could ever be on the same side, huh?

What's a leftist ?

Ray From Cleveland
I believe we have a US President that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime before taking office.


Ray From Cleveland
I believe the media and social media are responsible for all those riots that spread coast to coast.

No. It was systematic white supremacy

Ray From Cleveland
It cost black businesses, closed some of them down, killed black people, put many in jail or prison, destroyed their communities

And did that affect white people ?

Ray From Cleveland
All for the sake of a dollar, and for leftist politicians to try and win the next presidential election, which they did by the way.

What's a leftist ?

Ray From Cleveland
I believe they hurt black communities by defunding their police departments, empowering criminals, not punishing criminals we were not allowed to even be near a firearm.


Ray From Cleveland
President Trump didn't serve two terms, he served one.


Ray From Cleveland
Unlike Biden, you can't point to one actual racist thing the man said in his life. Under his leadership,

And that means what ? You have to say the N word to be a white supremacist ?

Ray From Cleveland
Black unemployment hit it's lowest point since records were kept. He signed the re-funding of historic black colleges that DumBama took away. He instituted prison reform that gave early release to non-violent offenders many which were black.

You are only pointing out things should have done.
  • Sky high black unemployment should have been tackled.
  • Black colleges should get funding.
  • Black people who are non violent offenders who are given unjust sentences should have their cases looked at
I'm not gonna be thankful to someone for doing things they should do.

And this one of the issues of racism - white supremacy. Black mistreatment has been so normalized. That you see normal behaviour towards black people as some privilege, as something we should be thankful for.

Ray From Cleveland
He offered federal help to places like Chicago and Baltimore to help them bring down violence and murders they couldn't (and still can't) control

Chicago is on that Hyper-gentrification and Negro Removal thing. Chicago PD corruption runs deep many of them were gang affiliated, so they allowed things to happen. Google Chicago Police Indictments especially in the early 2000s

Why do all the shootings happen on the weekends ?
Why are there several testimonies that police give guns to gang members?
Why are the murders automatically blamed on black people despite 80% going unsolved ?
Why do 80% go unsolved in a city with so much surveillance ?

They never ask how these guns are getting into Chicago in the first place. Here's a BIG part of the answer. White male Klent Kelley from Arkansas was caught trafficking military-style semi-automatic rifles and other guns in Chicago.

Chicago was the ground zero of the Trump/Sessions test run to see how American society reacts to government sponsored genocide of black people. They are being enacted by mercenaries, law enforcement operatives and supported by the 4th estate (white media) to propagandize it as black on black violence

The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

As you can see in the above link chicago Police Officers were Sentenced For their involvement in criminal activities including 30 murders. This is FURTHER proof that many "gang murders" in Chicago are done by undercover cops and the white supremacists connected to them

Ray From Cleveland
What I find disturbing about your comment is this opinion that any prominent black person that doesn't hold your views are white supremacists. In your world, blacks are either anti-white or white supremacists? That's pretty narrow minded, don't you think? And after all the struggles of blacks of the past that you and others often refer to here, blacks are only allowed to have one point of view?

The white media loves a black person who'll put a black face on white opinion and power. That's why they give the mic to a Candace Owens and Larry Elder and all these other white supremacist ass kissers

And the thing is.

Nobody remembers them

.But the world knows who MLK was.
Who Malcolm X was.
Who the black panthers were.
Who Rosa Parks was.
Who Nelson Mandela was.

Why ? Because they stood up and fought were not afraid to die

Nobody remembers the black people who kiss white supremacist ass and parrot their white supremacist view "Well....erm...erm...but but blk on black crime rate and out of wedlock children in the black community"


Be quiet

Thomas Sowell (another white supremacist ass kisser) was a black man who was a senior fellow at The Hoover Institute which is a white supremacist think tank. This guy was a piece of work. He thought that the book "The Bell Curve" (The white supremacist bible which is a book that basically tries to prove how stupid blk ppl are) is a good well written book.

He's made his money from hustling the white supremacists by articulating their racist views for them.

It's the oldest play in the Book of White Eddicts: use a black man to condone and excuse or cover for racist actions by white people. Because if a black man agrees, it can't possibly be racist.
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If I might jump into this lovely discussion, you bring up an excellent point. For the worst of the blacks on this forum [IM2, Essen, and Vine), the choice is either:

1) You blame whites and racism for any problems that exist in the black community, and hold all blacks blameless entirely for any poor outcomes among them, or

2) You are on evil, white suoremacist.

What about neither?? I said at the outset that blacks and whites who remain stuck in poverty do so because of the same poor choices - babies as unwed teens and incomplete schooling - and that racism isn’t to blame. Yet bam! You don’t blame racism? You’re an evil racist!

Similarly, opposition to race-based affirmative action, as it is has been applied for the past 40 years to blacks, and favoring a race-blind policy is routed as being racist. You don’t want to keep giving admitting blacks over whites, even if the whites have better grades and scores? Bam! You’re a racist.

Or, final example, you object when the U.S. President brags that he I’ll excludes all whites from consideration for a prestigious, lifelong appointment, and think it should instead just go to the best qualified, regardless of race? Bam! You’re a white suoremacist.

Ironically, leftist consider the only whites not racist to be the ones who support racist policies and decisions that favor blacks.

I can only thank God I'm not of that mentality; to say all my problems are in the control of another person, person(s), or group of people, especially when so many like me have done much better all on their own. What's the point of living in a free country then? Might as well move to Cuba or North Korea where you can actually blame others for your inability to advance yourself.

People come here from all over the world, and yes, including black countries because they had no opportunity where they were born. Those people do have legitimate excuses. Even if they only had a 5% chance at advancing themselves, it's worth it to them because 5% is better than 0%. But the truth is they have a much greater chance at advancement and even becoming successful. It's why they spend the time, money, and effort to get here legally.

When I thank God for the things I have, the top two on my list are a good family and being born in the greatest country in the world. If you can't avoid being a failure here, you are a total loser because there isn't a country in the world where you won't be a failure. At that point you have to come to the conclusion it's inherent, and not bad luck, race, or poverty.
Except we've already given you two cases - Justine Damond and Jeremy Mardis, innocent white people shot by black cops, who got NOWHERE near the coverage of McDonald, Floyd, or Wright. Mardis' case was so obscure I had to google it.

The difference is this, take the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murders:



  • Lemaricus Davidson: death by lethal injection
  • Letalvis Cobbins: life without parole
  • George Thomas: life without parole
  • Vanessa Coleman: 35 years
  • Eric Boyd : 18 years
Robert Purvis murder:



As you can see black killers of whites are arrested, charged, convicted and if they are in a state which allows it, have a better chance of getting the death penalty. So white people don't have to riot.

The reason you have riots and demo's is because of the actions of the authorities in letting cop killers go free when they kill black people. Were it not for social media and some very vocal black folks you wouldn’t even know about any of the black people killed by police.

The other difference is that with the exception of a few literally insane people blacks won’t be lining up to defend a black person who killed an unamed white child and hint that the kid probably deserved it.

Whereas whites like yourself do.

Hey, funny thing. I'm going to hit the Big Six-O next week.


In sixty-years, I've never been arrested.

That doesn't mean you have never committed a crime or done anything illegal

Never had an encounter with the police more serious than a moving violation

That doesn't mean you have never committed a crime or done anything illegal.

Served my country for 11 years in the US Army.

And what's your point ?

Worked my way through college. Own my own home, have been gainfully employed since I was 16 in some capacity or another.

And what's your pount ?

Now, if you want to tell me, that, yeah, I've had a good life because of white privilege, absolutely, I have.

And that's why you defend it so much because you couldn't have cut it without it.

He did have a history of mental illness. on the night of the shooting, he was breaking into trucks and brandishing a knife.

OK. Well let's just run with that. Since you want to believe so much I'll give it to you.

Then tell me how come they seem to know to not shoot and kill white dudes with knife, who not have a knife but stab the officer ?

How come even when whites attack police they still don't shoot ?

How come even when white people attack police and rob there car they don't shoot ?

Or why didn't the police shoot and kill this white man who actually killed an officer during a standoff while barricaded in a house.

Or why didn't the police shoot and kill this white guy who killed a Pennsylvania State Trooper and then went on the run for 48 days.

Or why didn't the police shoot and kill this white guy — an Indianapolis police officer — who shot one of his colleagues and then led other officers on a chase until he was finally captured.

Or why didn't the police shoot and kill this white guy who opened fire inside a family restaurant in Louisville.

Or why didn't the police shoot and kill this white guy who stalked Portland, Oregon police for months and was finally arrested while parked outside a precinct station with a car full of guns and ammo.

Or why didn't the police shoot and kill this white guy in Idaho who killed a cop, went on the run, and then refused to come out of his hiding spot when police first cornered him.

Or this white guy who pointed a weapon at three New Orleans officers and told them to “drop your fucking guns.”

Or this white guy who shot up a movie theatre full of people and was arrested outside without a scratch.

Or this white guy who was walking around menacingly downtown in Louisville with an 18-inch knife.

Or this white guy who literally beat the crap out of two police officers before getting away

I'll go one further, and maybe this is part of the problem. The top brass reviewed the infamous tape, including deputy chief Eddie Johnson, and ruled it justified. Johnson became the Police Superintendent after Rahm decided to throw McCarthy under the bus. Did I mention that Johnson is black?

That don't mean anything. Put a powerless token black person up front means nothing. It's the white supremacist behind who control him.


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I was surprised to realize, in an eye-opening moment, that the discussions here are giving me a better understanding of my reactions to some posts. Especially, why I'm so impatient with certain kinds of posts.

My family was working class. Father was raised on a farm, spent 20 years in the military, then 30 years on his last job. He'd get up at 4 or 5am and walk to work. Got home between 6 and 8 pm. I never heard him complain.

We were expected to work, be responsible for our decisions, and NEVER to touch anything that didn't belong to us.

The worst things we could do were, 1) be a thief. 2) be a liar. 3) be lazy. And feeling sorry for yourself would bring reactions that would make you absolutely cringe.

My sister is about 20 years older than me. She began working when she was 7 years old, and finally "retired" at about 85 years of age.

Where we lived, farmers would drive through with stake bed trucks, yelling for people who wanted to work. They'd fill the trucks with people who were taken out to the farms. They would pick crops, including jalapenos, beans, tomatoes, watermelons, you name it. That's where my sister started working. Early start, late finish, low pay. NO FUCKING WHINING. I never heard her once blame others for her tough times.

She raised 4 fine kids. Bought a couple of homes. And those kids are hard workers, too.

So when I hear our well known whiners wallow in self pity about being so fucking oppressed, and blaming others for their own failures, it makes me want to explode. And, in a verbal sense, I suppose I do sort of explode.

All I have to say to lazy, whining people, is to shove their fucking self pity up their worthless, lazy, asses.

There's my little catharsis. Maybe I'll be more patient in the future.

The Hell I will. Lol...
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Here's some facts for you and the rest of the racists. Compton is where I grew up. Note the differences between how we viewed our neighbors (and were viewed) and how you all view your black neighbors and black people in general. Note also how none of the racists mentioned below considered themselves racist either, just like many of you, though they fought tooth and nail to keep black people out of their neighborhoods:

Before the 1950s, the Whiteness of Compton was Defended Vehemently

When Ellis Cooke moved to Compton in 1962, it was a time when whites and blacks peacefully coexisted. That, however, was a very unique sandwiched-in period for the city. Before the courts struck down racially restrictive covenants--deeds that prohibited blacks and other races from living on a property--in 1948, Compton was white. Really white.

"It's difficult to overstate how white Compton was in the early 50s and late 40s--exclusively white with an extraordinary web of racially restrictive covenants with a very aggressive policing strategy about keeping black people out," explained historian Josh Sides, the director of the Center for Southern California Studies at CSU Northridge. "There was no more effective tool in 20th America than the racially restrictive covenant in terms of keeping neighborhoods white, and Compton was not unique in its application of covenants. There were very few neighborhoods in Los Angeles or Southern California generally in which there was not a restrictive web of covenants established. So in that regard, Compton is unexceptional, but the virulence and the violence in which the Comptonites protected the whiteness of their neighborhood was much more acute than you would have found in the city of Los Angeles for example."

Compton as the Bellwether for Urban America
Richland Farms: An Introduction

Covenants across the country began in the late 1910s and early 1920s in response to the increasing black population in American cities, namely Northern and Western ones that saw the rise during World War I during the so-called great migration from the South. In Los Angeles, however, the move of African Americans was slow until World War II. Still, that slow growth in the 1920s was enough for white homeowners to become concerned about declining property values because of the black influx.

"There's a curious thing about this and that is this: whites believe then, and I think now, that the arrival of black people in their neighborhood will lower property values," said Sides. "And the really troubling reality is, that that is true. The arrival of black people does usually lower property values, but not, of course, because of any material difference, but simply because real estate is all about perception. In fact, if you looked at the FHA--Federal Housing Administration--studies during World War II, they actually found that blacks defaulted at a lower rate on their mortgage than whites did. But it doesn't really matter."

Sides continued: "[The FHA] even had an anecdotal study in L.A. that was kind of colorful that talked about the extent to which blacks planted more flowers and maintained their gardens in better condition than whites did, but, of course, real estate is never really about true value, it's about perceptual value. And in this case, the perception that blacks would lower value meant that in reality, the values did decline. And so white paranoia about that decline, even when whites did not think of themselves as racists. In fact, in L.A., they really distanced themselves from that sort of malicious Southern racism, but, of course, whether they were racists or not was sort of immaterial because they entered into an agreement that kept blacks out of their neighborhoods, and they defended those agreements very vehemently."

More About Redlining and Restrictive Covenants

The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Covenants

When the legality of racially restrictive covenants was destroyed, white developers with the primary goal of turning a profit looked to creating affordable housing for aspiring middle-class African Americans who wanted to move to Compton. And in 1952 with a series of new developments, the demographics change almost overnight. "There's a moment in time, which as a historian to me I find so interesting because it was really kind of a window of opportunity, where blacks and whites coexisted quite peacefully in Compton" from the early 1950s to the Watts riots of 1965, said Sides.

During that time, the landscape, physically speaking, was also considerably different. "We had a lot of open space to do horseback riding at that time," Cooke said, reminiscing about his five-hour morning rides. He even knew people who could ride to Pasadena and back.

The Departures Richland Farms series is broken down into two parts as interactive murals: The Past and The Present. The above information is based on The Past's fourth mural hotspot, where two additional video interviews with Cooke and another resident, Marie Hollis, can be found. Additionally, a photo slide show, " From the South to Compton," can be viewed there.

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The really funny thing about that is I grew up near MacAurther Park near Tommys. Compton was a much nicer area than I lived in then (that was the mid-sixties and early seventies) The last time I was in Compton, about 2008 I think, it was a hell hole of run down houses and small apartment buildings with gang members standing around. The area I grew up in is mostly Latino now with some gangs, but most people are working, the southern area near the Park is part of Koreatown and is thriving.
Those covenants were a bad thing, but they existed. What you refuse to acknowledge is that the Irish, Italians, Eastern Europeans, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Arabs, Greeks, Germans and many other groups were all discriminated against in the past, but are all thriving now and part of society. They all refused to allow discrimination by intolerant people define them.
What you refuse to acknowledge is that the Irish, Italians, Eastern Europeans, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Arabs, Greeks, Germans and many other groups were all discriminated against in the past, but are all thriving now and part of society. They all refused to allow discrimination by intolerant people define them.

All the groups you mention are not not black Americans. So of course they have a system to move up the ladder.

The really funny thing about that is I grew up near MacAurther Park near Tommys. Compton was a much nicer area than I lived in then (that was the mid-sixties and early seventies) The last time I was in Compton, about 2008 I think, it was a hell hole of run down houses and small apartment buildings with gang members standing around.

How do you know they are gang members ? And if it's run down then that's fault of the white supremacist.

Ghettoes were designed by white people as holding pens to contain black people.

Generations of housing discrimination created them, as did decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever we would move into white neighbourhoods.

When it comes to racism you don't need to throw a molly through a window when you can knock down the building using a bulldozer with public money. Zoning laws, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all are white violence, they are all white rioting.

And at the same time that black housing was being destroyed, millions of white families were getting government-guaranteed loans (through the FHA and VA loan programs) that were almost entirely off-limits to black people and which allowed whites to hustle it out to the suburbs where only they were allowed to go.
The difference is this, take the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murders:

Wow, this was the best case you could come up with, that a couple who was kidnapped, raped and murdered, the people who did it were given harsh punishments.

Clearly, you really don't understand the law. These five thugs woke up that morning and planned to kidnap and kill them a couple of white people. I doubt Van Dyke or Chauvin woke up that morning and said, "You know what, I'm going to go out and kill a black person today!"

Reading the details of the case, how did they NOT deserve the harshest penalty the law allows.

Robert Purvis was murdered over a car.

Not nearly the same thing as an officer making a split second decision, and making the wrong one.

Again- 10 million arrests every year, 99.99% of them DON'T end in a fatality.

OK. Well let's just run with that. Since you want to believe so much I'll give it to you.

Then tell me how come they seem to know to not shoot and kill white dudes with knife, who not have a knife but stab the officer ?

Again - 10 million arrests... and MOST of the time, the cops don't need to shoot. So in 2020, the police shot 457 white people and 241 black people.

I don't think those 241 black people who were killed were the only ones brandishing weapons.

That don't mean anything. Put a powerless token black person up front means nothing. It's the white supremacist behind who control him.

Or Eddie Johnson thought like a cop and put himself in that situation.

Again, the solution the cops might come up with is taking their sweet time responding to a call like that. Then the story becomes, "Crazed teen stabs multiple people at Burger King". Oh, wait' that's what's happening NOW. Crime has spiked in Chicago and NYC because cops don't want to risk prison for doing their jobs.

And that's why you defend it so much because you couldn't have cut it without it.

Yeah, okay.... So what have you done with your life? I'm pretty proud of what I've done with mine.

As you can see black killers of whites are arrested, charged, convicted and if they are in a state which allows it, have a better chance of getting the death penalty. So white people don't have to riot.

Which is why I oppose capital punishment, because it is unevenly applied. Not just on the basis of race but the basis of wealth.

The reason you have riots and demo's is because of the actions of the authorities in letting cop killers go free when they kill black people. Were it not for social media and some very vocal black folks you wouldn’t even know about any of the black people killed by police.

Okay, let's look at that. as stated, 241 black people were killed by police in 2020. So we heard about Breonna Taylor. We heard about Geo. Floyd. We heard about that knucklehead who grabbed a cops taser and got shot. So maybe, if you squint really hard, you can find 10 cases of those where the cops overracted or used excessive force.

Which implies that the other 230 probably did something where they seriously threatened the lives of officers or others. And thousand of others who brandished weapons and were arrested peacefully.

The other difference is that with the exception of a few literally insane people blacks won’t be lining up to defend a black person who killed an unamed white child and hint that the kid probably deserved it.

Except you really haven't cited a case of an unarmed black child.
Laquan McDonald had a knife
Tamir Rice had a realistic looking gun.

I have stated- in both of those cases, the officers used excessive force. Both show that we need better training, better selection of officers, and better tactics.

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