The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

Fox News reporter John Roberts said on Monday that President’s Trump press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin will cost him “dearly politically” amid the "growing consensus" that Trump sided with Russia over the U.S.

“The early indications are that this is going to cost the president dearly politically,” Roberts said of the president’s summit with Putin in Helsinki on Monday.

Fox News's John Roberts: Consensus is Trump 'threw the US under the bus'

“I think, diplomatically, you could probably say that the president’s strategy was [that] he wanted to engage Putin,” Roberts said. “He didn’t want to say anything that was going to tick him off. But there is a growing consensus across the land that tonight the president threw the United States under the bus."
“What worries me about you, Mr. President, is you seem to say only good things about your enemies, our enemies, and to hell with your friends, our friends." - Neil Cavuto

Neil Cavuto on Twitter
Yes there is bias, which is reason for Trump to be suspicious. We have seen it; Comey, Strzok and his girlfrien
But Trump was vomiting the same talking point before he knew of any of that.

False. He knew it the minute they accused him of collusion.
Haha....riiiiight....and not because he is a liar and saying things out of self preservation that he could not possibly know the truth of.


How is that so hard for you to understand? He didn’t collide with Russia, so th fact that they accuse him shows him immediately that they are biased in the extreme. Pretty straight forward logic.
Do you stupid fuking leftists really believe that Trump was gonna acuse Putin of hacking on the world stage? We do the same shit every day. Idiots.
“What worries me about you, Mr. President, is you seem to say only good things about your enemies, our enemies, and to hell with your friends, our friends." - Neil Cavuto

If you open your eyes and look at this from a stable mental state, you understand the reality, which is this:

Our “allies” weren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing. We had deals with them and they weren’t holding up their end of the bargain. They deserved to get criticized. Putin and Russia have no such deals with us. It’s apples to oranges. We want to improve relations with a country that has been an enemy. You don’t start that off with criticism.

How is that so hard to understand?
“What worries me about you, Mr. President, is you seem to say only good things about your enemies, our enemies, and to hell with your friends, our friends." - Neil Cavuto

If you open your eyes and look at this from a stable mental state, you understand the reality, which is this:

Our “allies” weren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing. We had deals with them and they weren’t holding up their end of the bargain. They deserved to get criticized. Putin and Russia have no such deals with us. It’s apples to oranges. We want to improve relations with a country that has been an enemy. You don’t start that off with criticism.

How is that so hard to understand?
Dear dipshit,

Why does Trump criticize our friends in public and then suck our enemy's cock in public?

Trump could not bring himself to criticize Putin. Not even for meddling in our election! In fact, he ACQUIESCED to Putin's denials!

What the ever loving fuck does that have to do with "no deals with us", you unbelievable retard. Putin committed a hostile act against our country. DO YOU FUCKING GET THAT? AT LONG LAST, DO YOU FUCKING GET THAT?
Still not on point.

Generalizing and ignoring the fact that the intels chiefs are all Trumps own appointees who were confirmed by Republicans is also quite stupid.

The issue has never been about the chiefs, it's about the top level civil servants who are more often than not progressives at most, big government advocates at least, and through and through TDS sufferers.

Still not on point.

There is no evidence of impropriety by the FBI or the Mueller team. Your assertions that there are only highlight your own bias.

Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.
He read the indictment in it's entirety on national television. Trump threw him and the integrity of our entire govt and nation under the bus in full view of the world.

Two FBI agents fucking each other on the side passed tidbits about "la resistance" as if it was a joke.

Rosenstein thinks FBI first, country second, Trump 150th.

Personal opinions do not equate to professional bias.

Bias is an action. Not a thought.

There is no finding of professional bias.

Your bias is clear.

Nice try on that. People are not robots, their hatred of Trump is just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty more where that came from.
All people aren't as moronic as you either. Every person has a political opinion.
Feel free to show us who, how, when and what was done with bias.
Trump apologized for America. That was something very criticized when it appeared that a previous President had done it.
America has much to apologize for, it must be noted, and some people have no problem with admitting it.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

First really bad guess I've ever seen you make.
It's called diplomacy,
Have you sent your memo to the diplomats, former and current , from both sides of the aisle expressing shock and shame at Trump's behavior?

Imagine their surprise to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob with no experience in their fields!
Trump apologized for America. That was something very criticized when it appeared that a previous President had done it.
America has much to apologize for, it must be noted, and some people have no problem with admitting it.
Another member of the Blame America First club.

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