The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin

Christ, even the Fox & Friends retarded monkeys realized this was a low point. The whole Fox News network, with the exception of lickspittle-to-the-death Hannity, lined up to criticize Trump on this one.

When even those single digit IQs figure out Trump threw our country under the bus, then you have to be one very special kind of suicidal idiot traitor not to get it.
I hate EPA when it overreaches it's mandate.
No, you hate the EPA for its job of giving us clean water. If you get to employ these idiot tactics, then so does everyone else.

I am a water and wastewater Engineer and have done far more to clean water than you will ever do.

It's when the EPA goes beyond it's mandate and control of congress that I have an issue.

Like when it tries to make mercury standards so tight that it basically leads to certain power plants being unusable, not because they care about mercury, but because they hate coal fired plants.

Meanwhile the increase in removal has no real impact on the environment, only some theoretical savings.
No, you hate the EPA, because of its job of giving us clean water.

Unless you would like to set some ground rules about vapid, moronic statements like thw one i just made. Of course, doing so would have more effect on your bombastic rhetoric than on mine, so that will be a tougher call for you than for me.

When you start arguing about the argument, you are out of ideas, and losing.

Try harder.
Actually that is what diplomacy is all out,
Who to believe....the trumpkin, or all of the diplomats, current and former from both sides of the aisle, expressing shame, embarrassment, and ridicule...tough call...

Yes, because they have sucked euro-dick, iran dick, and even russo-dick in the past, now all of a sudden they are fucking golden because they are against Trump.

You are a 1/2 trick pony at best.
I hate EPA when it overreaches it's mandate.
No, you hate the EPA for its job of giving us clean water. If you get to employ these idiot tactics, then so does everyone else.

I am a water and wastewater Engineer and have done far more to clean water than you will ever do.

It's when the EPA goes beyond it's mandate and control of congress that I have an issue.

Like when it tries to make mercury standards so tight that it basically leads to certain power plants being unusable, not because they care about mercury, but because they hate coal fired plants.

Meanwhile the increase in removal has no real impact on the environment, only some theoretical savings.
No, you hate the EPA, because of its job of giving us clean water.

Unless you would like to set some ground rules about vapid, moronic statements like thw one i just made. Of course, doing so would have more effect on your bombastic rhetoric than on mine, so that will be a tougher call for you than for me.

Obviously, you can't comprehend that he is an engineer that works with water everyday and his opinion has substance. You don't know what you are talking about .
I am being facetious, genius.

No you are starting with a premise "Fuck Trump" and then filling in whatever "evidence" you see to support that viewpoint.

No, you hate the EPA for its job of giving us clean water. If you get to employ these idiot tactics, then so does everyone else.

I am a water and wastewater Engineer and have done far more to clean water than you will ever do.

It's when the EPA goes beyond it's mandate and control of congress that I have an issue.

Like when it tries to make mercury standards so tight that it basically leads to certain power plants being unusable, not because they care about mercury, but because they hate coal fired plants.

Meanwhile the increase in removal has no real impact on the environment, only some theoretical savings.
No, you hate the EPA, because of its job of giving us clean water.

Unless you would like to set some ground rules about vapid, moronic statements like thw one i just made. Of course, doing so would have more effect on your bombastic rhetoric than on mine, so that will be a tougher call for you than for me.

Obviously, you can't comprehend that he is an engineer that works with water everyday and his opinion has substance. You don't know what you are talking about .
I am being facetious, genius.

No you are starting with a premise "Fuck Trump" and then filling in whatever "evidence" you see to support that viewpoint.


Yes, although I don't think these individuals actually know what the term "evidence" means. They think they can substitute some random hateful rhetoric for it.
"Russia is without a doubt a European country because it is a country of European culture.

who here could be interested in a confrontation between Russia and the most powerful country in the world...America. whom could that interest? people like that don't exist" - President Putin

Trump is acting the way he does because he fears war with Russia
The issue has never been about the chiefs, it's about the top level civil servants who are more often than not progressives at most, big government advocates at least, and through and through TDS sufferers.

Still not on point.

There is no evidence of impropriety by the FBI or the Mueller team. Your assertions that there are only highlight your own bias.

Rosenstein was appointed by Trump.
He read the indictment in it's entirety on national television. Trump threw him and the integrity of our entire govt and nation under the bus in full view of the world.

Two FBI agents fucking each other on the side passed tidbits about "la resistance" as if it was a joke.

Rosenstein thinks FBI first, country second, Trump 150th.

Personal opinions do not equate to professional bias.

Bias is an action. Not a thought.

There is no finding of professional bias.

Your bias is clear.

Nice try on that. People are not robots, their hatred of Trump is just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty more where that came from.
All people aren't as moronic as you either. Every person has a political opinion.
Feel free to show us who, how, when and what was done with bias.

Feel free to have the FBI turn over every document they have under an FOIA request, and we will see.

You ask for proof you know isn't available, and ignore the actual documented bias by two FBI morons.
Christ, even the Fox & Friends retarded monkeys realized this was a low point. The whole Fox News network, with the exception of lickspittle-to-the-death Hannity, lined up to criticize Trump on this one.

When even those single digit IQs figure out Trump threw our country under the bus, then you have to be one very special kind of suicidal idiot traitor not to get it.

Fox is just as worthless as cnn, msnbc, abc CBS, nbc. Who are you trying to fool?
“What worries me about you, Mr. President, is you seem to say only good things about your enemies, our enemies, and to hell with your friends, our friends." - Neil Cavuto

If you open your eyes and look at this from a stable mental state, you understand the reality, which is this:

Our “allies” weren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing. We had deals with them and they weren’t holding up their end of the bargain. They deserved to get criticized. Putin and Russia have no such deals with us. It’s apples to oranges. We want to improve relations with a country that has been an enemy. You don’t start that off with criticism.

How is that so hard to understand?
Dear dipshit,

Why does Trump criticize our friends in public and then suck our enemy's cock in public?

Trump could not bring himself to criticize Putin. Not even for meddling in our election! In fact, he ACQUIESCED to Putin's denials!

What the ever loving fuck does that have to do with "no deals with us", you unbelievable retard. Putin committed a hostile act against our country. DO YOU FUCKING GET THAT? AT LONG LAST, DO YOU FUCKING GET THAT?
You stupid ass. We've been sucking info out of Russian servers for years. We have planes flying over the Baltic intercepting military capabilities and tactics. We got people on the ground in Moscow infiltration their systems and we got satellites targeting their comms. Are you really that dense?
It's called diplomacy,
Have you sent your memo to the diplomats, former and current , from both sides of the aisle expressing shock and shame at Trump's behavior?

Imagine their surprise to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob with no experience in their fields!
You don't quite have all your groceries bagged, doya?
Don't get all whiny on me. You have a lot of work to do to convince the experts of your opinion! Again, imagine how surprised they will be to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob.
It's called diplomacy,
Have you sent your memo to the diplomats, former and current , from both sides of the aisle expressing shock and shame at Trump's behavior?

Imagine their surprise to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob with no experience in their fields!
You don't quite have all your groceries bagged, doya?
Don't get all whiny on me. You have a lot of work to do to convince the experts of your opinion! Again, imagine how surprised they will be to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob.
Whatever you say loser.
I hate EPA when it overreaches it's mandate.
No, you hate the EPA for its job of giving us clean water. If you get to employ these idiot tactics, then so does everyone else.

I am a water and wastewater Engineer and have done far more to clean water than you will ever do.

It's when the EPA goes beyond it's mandate and control of congress that I have an issue.

Like when it tries to make mercury standards so tight that it basically leads to certain power plants being unusable, not because they care about mercury, but because they hate coal fired plants.

Meanwhile the increase in removal has no real impact on the environment, only some theoretical savings.
No, you hate the EPA, because of its job of giving us clean water.

Unless you would like to set some ground rules about vapid, moronic statements like thw one i just made. Of course, doing so would have more effect on your bombastic rhetoric than on mine, so that will be a tougher call for you than for me.

When you start arguing about the argument, you are out of ideas, and losing.

Try harder.
That's an irrelevant bit of whining, and a very predictable declaration of victory.

What happening here is that you are throwing a little hissy fit, because someone DARED to treat you the way you treat others.

With the important differences being that I knew what I was saying was stupid.
It's called diplomacy,
Have you sent your memo to the diplomats, former and current , from both sides of the aisle expressing shock and shame at Trump's behavior?

Imagine their surprise to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob with no experience in their fields!
You don't quite have all your groceries bagged, doya?
Don't get all whiny on me. You have a lot of work to do to convince the experts of your opinion! Again, imagine how surprised they will be to find they have been outsmarted by an uneducated slob.
Whatever you say loser.
What does me being a loser have to do with the very important task you have set for yourself? This is between you and the experts. Boy, I bet they will never know what hit them!
Just curious what should Trump have said? The DOJ makes this public three days before Trump meets with the leader of the only country that has a nuclear arsenal equal to ours where his options were doing what he did or calling Putin a liar in front of the world. Yes Putin is a liar but I also remember the reaction from the media and the left when Trump used harsh rethortic against Kim Jun Un he was dangerous and going to get us into a nuclear war with North Korea so it seems to me the Trump critics were going to rant and bitch no matter what he said.
I have heard heard a lot of bitching from self serving loons on both sides not answers
Then ykubare not paying attention. Plenty of people have remarked on what Trump should have said, or should say now.

If you want my opinion, he should have stated, unequivocally, that Putin's actions were fact and are unacceptable. And he should have done so from Washington, cancelling the meeting.
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No, you hate the EPA for its job of giving us clean water. If you get to employ these idiot tactics, then so does everyone else.

I am a water and wastewater Engineer and have done far more to clean water than you will ever do.

It's when the EPA goes beyond it's mandate and control of congress that I have an issue.

Like when it tries to make mercury standards so tight that it basically leads to certain power plants being unusable, not because they care about mercury, but because they hate coal fired plants.

Meanwhile the increase in removal has no real impact on the environment, only some theoretical savings.
No, you hate the EPA, because of its job of giving us clean water.

Unless you would like to set some ground rules about vapid, moronic statements like thw one i just made. Of course, doing so would have more effect on your bombastic rhetoric than on mine, so that will be a tougher call for you than for me.

Obviously, you can't comprehend that he is an engineer that works with water everyday and his opinion has substance. You don't know what you are talking about .
I am being facetious, genius.

No you are starting with a premise "Fuck Trump" and then filling in whatever "evidence" you see to support that viewpoint.

No you are starting with a premise "Fuck Trump the FBI" and then filling in whatever "evidence" you see to support that viewpoint.

I have heard heard a lot of bitching from self serving loons on both sides not answers
Then ykubare not paying attention. Plenty of people have remarked on what Trump should have said, or should say now.

If you want my opinion, he should have stated, unequivocally, that Putin's actions were fact and we're unacceptable. And he should have done so from Washington, cancelling the meeting.
And Putin would have denied it and the same people who are bitching now would be bitching about him escalating tensions between us and Russia.

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