The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Well, it makes me wonder, who makes up the constituency that voted for Sadiq Kahn? The left doesn't quite explain this. Odd how the left attacks traditional English Christian values and endorses a religion that would destroy Christianity, the west and liberalism. When a white female Christian becomes mayor of Mecca, we can talk about diversity in the real world.
British voters dont give a toss what religion you follow. He ran a better campaign.
Stop trying to view it through an American prism.
Maybe you have a point, but I find it hard to believe this guy won on his own charm and merits. Perhaps the shifting demographics have more to do with this than anything else. I find it hard to swallow that hardcore protestant Englishmen actually put this man in office, like Obama here in the states. It happened, and it seems a little...suspicious.

Was Obama's election suspicious?

No more than the 2000 and 2004 elections.
Well, it makes me wonder, who makes up the constituency that voted for Sadiq Kahn? The left doesn't quite explain this. Odd how the left attacks traditional English Christian values and endorses a religion that would destroy Christianity, the west and liberalism. When a white female Christian becomes mayor of Mecca, we can talk about diversity in the real world.
British voters dont give a toss what religion you follow. He ran a better campaign.
Stop trying to view it through an American prism.
Maybe you have a point, but I find it hard to believe this guy won on his own charm and merits. Perhaps the shifting demographics have more to do with this than anything else. I find it hard to swallow that hardcore protestant Englishmen actually put this man in office, like Obama here in the states. It happened, and it seems a little...suspicious.

Was Obama's election suspicious?

No more than the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Sorry? Are you confused?
No. Names have not been given and examples have not been offered.

Fuck Allah.

I gave the names not my fault you are a dumbshit and can't find it.

I add your name.

Do what you want, what you do has no effect on my life.

waaaa. have a lollie and STFU.

I'll keep posting if I want, your name won't get added to a list because you aren't worth putting on one. Pussys like you are a dime a dozen, keep proving what a dumb fuck you are.

lol, stop coddling terrorists.
Well, it makes me wonder, who makes up the constituency that voted for Sadiq Kahn? The left doesn't quite explain this. Odd how the left attacks traditional English Christian values and endorses a religion that would destroy Christianity, the west and liberalism. When a white female Christian becomes mayor of Mecca, we can talk about diversity in the real world.
British voters dont give a toss what religion you follow. He ran a better campaign.
Stop trying to view it through an American prism.
Maybe you have a point, but I find it hard to believe this guy won on his own charm and merits. Perhaps the shifting demographics have more to do with this than anything else. I find it hard to swallow that hardcore protestant Englishmen actually put this man in office, like Obama here in the states. It happened, and it seems a little...suspicious.

Was Obama's election suspicious?

No more than the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Sorry? Are you confused?

Just saying the Obama was no more suspicious than the 2000 and 2004.
I gave the names not my fault you are a dumbshit and can't find it.

I add your name.

Do what you want, what you do has no effect on my life.

waaaa. have a lollie and STFU.

I'll keep posting if I want, your name won't get added to a list because you aren't worth putting on one. Pussys like you are a dime a dozen, keep proving what a dumb fuck you are.

lol, stop coddling terrorists.

Lol! Don't quit your day job.
England has always been...English. So when a Muslim becomes mayor of London, that's great, so when does Saudi Arabia allow a Christian white male to govern Medina? Is that asking too much? But London, that is ok. fair is fair! Next Mayor of Media, Bob Smyth, average protestant white guy. We all know what a joke that is.
British voters dont give a toss what religion you follow. He ran a better campaign.
Stop trying to view it through an American prism.
Maybe you have a point, but I find it hard to believe this guy won on his own charm and merits. Perhaps the shifting demographics have more to do with this than anything else. I find it hard to swallow that hardcore protestant Englishmen actually put this man in office, like Obama here in the states. It happened, and it seems a little...suspicious.

Was Obama's election suspicious?

No more than the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Sorry? Are you confused?

Just saying the Obama was no more suspicious than the 2000 and 2004.

I know what you said. The question is why would you say it? It isn't related to the discussion at all.
Maybe you have a point, but I find it hard to believe this guy won on his own charm and merits. Perhaps the shifting demographics have more to do with this than anything else. I find it hard to swallow that hardcore protestant Englishmen actually put this man in office, like Obama here in the states. It happened, and it seems a little...suspicious.

Was Obama's election suspicious?

No more than the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Sorry? Are you confused?

Just saying the Obama was no more suspicious than the 2000 and 2004.

I know what you said. The question is why would you say it? It isn't related to the discussion at all.

Neither was the interjection of Obama. You don't like it, put me on ignore. You whine and cry a lot.
Was Obama's election suspicious?

No more than the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Sorry? Are you confused?

Just saying the Obama was no more suspicious than the 2000 and 2004.

I know what you said. The question is why would you say it? It isn't related to the discussion at all.

Neither was the interjection of Obama. You don't like it, put me on ignore. You whine and cry a lot.

Idiot. I didn't bring up Obama. You don't pay attention. You appear a bit schizo.

I don't put people on ignore. Only pussies do that.
Well, it makes me wonder, who makes up the constituency that voted for Sadiq Kahn? The left doesn't quite explain this. Odd how the left attacks traditional English Christian values and endorses a religion that would destroy Christianity, the west and liberalism. When a white female Christian becomes mayor of Mecca, we can talk about diversity in the real world.
British voters dont give a toss what religion you follow. He ran a better campaign.
Stop trying to view it through an American prism.
Maybe you have a point, but I find it hard to believe this guy won on his own charm and merits. Perhaps the shifting demographics have more to do with this than anything else. I find it hard to swallow that hardcore protestant Englishmen actually put this man in office, like Obama here in the states. It happened, and it seems a little...suspicious.
There is no such thing as "hardcore protestant" in England. Religion plays no part in UK politics apart from those primitives in Ulster. People are more likely to vote by class and Khan ticks all the boxes as an upper middle class professional with working class roots.
I have no idea what religion my MP is and I wouldnt dream of asking him.
You are projecting an American viewpoint on a British election and it is giving you a totally wrong picture.

Your comments about Mecca are bizarre. What on earth has it got to do with London ? Its not a competition to see who is more diverse.
So no theories on the reason for the behaviors pointed out in the OP?

If you check with some brush manufacturers, perhaps they will give you a broader brush to paint others with.

Here is what happens. A guy murders innocent persons at place x. I won't use a theater because that is what a white guy did. I won't say a church because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Luby's restaurant because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Oklahoma City because that is what a white guy did. I won't say McDonalds because that is what a white guy did. I won't say school because that is what a whole raft of white guys have done.Here is what some do. But let us just say a guy murders a bunch of innocent people at place x. If it is a white guy, he's deranged and in no way represents all white folks. If he is a Muslim, the same peole who swear that the white guy is just deranged will claim that the Muslim represents all of the billions of muslims worldwide.

I know you're fishing for responses so you can make your canned snide comments about how liberals defend muslims or whatever your point was. I don't care. It's old, it's played and for whatever reason people who are honest enough to recognize that hate is a disease that afflicts all cultures and nationalities bothers you. That's your problem.

I do know what I think. If you murder somone or groups of someone who are unarmed, you are a psychoitic asshole. I choose not to believe you represent anyone other than other psychotic assholes regardless of your race, religion, income, nationality, etc... All nations on earth (that I'm aware of) have produced some pretty crummy people. I'm sure there are some exceptions.

Anyway, I have chunked the softball at you, now dip the broad brush in the paint and get busy.
So no theories on the reason for the behaviors pointed out in the OP?

If you check with some brush manufacturers, perhaps they will give you a broader brush to paint others with.

Here is what happens. A guy murders innocent persons at place x. I won't use a theater because that is what a white guy did. I won't say a church because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Luby's restaurant because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Oklahoma City because that is what a white guy did. I won't say McDonalds because that is what a white guy did. I won't say school because that is what a whole raft of white guys have done.Here is what some do. But let us just say a guy murders a bunch of innocent people at place x. If it is a white guy, he's deranged and in no way represents all white folks. If he is a Muslim, the same peole who swear that the white guy is just deranged will claim that the Muslim represents all of the billions of muslims worldwide.

I know you're fishing for responses so you can make your canned snide comments about how liberals defend muslims or whatever your point was. I don't care. It's old, it's played and for whatever reason people who are honest enough to recognize that hate is a disease that afflicts all cultures and nationalities bothers you. That's your problem.

I do know what I think. If you murder somone or groups of someone who are unarmed, you are a psychoitic asshole. I choose not to believe you represent anyone other than other psychotic assholes regardless of your race, religion, income, nationality, etc... All nations on earth (that I'm aware of) have produced some pretty crummy people. I'm sure there are some exceptions.

Anyway, I have chunked the softball at you, now dip the broad brush in the paint and get busy.

That is outrageous. Are you suggesting that not all Muslims are raping murderers ?
Doesnt that make you a liberal apologist ?
The term regressive leftist is a disparaging term leveled against anyone that maintains principles of equality regardless of religion in a post 9/11 world. It was coined by people who hate all religion and would like to see it eliminated, especially Christianity. Be careful who you climb into bed with for political expediency.
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This is so fascinating to watch, and election of London's new mayor is shedding even more light on it.


Hey, while you are vilifying the new Muslim mayor of London with your Islamophobic vitriole and bigotry, you know what he was doing today,

as his first act as the newly elected mayor?

London's new Muslim mayor joins Holocaust memorial

"DUBLIN (AP) — London's newly elected Muslim mayor paid respect Sunday to the millions of Jews slain in the Holocaust as his first public engagement in office — and received a hero's welcome from London's Jewish community at the end."
Seriously, you're losing it.

Please post an example of my "vilifying the new Muslim mayor of London with" my "Islamophobic vitriole (sic) and bigotry".

Go ahead. Lay it on me. This should be easy for you.

Or admit you're a liar. Your choice.
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This is so fascinating to watch, and election of London's new mayor is shedding even more light on it.

Members of one specific religion - a religion with a current record of extreme violence, intimidation and terror - are telling us precisely what they're going to do, and they're doing it. It's expansion is clear and rapid and undeniable. We're watching it happen in real time, particularly across Europe. This isn't a partisan or religious opinion, it is a clear fact, based on observation.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerant of the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.

Exactly what is happening here?

Is this just a petulant, knee-jerk reaction against Christianity and conservatives, is it that simple? Are they willing to be so very tolerant of one specific religion just to be contrarian against certain other people they hate?

Or could it be more? Is this behavior related to the payback tactics that we're seeing with race and wealth? Or perhaps do they harbor certain affinities for the religion to which they won't openly admit?

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this. What I expect from you is the standard deflection, derision, personal insults and name-calling. I know that's what we'll get, it's an easy prediction. This thread is specifically about your behaviors, not about Islam. I'm just curious about this, and perhaps some other responses will shed some light or provide some clues.

Now that you've gotten your straight answers, and have been demolished in the process, how about you shut up and stop making a fool of yourself?
Being told to "shut up" on message board.

Right on cue.

Careful Mac, if this thread is considered a "political wind" turning ugly against Islam, you know for sure what side Obama will take, he told us. Not America. Not Christians. Not the world. Maybe that is what the left wing is really scared of, that and Christians trying to save the unborn.

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." BHO
Oh yeah, there's a very good chance I'll lose control of this one pretty quickly, :laugh:

What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Quick question. I drove by at least one mosque on the way home the other evening. I know so because I saw the word “mosque” on the official public road sign (yellow sign, square, hung like a triangle as if it were warning about uneven lanes or a railroad crossing)….and likely 4 or 5 churches.

I didn’t give a second thought to what was being said inside any of the buildings.

Is that being tolerant and defensive?
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out how Regressive Leftists behave in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.
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So no theories on the reason for the behaviors pointed out in the OP?

If you check with some brush manufacturers, perhaps they will give you a broader brush to paint others with.

Here is what happens. A guy murders innocent persons at place x. I won't use a theater because that is what a white guy did. I won't say a church because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Luby's restaurant because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Oklahoma City because that is what a white guy did. I won't say McDonalds because that is what a white guy did. I won't say school because that is what a whole raft of white guys have done.Here is what some do. But let us just say a guy murders a bunch of innocent people at place x. If it is a white guy, he's deranged and in no way represents all white folks. If he is a Muslim, the same peole who swear that the white guy is just deranged will claim that the Muslim represents all of the billions of muslims worldwide.

I know you're fishing for responses so you can make your canned snide comments about how liberals defend muslims or whatever your point was. I don't care. It's old, it's played and for whatever reason people who are honest enough to recognize that hate is a disease that afflicts all cultures and nationalities bothers you. That's your problem.

I do know what I think. If you murder somone or groups of someone who are unarmed, you are a psychoitic asshole. I choose not to believe you represent anyone other than other psychotic assholes regardless of your race, religion, income, nationality, etc... All nations on earth (that I'm aware of) have produced some pretty crummy people. I'm sure there are some exceptions.

Anyway, I have chunked the softball at you, now dip the broad brush in the paint and get busy.
Funny, I don't see you bringing out the "broad brush" arguments when guno and other Regressive Leftists post vicious, hateful things about Christians.

Why is that, Candycorn? Don't worry, we both know why.

Oh, and tell me, what do you think of this nasty lie from NYcarbineer: "Hey, while you are vilifying the new Muslim mayor of London with your Islamophobic vitriole and bigotry...", when I have not come close to doing any such thing at any point? Okay, don't bother, we both know the answer to that one, too, Candycorn.

My point has been made over and over in this thread, and I'm not at all surprised with the way it went. I've exposed the Regressive Left for what they are, yet again. And that's why my posts are being so blatantly misrepresented and lied about. Good.
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Careful Mac, if this thread is considered a "political wind" turning ugly against Islam, you know for sure what side Obama will take, he told us. Not America. Not Christians. Not the world. Maybe that is what the left wing is really scared of, that and Christians trying to save the unborn.

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." BHO
Oh yeah, there's a very good chance I'll lose control of this one pretty quickly, :laugh:

What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Quick question. I drove by at least one mosque on the way home the other evening. I know so because I saw the word “mosque” on the official public road sign (yellow sign, square, hung like a triangle as if it were warning about uneven lanes or a railroad crossing)….and likely 4 or 5 churches.

I didn’t give a second thought to what was being said inside any of the buildings.

Is that being tolerant and defensive?
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out what Regressive Leftists do in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.

You never gave us examples of what you say you have pointed out.

Eat shit, Allah. May the extremists who use you as an excuse to kill be buried alive in mountains of bacon.

Earmuffs, bitch.
So no theories on the reason for the behaviors pointed out in the OP?

If you check with some brush manufacturers, perhaps they will give you a broader brush to paint others with.

Here is what happens. A guy murders innocent persons at place x. I won't use a theater because that is what a white guy did. I won't say a church because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Luby's restaurant because that is what a white guy did. I won't say Oklahoma City because that is what a white guy did. I won't say McDonalds because that is what a white guy did. I won't say school because that is what a whole raft of white guys have done.Here is what some do. But let us just say a guy murders a bunch of innocent people at place x. If it is a white guy, he's deranged and in no way represents all white folks. If he is a Muslim, the same peole who swear that the white guy is just deranged will claim that the Muslim represents all of the billions of muslims worldwide.

I know you're fishing for responses so you can make your canned snide comments about how liberals defend muslims or whatever your point was. I don't care. It's old, it's played and for whatever reason people who are honest enough to recognize that hate is a disease that afflicts all cultures and nationalities bothers you. That's your problem.

I do know what I think. If you murder somone or groups of someone who are unarmed, you are a psychoitic asshole. I choose not to believe you represent anyone other than other psychotic assholes regardless of your race, religion, income, nationality, etc... All nations on earth (that I'm aware of) have produced some pretty crummy people. I'm sure there are some exceptions.

Anyway, I have chunked the softball at you, now dip the broad brush in the paint and get busy.
Funny, I don't see you bringing out the "broad brush" arguments when guno and other Regressive Leftists post vicious, hateful things about Christians.

Why is that, Candycorn? Don't worry, we both know why.

Oh, and tell me, what do you think of this nasty lie from NYcarbineer: "Hey, while you are vilifying the new Muslim mayor of London with your Islamophobic vitriole and bigotry...", when I have not come close to doing any such thing at any point? We both know the answer to that one, too, Candycorn.

My point has been made over and over in this thread, and I'm not at all surprised with the way it went. I've exposed the Regressive Left for what they are, yet again.

Has a single person in this thread opposed the misdeeds of Christians while defending the misdeeds of Muslims? That is what you claim the behavior is, right? Please point me to the case of that happening.

I draw cartoon images of Allah on bathroom stalls.

Earmuffs, bitch.
I notice that no liberals ever want to discuss the treatment of women and gays in Muslim countries. I've seen some say it's not our country, as if somehow that means we never have to be concerned. When Muslims immigrate, they take their fucked up culture with them.

So why is it that American Muslims are more supportive of gay rights than American Evangelical Christians are?

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