The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

This is so fascinating to watch, and election of London's new mayor is shedding even more light on it.

Members of one specific religion - a religion with a current record of extreme violence, intimidation and terror - are telling us precisely what they're going to do, and they're doing it. It's expansion is clear and rapid and undeniable. We're watching it happen in real time, particularly across Europe. This isn't a partisan or religious opinion, it is a clear fact, based on observation.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerant of the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.

Exactly what is happening here?

Is this just a petulant, knee-jerk reaction against Christianity and conservatives, is it that simple? Are they willing to be so very tolerant of one specific religion just to be contrarian against certain other people they hate?

Or could it be more? Is this behavior related to the payback tactics that we're seeing with race and wealth? Or perhaps do they harbor certain affinities for the religion to which they won't openly admit?

And directly to the Regressive Leftists here: I'm certainly not, nor do I ever, expect a straight, clear and honest answer from you on this. What I expect from you is the standard deflection, derision, personal insults and name-calling. I know that's what we'll get, it's an easy prediction. This thread is specifically about your behaviors, not about Islam. I'm just curious about this, and perhaps some other responses will shed some light or provide some clues.

Please re-read this OP.

It's a blatant attack on the new mayor of London, for being a Muslim and for no other reason than he's a Muslim. The second paragraph makes that clear. See what I highlighted above?

The OP is saying that the election of the London mayor represents the expansion of the religion of violence and terror.

And yet the OP denies saying that.

Please Note:

The OP says that (we) attack the misdeeds of Christians. That is true.
He then says that (we) defend the first religion (Islam).

Key point. He didn't say that (we) defend the misdeeds of Muslims. He said that (we) defend the religion itself. I wonder why he didn't say that? Is it because (we) do not defend the misdeeds of Muslims?

When will he show us an example of (us) defending misdeeds of Muslims?
Oh yeah, there's a very good chance I'll lose control of this one pretty quickly, :laugh:

What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Quick question. I drove by at least one mosque on the way home the other evening. I know so because I saw the word “mosque” on the official public road sign (yellow sign, square, hung like a triangle as if it were warning about uneven lanes or a railroad crossing)….and likely 4 or 5 churches.

I didn’t give a second thought to what was being said inside any of the buildings.

Is that being tolerant and defensive?
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out how Regressive Leftists behave in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.

We would like, for starters, ONE real life example of someone here acting the way you accuse them of acting.
It has happened dozens of times on this very thread, but you're too blind to see it.

This thread is about one thing: The behavior of Regressive Leftists. How and why they deflect from jihadism. One primary way you do it is to change the subject, lie about someone's position, and then attack them.

Examples you won't admit are examples (this should be a fun little exercise):

Post 2
Post 14 (you)
Post 36 (you)
Post 37 (you)
Post 45 (you)
Post 47 (you)
Post 49 (you)
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Man, I've really pushed the Regressive Lefties off the deep end with this one.
Quick question. I drove by at least one mosque on the way home the other evening. I know so because I saw the word “mosque” on the official public road sign (yellow sign, square, hung like a triangle as if it were warning about uneven lanes or a railroad crossing)….and likely 4 or 5 churches.

I didn’t give a second thought to what was being said inside any of the buildings.

Is that being tolerant and defensive?
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out how Regressive Leftists behave in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.

We would like, for starters, ONE real life example of someone here acting the way you accuse them of acting.
It has happened dozens of times on this very thread, but you're too blind to see it.

This thread is about one thing: The behavior of Regressive Leftists. How and why they deflect from jihadism. One primary way you do it is to change the subject, lie about someone's position, and then attack them.

Examples you won't admit are examples (this should be a fun little exercise):

Post 2
Post 14 (you)
Post 36 (you)
Post 37 (you)
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Now....that's impressive. But you failed to show us an example of anyone defending a Muslim misdeed. That seems to be very difficult for you.
Quick question. I drove by at least one mosque on the way home the other evening. I know so because I saw the word “mosque” on the official public road sign (yellow sign, square, hung like a triangle as if it were warning about uneven lanes or a railroad crossing)….and likely 4 or 5 churches.

I didn’t give a second thought to what was being said inside any of the buildings.

Is that being tolerant and defensive?
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out how Regressive Leftists behave in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.

We would like, for starters, ONE real life example of someone here acting the way you accuse them of acting.
It has happened dozens of times on this very thread, but you're too blind to see it.

This thread is about one thing: The behavior of Regressive Leftists. How and why they deflect from jihadism. One primary way you do it is to change the subject, lie about someone's position, and then attack them.

Examples you won't admit are examples (this should be a fun little exercise):

Post 2
Post 14 (you)
Post 36 (you)
Post 37 (you)
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Wow! I'm really in your head!
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out how Regressive Leftists behave in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.

We would like, for starters, ONE real life example of someone here acting the way you accuse them of acting.
It has happened dozens of times on this very thread, but you're too blind to see it.

This thread is about one thing: The behavior of Regressive Leftists. How and why they deflect from jihadism. One primary way you do it is to change the subject, lie about someone's position, and then attack them.

Examples you won't admit are examples (this should be a fun little exercise):

Post 2
Post 14 (you)
Post 36 (you)
Post 37 (you)
Post 45 (you)
Post 47 (you)
Post 49 (you)
Post 57 (you)
Post 59 (you)
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Post 360 (you)

Wow! I'm really in your head!
It was a pleasure!
Quick question. I drove by at least one mosque on the way home the other evening. I know so because I saw the word “mosque” on the official public road sign (yellow sign, square, hung like a triangle as if it were warning about uneven lanes or a railroad crossing)….and likely 4 or 5 churches.

I didn’t give a second thought to what was being said inside any of the buildings.

Is that being tolerant and defensive?
Uh, is this a trick question?

Sounds like you did what a majority of people who do, is that a good answer?

This thread is about the Regressive Left's behavior.

No trick question...I do have some questions though;

First, lets clean up the mess you made.

"good" and "bad" are value judgments.

My behavior was to not really wonder what goes on in either place. Whether that is "good" or "bad" is someone else's question to consider...I'm not changing because some Christians gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion or because some Muslim gun down people in the name of their skewed view of their religion. I do recognize when people are murdered, the gunman is responsible for the murder, not some bullshit written thousands of years ago.

Next question.

If you do gun down someone who is of no threat to you or anyone else, can society assume that it is you that has a screw loose somewhere and whatever "message" you wrote on Facebook, MySpace, MyFace, Spacebook, Instagram, etc... are the writings of you, a mad man and they, in no definitive way, represent any group that person belongs to such as their religion, bowling group, union, employer, motorcycle club, shooting club, what bars they drink at, what clubs they go to etc....
Good gawd.

Is there a point somewhere?

I merely pointed out how Regressive Leftists behave in a specific situation and asked why they do it.

If you would actually like to respond to that question, great.

We would like, for starters, ONE real life example of someone here acting the way you accuse them of acting.
It has happened dozens of times on this very thread, but you're too blind to see it.

This thread is about one thing: The behavior of Regressive Leftists. How and why they deflect from jihadism. One primary way you do it is to change the subject, lie about someone's position, and then attack them.

Examples you won't admit are examples (this should be a fun little exercise):

Post 2
Post 14 (you)
Post 36 (you)
Post 37 (you)
Post 45 (you)
Post 47 (you)
Post 49 (you)
Post 57 (you)
Post 59 (you)
Post 67 (you)
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Post 190
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Post 235 (you)
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Post 242 (you)
Post 243 (you)
Post 261 (you)
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Post 282
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Post 341 (you)
Post 346 (you)
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Post 353 (you)
Post 356 (you)
Post 359 (you)
Post 360 (you)

That you didn't get the joke in post 14 makes it even funnier to me.

Here are three, more can be provided but I don't see much use in doing so.

White, ‘Chrisitian’ Terrorists masquerading as patriots

That is not someone deflecting from an Islamic terrorist topic. That is a standalone thread on the topic of Christian terrorism. Why would someone not be allowed to post that?

btw, the deflection starts in post 3, where some clown brings up black lives matter.

As I posted, more wouldn't matter. But for others, I would like to clarify.

Here is what was actually posted in the OP.

Meanwhile, a group of people - the Regressive Left (as honest liberal Bill Maher refers to them), a group all too happy to attack the misdeeds of another religion (Christianity, obviously) in absolutely every possible way, at absolutely every opportunity, are bending over backwards to be defensive and so very tolerant of the first religion. A religion, by the way, that treats women and gays as lesser objects, among other behaviors that the Regressive Leftists loathe.

That is exactly what the samples I provided prove. Defending Islam by denouncing Christianity. Pretty clear.
Man, I've really pushed the Regressive Lefties off the deep end with this one.

No. You have just failed to support your premise. You've failed to name the regressive leftists or to show that anyone has exhibited the behavior that you find objectionable.

May all jihadis be brought to justice and may all Muslim gay people and women be freed from tyranny.

Earmuffs, bitch.
Okay, so explain why he was part of your OP. Why did you mention the mayor of London being elected? Are you claiming he was elected only because he's Muslim? What was the point of mentioning him?
I'm not sure why this is so complicated. I said this: This is so fascinating to watch, and election of London's new mayor is shedding even more light on it.

A Regressive Leftist here then took that statement and ran with this:"Hey, while you are vilifying the new Muslim mayor of London with your Islamophobic vitriole and bigotry..."

I wonder what you think of that post. It's a beautiful example of the reason for this thread. Can you see that?

Now, to answer your question, I was merely referring to posts and threads on the mayor's election that got me thinking of the question. Nothing dramatic or direct. That's it.

How many think Trump is a hater for suggesting a pause in Islamic immigration to beef up vetting especially since govt has admitted they have no effective means to do it
Just saying the Obama was no more suspicious than the 2000 and 2004.

I know what you said. The question is why would you say it? It isn't related to the discussion at all.

Neither was the interjection of Obama. You don't like it, put me on ignore. You whine and cry a lot.

Idiot. I didn't bring up Obama. You don't pay attention. You appear a bit schizo.

I don't put people on ignore. Only pussies do that.

Hey nut job, I never said you brought up Obama. Seems you don't comprehend reading well. Surprised you don't put people on ignore, you seem to be a whiney pussy.

Obama was brought up, not by you but he was brought up, you responded and so did I, sorry you can't follow along.

You see what isn't there.

How many people do you have on ignore, by the way?

I saw it, you are ignorant and missed it, no one but you can fix that.

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