The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Mac thanks I am a member of the "regressive left".

I find the Muslim religion to be an entirely stupid concoction designed to control the masses. It's use by some as a cudgel to deny freedom to human beings and its continued use by some as justification for violence and extremism only enforces my disdain for it. are completely off base. As usual.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion whet the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.
Well done, thanks. The behavior is, at once, so blatant and so (seemingly) sincere that its reasons have to be complicated, as you infer.

At some level they have to know, but that level is clearly buried.
It was 'just' reported Hillary's Saudi campaign contributer just donated millions for the advancement of Sharia law in the US...

...she has already taken millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, treat them like property, stone them for being raped, and engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....

Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaedlida take over their own nations and allowed ISIS to freely enter Iraq to begin taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost...

Barry supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS...

He defended terrorists who killed Americans on US soil, claiming one terrorist attack was a case of 'workplace violence' & using the DOJ to threaten Americans for using their Constitutionally protected freedom of speech if they said anything negative after the terrorist he gave a visa to and welcomed into the country killed 12 Americans...

Of course questioning their motives / actions is not allowed / is condemned by liberals, who insist anyone suggesting all of this is 'questionable behavior' is the one we should worry about...

For those who will claim that ISIS is not Islamic:

What is funny (sic) is that the left will claim that you even mentioning the religion of the new mayor is in fact bigotry towards Islam. Yet they will not acknowledge that the election of such a mayor is exactly the opposite.

Funny that here in the states that if the candidate was a Christian, then it is fair game to mention his religion and disparage the candidate based on their religious beliefs.
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

You've never heard innocent Muslims condemned on this board? Fuckinay that's funny.

Another backhanded apology for Islam, just as the OP asked.
The type of response I predicted in the OP.

It is what it is.
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

You've never heard innocent Muslims condemned on this board? Fuckinay that's funny.

Another backhanded apology for Islam, just as the OP asked.

Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.
It was 'just' reported Hillary's Saudi campaign contributer just donated millions for the advancement of Sharia law in the US...

...she has already taken millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, treat them like property, stone them for being raped, and engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....

Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaedlida take over their own nations and allowed ISIS to freely enter Iraq to begin taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost...

Barry supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS...

He defended terrorists who killed Americans on US soil, claiming one terrorist attack was a case of 'workplace violence' & using the DOJ to threaten Americans for using their Constitutionally protected freedom of speech if they said anything negative after the terrorist he gave a visa to and welcomed into the country killed 12 Americans...

Of course questioning their motives / actions is not allowed / is condemned by liberals, who insist anyone suggesting all of this is 'questionable behavior' is the one we should worry about...

For those who will claim that ISIS is not Islamic:

What is funny (sic) is that the left will claim that you even mentioning the religion of the new mayor is in fact bigotry towards Islam. Yet they will not acknowledge that the election of such a mayor is exactly the opposite.

Funny that here in the states that if the candidate was a Christian, then it is fair game to mention his religion and disparage the candidate based on their religious beliefs.

Trump uses his alleged religion as a political tool. That makes it fair game for rebuttal.
Mac thanks I am a member of the "regressive left".

I find the Muslim religion to be an entirely stupid concoction designed to control the masses. It's use by some as a cudgel to deny freedom to human beings and its continued use by some as justification for violence and extremism only enforces my disdain for it. are completely off base. As usual.


He's a classic Islamophobe. a classic religious bigot. He just happens to have just enough cleverness to dress that up in ways he at least thinks conceals it.
Well done, thanks. The behavior is, at once, so blatant and so (seemingly) sincere that its reasons have to be complicated, as you infer.

At some level they have to know, but that level is clearly buried.

It is blatant and it is obvious and it is expressed in countless thousands of postings here, yet the members of tribe leftist will swear up and down it isn't happening at all.

These are not intelligent, introspective people who ever examine their own beliefs, here.

Like all fundamentalists, they are simply little worker bees.

The Emperor can be as naked as all get up but they are incapable of seeing it.
Can anyone list the terrorist acts the newly elected mayor of London has committed?
Well done, thanks. The behavior is, at once, so blatant and so (seemingly) sincere that its reasons have to be complicated, as you infer.

At some level they have to know, but that level is clearly buried.

It is blatant and it is obvious and it is expressed in countless thousands of postings here, yet the members of tribe leftist will swear up and down it isn't happening at all.

These are not intelligent, introspective people who ever examine their own beliefs, here.

Like all fundamentalists, they are simply little worker bees.

The Emperor can be as naked as all get up but they are incapable of seeing it.

What the fuck are you babbling about?
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

You've never heard innocent Muslims condemned on this board? Fuckinay that's funny.

Another backhanded apology for Islam, just as the OP asked.

Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.
I've never condemned Islam or any other religion for the acts of individuals. And, in fact, I specifically pointed out in the OP that this thread is about the behaviors of people like you, and not about religion.

In other words, that's not what I said.


As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you know that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will choose whether to respond.

Thanks for fulfilling the prediction made in the last paragraph of the OP, so vividly, for me.
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Well done, thanks. The behavior is, at once, so blatant and so (seemingly) sincere that its reasons have to be complicated, as you infer.

At some level they have to know, but that level is clearly buried.

It is blatant and it is obvious and it is expressed in countless thousands of postings here, yet the members of tribe leftist will swear up and down it isn't happening at all.

These are not intelligent, introspective people who ever examine their own beliefs, here.

Like all fundamentalists, they are simply little worker bees.

The Emperor can be as naked as all get up but they are incapable of seeing it.

What is blatant? Who, exactly, are you referring to? names.

Any examples of what you are referring to?
It was 'just' reported Hillary's Saudi campaign contributer just donated millions for the advancement of Sharia law in the US...

...she has already taken millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, treat them like property, stone them for being raped, and engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....

Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaedlida take over their own nations and allowed ISIS to freely enter Iraq to begin taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost...

Barry supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS...

He defended terrorists who killed Americans on US soil, claiming one terrorist attack was a case of 'workplace violence' & using the DOJ to threaten Americans for using their Constitutionally protected freedom of speech if they said anything negative after the terrorist he gave a visa to and welcomed into the country killed 12 Americans...

Of course questioning their motives / actions is not allowed / is condemned by liberals, who insist anyone suggesting all of this is 'questionable behavior' is the one we should worry about...

For those who will claim that ISIS is not Islamic:

What is funny (sic) is that the left will claim that you even mentioning the religion of the new mayor is in fact bigotry towards Islam. Yet they will not acknowledge that the election of such a mayor is exactly the opposite.

Funny that here in the states that if the candidate was a Christian, then it is fair game to mention his religion and disparage the candidate based on their religious beliefs.
Sure, and that's one of the behaviors on which the thread is based.

Another one of them is now trying to deflect, yet another behavior.

They're so controlled by their ideology that they literally may not be able to help themselves.
What I'm specifically focusing on is the behaviors of those who are so tolerant and defensive of one religion while simultaneously being so hateful of another.

No doubt it will get dragged in other directions, but that's my question here.

Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

You've never heard innocent Muslims condemned on this board? Fuckinay that's funny.

Another backhanded apology for Islam, just as the OP asked.

Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.

I think it has already has been made clear that your love of Islam is predicated by your hatred of Christianity. No need to keep on posting proof, we got it.

So, if you are going to argue that Islam isn't the fault people are, are you going to use the same argument in the gun control argument? You sound like a dyed in the wool NRA member.

Your Nazi reference, truly the work of a pathetic POS.
Well then perhaps you would be kind enough to give a specific example and put away your hasty generalizations.
What? You're serious here?

Just from this board alone, you can't think of any examples of people deflecting to the evils of Christianity after a jihadist attack?

You can't think of Leftists leveraging "hasty generalizations" about Christians?

You can't think of any examples of leftists attacking Christianity for many of the same ideals or acts perpetrated by Islam?

You can't think of any times a leftist has deflected to "Islamophobia" or even "racism" when someone pointed out a misdeed of Islam?

There's no way you're serious.

You've never heard innocent Muslims condemned on this board? Fuckinay that's funny.

Another backhanded apology for Islam, just as the OP asked.

Islam isn't guilty. People are. You and the OP who condemn a religion for the acts of individuals are no different than Hitler and his condemnation of the Jews.

I think it has already has been made clear that your love of Islam is predicated by your hatred of Christianity. No need to keep on posting proof, we got it.

So, if you are going to argue that Islam isn't the fault people are, are you going to use the same argument in the gun control argument? You sound like a dyed in the wool NRA member.

Your Nazi reference, truly the work of a pathetic POS.

You condemn innocent Muslims all the time. That is, in principle, comparable to the Nazi condemnation of the innocent Jews.
It was 'just' reported Hillary's Saudi campaign contributer just donated millions for the advancement of Sharia law in the US...

...she has already taken millions from Islamic nations that oppress women, treat them like property, stone them for being raped, and engage in the mutilation of female genitalia....

Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaedlida take over their own nations and allowed ISIS to freely enter Iraq to begin taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost...

Barry supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS...

He defended terrorists who killed Americans on US soil, claiming one terrorist attack was a case of 'workplace violence' & using the DOJ to threaten Americans for using their Constitutionally protected freedom of speech if they said anything negative after the terrorist he gave a visa to and welcomed into the country killed 12 Americans...

Of course questioning their motives / actions is not allowed / is condemned by liberals, who insist anyone suggesting all of this is 'questionable behavior' is the one we should worry about...

For those who will claim that ISIS is not Islamic:

What is funny (sic) is that the left will claim that you even mentioning the religion of the new mayor is in fact bigotry towards Islam. Yet they will not acknowledge that the election of such a mayor is exactly the opposite.

Funny that here in the states that if the candidate was a Christian, then it is fair game to mention his religion and disparage the candidate based on their religious beliefs.
Sure, and that's one of the behaviors on which the thread is based.

Another one of them is now trying to deflect, yet another behavior.

They're so controlled by their ideology that they literally may not be able to help themselves.

Who is they?

By the way...Allah can suck a thousand dicks. Some of his lame followers are using him to justify killing people.....mostly Muslim people, in fact. His refusal to smite them is worthy of scorn.

Earmuffs, bitch.

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