The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

Things were pretty good fiscally back in 2004 and Dems were talking it down all the time.

Things are way worse now and Dems have spent five years loading the economy up with anchors to keep it dragging.

Things were "good" because of several factors. One was the housing bubble created by the Bush administration. There were also 2 wars going on and massive government spending.

And there have been no "anchors".

How can anyone utter such an idiocy in a public forum?

Which conservatives were ever in charge in Detroit?

Rick Snyder.

How do you know Mr. Orr is a conservative? He's black, so I would say the odds are slim. The fact that he participated in the Chrysler bankruptcy indicate that he's an Obama crony, so that makes the odds even slimmer. Furthermore, the city is already bankrupt. Orr's job is to clean up the mess that your libturd Komrades made.

What exactly did Republicans do to stop off shoring or diversify industry in Detroit?
You want me to post a pic of me writing a check?


You can post your pics showing you did charity work.

You I did.

And that's only a couple of them. I've done work for the Red Cross, ASPCA, Channel 13, doing runs for Sandy Relief and smaller organizations.

That's in addition to writing checks for such organizations of God's Love We Deliver, Christian Charities, World Wildlife Fund, The Sierra Club, Haitian Relief, and many others.

My, my, aren't you special.

I never claimed I do charity work. I do donate money to charity. I pay others to do the work.

Actually what you claimed is that I don't.

Which I disproved.

Now you cannot prove you do what you say.

That's pretty funny.


America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Two reasons:

Most republicans believe that if the voters are feeling good about the economy they’re more likely to vote democratic.

Having failed to ‘get rid’ of Obama in 2012, the mission now is to ‘destroy’ his legacy.

That most on the right are willing to put their petty partisan goals ahead of what’s best for America should come as no surprise.

Sometimes I fear they will - but I really don't think they can. Historians won't just look at what did or did not happen. They'll look at the whole picture, specifically the do-nothing Congress, and their "accomplishments."

President Truman is a testimony to that.

How do you know Mr. Orr is a conservative? He's black, so I would say the odds are slim. The fact that he participated in the Chrysler bankruptcy indicate that he's an Obama crony, so that makes the odds even slimmer. Furthermore, the city is already bankrupt. Orr's job is to clean up the mess that your libturd Komrades made.

What exactly did Republicans do to stop off shoring or diversify industry in Detroit?

If that was the cause of Detroit's problems, then why isn't any other city suffering a similar fate?

You can post your pics showing you did charity work.

You I did.

And that's only a couple of them. I've done work for the Red Cross, ASPCA, Channel 13, doing runs for Sandy Relief and smaller organizations.

That's in addition to writing checks for such organizations of God's Love We Deliver, Christian Charities, World Wildlife Fund, The Sierra Club, Haitian Relief, and many others.

My, my, aren't you special.

I never claimed I do charity work. I do donate money to charity. I pay others to do the work.

Actually what you claimed is that I don't.

Which I disproved.

Now you cannot prove you do what you say.

That's pretty funny.


You just admitted that I didn't say it. I didn't even say you didn't do it. I just said I'm skeptical.

You need to acquire some reading skills.
Two reasons:

Most republicans believe that if the voters are feeling good about the economy they’re more likely to vote democratic.

Having failed to ‘get rid’ of Obama in 2012, the mission now is to ‘destroy’ his legacy.

That most on the right are willing to put their petty partisan goals ahead of what’s best for America should come as no surprise.

Sometimes I fear they will - but I really don't think they can. Historians won't just look at what did or did not happen. They'll look at the whole picture, specifically the do-nothing Congress, and their "accomplishments."

President Truman is a testimony to that.

Truman is testimony only to the fact that Democrats are prehensile morons.
My, my, aren't you special.

I never claimed I do charity work. I do donate money to charity. I pay others to do the work.

Actually what you claimed is that I don't.

Which I disproved.

Now you cannot prove you do what you say.

That's pretty funny.


You just admitted that I didn't say it. I didn't even say you didn't do it. I just said I'm skeptical.

You need to acquire some reading skills.

This was your quote.

Sure you do, Sallow, and I'm the Queen of England.

So either you are saying that I don't or you are a Queen.


Is that even English?


America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Oh, that's funny.

America is healing ? You sure do have low standards.

Tell it to these folks. You people are simply stupid.

Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom ? Lowest Level Ever Recorded | The Gateway Pundit


The labor force participation rate among blacks it currently 60.2%. That is NOT the record low. The record low is 58.5 from July, 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Things were pretty good fiscally back in 2004 and Dems were talking it down all the time.

Things are way worse now and Dems have spent five years loading the economy up with anchors to keep it dragging.

Things were "good" because of several factors. One was the housing bubble created by the Bush administration. There were also 2 wars going on and massive government spending.

And there have been no "anchors".

Obamacare is a humongous anchor. Obamacare is multiple anchors. From when Obama and the Dems spent 2009 crafting the boondoggle instead of making sure the stimulus was working through the years they have spent in rewriting it and fleshing it out with more and more regulations. And this rewriting is still going on.

HUGE anchor.

If it hadn't been for Obama and the Democrats and their perfidious lies there probably would have been that predicted summer of recovery.

Now we just have to count on the seemingly unconquerable American spirit fighting along while dragging balls and chains. Thank goodness the American spirit is stronger than the Democrats who are telling us how much more government we need.

So far anyway.
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How do you know Mr. Orr is a conservative? He's black, so I would say the odds are slim. The fact that he participated in the Chrysler bankruptcy indicate that he's an Obama crony, so that makes the odds even slimmer. Furthermore, the city is already bankrupt. Orr's job is to clean up the mess that your libturd Komrades made.

What exactly did Republicans do to stop off shoring or diversify industry in Detroit?

What did Democrats do to make Detroit competitive and resilient and not bogged down by unfunded liabilities?

America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Oh, that's funny.

America is healing ? You sure do have low standards.

Tell it to these folks. You people are simply stupid.

Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom ? Lowest Level Ever Recorded | The Gateway Pundit


The labor force participation rate among blacks it currently 60.2%. That is NOT the record low. The record low is 58.5 from July, 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

My mistake.

What the article should have said was black men. Or so that seems to be the disconnect.

Regardless....even your graph shows how pathetic things are in this regard.

America is not, by any stretch of the imagination, healing.
Things were pretty good fiscally back in 2004 and Dems were talking it down all the time.

Things are way worse now and Dems have spent five years loading the economy up with anchors to keep it dragging.

Things were "good" because of several factors. One was the housing bubble created by the Bush administration. There were also 2 wars going on and massive government spending.

And there have been no "anchors".

Obamacare is a humongous anchor. Obamacare is multiple anchors. From when Obama and the Dems spent 2009 crafting the boondoggle instead of making sure the stimulus was working through the years they have spent in rewriting it and fleshing it out with more and more regulations. And this rewriting is still going on.

HUGE anchor.

If it hadn't been for Obama and the Democrats and their perfidious lies there probably would have been that predicted summer of recovery.

Now we just have to count on the seemingly unconquerable American spirit fighting along while dragging balls and chains. Thank goodness the American spirit is stronger than the Democrats who are telling us how much more government we need.

So far anyway.

Anchor to what?
Oh, that's funny.

America is healing ? You sure do have low standards.

Tell it to these folks. You people are simply stupid.

Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom ? Lowest Level Ever Recorded | The Gateway Pundit


The labor force participation rate among blacks it currently 60.2%. That is NOT the record low. The record low is 58.5 from July, 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

My mistake.

What the article should have said was black men. Or so that seems to be the disconnect.

Regardless....even your graph shows how pathetic things are in this regard.

America is not, by any stretch of the imagination, healing.

Sure it is.

GM started pay dividends again.

And we still have a financial sector.
Things were "good" because of several factors. One was the housing bubble created by the Bush administration. There were also 2 wars going on and massive government spending.

And there have been no "anchors".

Obamacare is a humongous anchor. Obamacare is multiple anchors. From when Obama and the Dems spent 2009 crafting the boondoggle instead of making sure the stimulus was working through the years they have spent in rewriting it and fleshing it out with more and more regulations. And this rewriting is still going on.

HUGE anchor.

If it hadn't been for Obama and the Democrats and their perfidious lies there probably would have been that predicted summer of recovery.

Now we just have to count on the seemingly unconquerable American spirit fighting along while dragging balls and chains. Thank goodness the American spirit is stronger than the Democrats who are telling us how much more government we need.

So far anyway.

Anchor to what?

An anchor dragging behind the economic ship.
Obamacare is a humongous anchor. Obamacare is multiple anchors. From when Obama and the Dems spent 2009 crafting the boondoggle instead of making sure the stimulus was working through the years they have spent in rewriting it and fleshing it out with more and more regulations. And this rewriting is still going on.

HUGE anchor.

If it hadn't been for Obama and the Democrats and their perfidious lies there probably would have been that predicted summer of recovery.

Now we just have to count on the seemingly unconquerable American spirit fighting along while dragging balls and chains. Thank goodness the American spirit is stronger than the Democrats who are telling us how much more government we need.

So far anyway.

Anchor to what?

An anchor dragging behind the economic ship.

Again, anchor to what?

Most major corporations provided insurance to their employees.

The "big" effect this had was to minimum wage employers, who think it's grand to take 99.9% of the profit and pay their employees the bare minimum. That was a true drag on the economy and cost the government big in terms of funding services for the poor. No one who works full time should have to worry about food, shelter or healthcare.

Not when we have over 400 Billionaires in this country.

Who are the TRUE anchors on the economy. :mad:
Anchor to what?

An anchor dragging behind the economic ship.

Again, anchor to what?

Most major corporations provided insurance to their employees.

The "big" effect this had was to minimum wage employers, who think it's grand to take 99.9% of the profit and pay their employees the bare minimum. That was a true drag on the economy and cost the government big in terms of funding services for the poor. No one who works full time should have to worry about food, shelter or healthcare.

Not when we have over 400 Billionaires in this country.

Who are the TRUE anchors on the economy. :mad:

We have a fragile economy. Obama has been disincentivizing growth. He's been propping up the rich with monopoly money, giving them breathing room to sit on their assets to wait to see the extent of the revisions he is making to the rules governing the marketplace. Obama's tenure has been nonstop rewriting of rules peppered with the lies he told to secure the power to do this rewriting.

When you have such little faith in people with money why do things like give them incentives to cut the hours of their employees to save a few thousand bucks?

What has Obama done which hasn't at least marginally decreased incentives to grow? All those marginal negatives start adding up.

This was an economy which needed boosts, such as real investment and not just lip service paid to infrastructure. And definitely not disincentives.
The far left shows that they want America to fail and they want to lead the charge in that failure, nothing would please them more.
Still trying to pass your MessiahRushie as the Far Left! :cuckoo:

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

The labor force participation rate among blacks it currently 60.2%. That is NOT the record low. The record low is 58.5 from July, 1975.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

My mistake.

What the article should have said was black men. Or so that seems to be the disconnect.

Regardless....even your graph shows how pathetic things are in this regard.

America is not, by any stretch of the imagination, healing.

Sure it is.

GM started pay dividends again.

And we still have a financial sector.

You bet.

We'll have anything for a while (when Obama and Bush bail it out).

As for the rest of the world, I'll pass along your optimism. Somehow I don't get the impression they share it.

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