The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

Conservative vision for America's future.

The liberal reality of Detroit:




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Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Is this like the war on X-mas?
Obama's policies are what's making people miserable. The US economy is fucked like a prison gang rape, and everything Obama and team are doing is making it worse.

You can't talk people into misery, they know it as it smothers their hope. It's real.

Just like FDR made the depression worse, so little Black Sambo does the same. We won't rebound for decades, if ever. I suppose all we can hope for is a new World War, or a new Black Plague.

Stock Market Data - Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500 - CNNMoney

Market soared on jobs report.

Which indicators are you using? Other than the normal racist bullshit.

The Dow dropped 179 points today once they grasped that the reason the UE rate went down was because more people dropped out of the work force.

I actually heard a talking head blame the cold weather for the lack of hiring. No one bothered to tell him that the cold weather was this month and the UE was for last month.
Obama's policies are what's making people miserable. The US economy is fucked like a prison gang rape, and everything Obama and team are doing is making it worse.

You can't talk people into misery, they know it as it smothers their hope. It's real.

Just like FDR made the depression worse, so little Black Sambo does the same. We won't rebound for decades, if ever. I suppose all we can hope for is a new World War, or a new Black Plague.

Stock Market Data - Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500 - CNNMoney

Market soared on jobs report.

Which indicators are you using? Other than the normal racist bullshit.

The Dow dropped 179 points today once they grasped that the reason the UE rate went down was because more people dropped out of the work force.

I actually heard a talking head blame the cold weather for the lack of hiring. No one bothered to tell him that the cold weather was this month and the UE was for last month.
The reason the UE went down was because 335,000 of the unemployed found jobs.
You haven't even started to make a case.

You just keep the with the Chrissy like five lines of PR posting.



Is that even English?


America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Because it the first Black President leaves office with a decent approval rating, then they believe they have failed.

I only hope Hilary isn't as much of an indecisive pushover who can't get single-payer pushed through in a country where the medicaid / medicare infrastructure is already in place.
What pics?

In my profile.

I'm doing work for Habitat for Humanity and New York Cares.

You're welcome to post your own.

You want me to post a pic of me writing a check?


You can post your pics showing you did charity work.

You I did.

And that's only a couple of them. I've done work for the Red Cross, ASPCA, Channel 13, doing runs for Sandy Relief and smaller organizations.

That's in addition to writing checks for such organizations of God's Love We Deliver, Christian Charities, World Wildlife Fund, The Sierra Club, Haitian Relief, and many others.
You haven't even started to make a case.

You just keep the with the Chrissy like five lines of PR posting.



Is that even English?


America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Two reasons:

Most republicans believe that if the voters are feeling good about the economy they’re more likely to vote democratic.

Having failed to ‘get rid’ of Obama in 2012, the mission now is to ‘destroy’ his legacy.

That most on the right are willing to put their petty partisan goals ahead of what’s best for America should come as no surprise.
Things were pretty good fiscally back in 2004 and Dems were talking it down all the time.

Things are way worse now and Dems have spent five years loading the economy up with anchors to keep it dragging.


Is that even English?


America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Two reasons:

Most republicans believe that if the voters are feeling good about the economy they’re more likely to vote democratic.

Having failed to ‘get rid’ of Obama in 2012, the mission now is to ‘destroy’ his legacy.

That most on the right are willing to put their petty partisan goals ahead of what’s best for America should come as no surprise.

Sometimes I fear they will - but I really don't think they can. Historians won't just look at what did or did not happen. They'll look at the whole picture, specifically the do-nothing Congress, and their "accomplishments."
In my profile.

I'm doing work for Habitat for Humanity and New York Cares.

You're welcome to post your own.

You want me to post a pic of me writing a check?


You can post your pics showing you did charity work.

You I did.

And that's only a couple of them. I've done work for the Red Cross, ASPCA, Channel 13, doing runs for Sandy Relief and smaller organizations.

That's in addition to writing checks for such organizations of God's Love We Deliver, Christian Charities, World Wildlife Fund, The Sierra Club, Haitian Relief, and many others.

My, my, aren't you special.

I never claimed I do charity work. I do donate money to charity. I pay others to do the work.
Detroit's woes happened because of Conservative policies.


How can anyone utter such an idiocy in a public forum?

Which conservatives were ever in charge in Detroit?

Rick Snyder.

How do you know Mr. Orr is a conservative? He's black, so I would say the odds are slim. The fact that he participated in the Chrysler bankruptcy indicate that he's an Obama crony, so that makes the odds even slimmer. Furthermore, the city is already bankrupt. Orr's job is to clean up the mess that your libturd Komrades made.
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You haven't even started to make a case.

You just keep the with the Chrissy like five lines of PR posting.



Is that even English?


America is healing, and for some reason, the Repubs aren't happy to hear it.


Oh, that's funny.

America is healing ? You sure do have low standards.

Tell it to these folks. You people are simply stupid.

Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom ? Lowest Level Ever Recorded | The Gateway Pundit

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