The Republican Plan

Yet you support the craziest of the crazy.
And you support the disgustingly sick. Men in girls bathrooms is sick. He-she's competing in women's sports is sick. Trannys, homos, and crossdressers is sick. Slaughtering live babies in the womb is sick. I don't support any party. But I'll take crazy over sick on election day.
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Justice? Strange how you lose sight of that and become blind in seconds. LMAO. Revenge? What a moron.
WE haven't lost sight of it at all. 900 arrests, 500 convictions, another 3000 more arrests coming, exposing Trump Univ. Foundation, and Trump org. for its crimes, and tons more investigations reaching their end. That's justice. Get a clue.
They just removed the funding for new IRS agents nobody wanted saving our country 80 billion dollars. They've only settled on a Speaker a little over a week ago. What did the Communists do in six years?
Only about 3 or 4 percent were to be agents. The rest were needed to fill the shortage of personnel.
And you support the disgustingly sick. Men in girls bathrooms is sick. He-she's competing in women's sports is sick. Trannys, homos, and crossdressers is sick. I don't support any party. But I'll take crazy over sick on election day.
And now you think somebody is going to take your gas stove. You don't understand they have a continuous flow of batshit crazy things to keep you riled up? Not that long ago, you thought the military was attacking Texas, and that someone was going to ban cows. You sure are gullible goobers, aren't you?
No idea what the plan is seems to be the norm around here. Not one of you even bleeped a minuscule solution.

Not much happens overnight with the exception of the Communists presenting a 4,500 page bill nobody had time to read. Right now they are just putting things in place by creating new House rules in which to govern from.
Biden completely cooperating makes your claims less legitimate.
Not really, trump was cooperating too, he even said they would work with them to straighten it out. Negotiations broke down then the fbi raided his home. Didn't Trump say that he would have continued to work with them?

They are still legitimate because Biden did have documents he wasn't supposed to have..and I think he may have lied about knowing he had them, here's why. He has repeatedly stated they were in a secure place...if he didn't know he had them,.then why would they be in a secure place? Unless it's just a coincidence that they ended up in a secure place, and he truly didn't know he had them...and I'm not sure which is worse, that he knew he had them and lied about it, or that he had no idea that he was in possession of top secret/SCI documents..

Again, how did they end up in his possession? Does a vp pack his own belongings when leaving the white house, or do they have a moving company come in to pack his things? If it's a moving company, does that mean those top secret/SCI documents were just laying around, and accessible to those who were packing his stuff up and they got mixed up in other documents and put into boxes? And nobody knew that those boxes contained top secret documents...and who knows where those boxes could have ended up?

If he packed his own things, then again, the top secret docs were just mixed together with regular non classified docs, and they all ended up in the same box?

I would think that they would be a bit more careful when handling such information, to the point that it would be hard to believe they just accidently wound up being packed into boxes as he was leaving. Either these documents were just laying around, to be seen by anyone, including whoever packed his belongings, or he knew he had them.
And now you think somebody is going to take your gas stove. You don't understand they have a continuous flow of batshit crazy things to keep you riled up? Not that long ago, you thought the military was attacking Texas, and that someone was going to ban cows. You sure are gullible goobers, aren't you?

Republicans didn't create the story about banning gas stoves, the Communists did. Republicans only responded to their idiocy.
Not really, trump was cooperating too, he even said they would work with them to straighten it out. Negotiations broke down then the fbi raided his home. Didn't Trump say that he would have continued to work with them?

They are still legitimate because Biden did have documents he wasn't supposed to have..and I think he may have lied about knowing he had them, here's why. He has repeatedly stated they were in a secure place...if he didn't know he had them,.then why would they be in a secure place? Unless it's just a coincidence that they ended up in a secure place, and he truly didn't know he had them...and I'm not sure which is worse, that he knew he had them and lied about it, or that he had no idea that he was in possession of top secret/SCI documents..

Again, how did they end up in his possession? Does a vp pack his own belongings when leaving the white house, or do they have a moving company come in to pack his things? If it's a moving company, does that mean those top secret/SCI documents were just laying around, and accessible to those who were packing his stuff up and they got mixed up in other documents and put into boxes? And nobody knew that those boxes contained top secret documents...and who knows where those boxes could have ended up?

If he packed his own things, then again, the top secret docs were just mixed together with regular non classified docs, and they all ended up in the same box?

I would think that they would be a bit more careful when handling such information, to the point that it would be hard to believe they just accidently wound up being packed into boxes as he was leaving. Either these documents were just laying around, to be seen by anyone, including whoever packed his belongings, or he knew he had them.
Trump claimed he had done an extensive search, and nothing was there. He also claimed they were his rightful property. He also claimed he had de-classified them by thinking about them. Trump didn't cooperate at all. Biden is cooperating 100%.
Republicans didn't create the story about banning gas stoves, the Communists did. Republicans only responded to their idiocy.
Republicans set their hair on fire over one silly report. Who started that silliness about the military using Walmart tunnels to attack Texas? You MAGAs are just nuts.
The Dems didn't blow up the debt $8 trillion dollars with Trump. So STFU. You can't afford to talk about what the Dems are concerned about.

It wasn't 8 billion, it was 7, and that included trying to get over a worldwide pandemic nobody in this country has ever seen.

Under Dementia we went in the hole another 3.7 trillion dollars, and that doesn't even include the last 1.7 trillion just passed. He did that in two years which puts him on the same trajectory as Trump's spending with the pandemic.
Republicans set their hair on fire over one silly report. Who started that silliness about the military using Walmart tunnels to attack Texas? You MAGAs are just nuts.

That silly report came from a bureaucracy that is capable of doing it.

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