The Republican War On Women

All democrats care about for women is their ability to be sluts and kill their babies.....Yep ..... If your a woman and a democrat you are a fucking idiot that seems to hate yourself.

Your respect for women really oozes from this post. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

You see I do respect women....I respect them enough to know that they are not just vaginas.....
1. Ryan voted to end funding for Planned Parenthood, which could jeopardize access to cancer screenings, birth control, and other preventive care that nearly three million Americans rely on each year.
2. He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending safe and legal abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is at risk.
3. He co-sponsored an extreme and dangerous “personhood” bill which could ban some forms of birth control and fertility treatments.
4. The Ryan budget plan, his signature piece of legislation, would dismantle Medicaid, jeopardizing basic health care for millions of women and families. For many, this could mean the difference between getting cancer screenings and birth control or going without.

Romney and Ryan would turn back the clock on women’s health and women’s rights.
I don't support federal funding for planned parenthood, personally. I'd prefer to see local health clinics that treat families who don't have insurance.
All democrats care about for women is their ability to be sluts and kill their babies.....Yep ..... If your a woman and a democrat you are a fucking idiot that seems to hate yourself.

Your respect for women really oozes from this post. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

You see I do respect women....I respect them enough to know that they are not just vaginas.....

they have boobs too
1. Ryan voted to end funding for Planned Parenthood, which could jeopardize access to cancer screenings, birth control, and other preventive care that nearly three million Americans rely on each year.
2. He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending safe and legal abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is at risk.
3. He co-sponsored an extreme and dangerous “personhood” bill which could ban some forms of birth control and fertility treatments.
4. The Ryan budget plan, his signature piece of legislation, would dismantle Medicaid, jeopardizing basic health care for millions of women and families. For many, this could mean the difference between getting cancer screenings and birth control or going without.

Romney and Ryan would turn back the clock on women’s health and women’s rights.

There are no such things are Women's Rights. Rights don't exist if everyone can't enjoy them. There are privileges...special accords.

About half the women in the country are on Ryan's side of the discussion.

You'd think you bastards could finally figure out that your claims are bulls**t.
Democrats place more importance on the mental/physical/financial welfare of the woman. The woman has priority. Common sense and Roe v. Wade give the woman priority.

Woman priority over what? The kid? Isnt that selffish?
So you're parents planned you and they were well to do?

You mean the fetus? Dough ain't a loaf of bread.
Here's the problem. You libs look upon abortion as a means of birth control for convenience sake.
With mainstream everyday people, that hits a nerve.
That's why this debate rages on.
Not because of the far left's desire to see abortion services become a government entitlement. Not because of the far right religious zealot's view that "life begins at conception"..Not the people who think the woman's life is not as worthy as the baby...
No, it's the rest of us completely normal people who think the left's view that abortion should have zero restrictions is what drives this divisive issue.
Quite frankly when one demeans or diminishes a human life by using the term "fetus" as if to lower the importance of the unborn, it disgusts me. I oppose abortion for birth control or convenience.
Abortion should be legal only in cases where the health of the mother or child is in jeopardy by carrying the child to term. Also, I believe in cases of rape or incest, the woman( or girl) should be permitted to terminate that pregnancy.
Oh unless the mother's life is at 100% fatal risk, third trimester abortion should be outlawed. BY that stage, the baby is viable outside of the womb.
All democrats care about for women is their ability to be sluts and kill their babies.....Yep ..... If your a woman and a democrat you are a fucking idiot that seems to hate yourself.

Your respect for women really oozes from this post. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

I think his point is that it's what liberal women tell us. Conservatives/libertarians think that women are people, they are affected by all issues. Liberal women say no, access to abortion and free birth control, those are women's issues. I think unemployment, the deficit, foreign policy affect women, they say nope, it's only about their vagina.

And you're saying he doesn't "respect" women? If you're a liberal woman, start by respecting yourself...
All democrats care about for women is their ability to be sluts and kill their babies.....Yep ..... If your a woman and a democrat you are a fucking idiot that seems to hate yourself.

Your respect for women really oozes from this post. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

And yet the respect he shows women far exceeds the respect you show...
In the last two years over 1,000 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."
When will you people stop digging?


Fuck you and your invented fabricated bullshiite. repeat fuck off and fuck you moron.

One can only reply in this fashion b/c the op is a fucking lacky retard and can never see the forest through the trees.
1. Ryan voted to end funding for Planned Parenthood, which could jeopardize access to cancer screenings, birth control, and other preventive care that nearly three million Americans rely on each year.
2. He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending safe and legal abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is at risk.
3. He co-sponsored an extreme and dangerous “personhood” bill which could ban some forms of birth control and fertility treatments.
4. The Ryan budget plan, his signature piece of legislation, would dismantle Medicaid, jeopardizing basic health care for millions of women and families. For many, this could mean the difference between getting cancer screenings and birth control or going without.

Romney and Ryan would turn back the clock on women’s health and women’s rights.

There are no such things are Women's Rights. Rights don't exist if everyone can't enjoy them. There are privileges...special accords.

About half the women in the country are on Ryan's side of the discussion.
You'd think you bastards could finally figure out that your claims are bulls**t.

Prove it!! Don't just run your mouth. Did you think we are just going to believe you??

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