The Republican War On Women

If there were a way for a woman to register her uterus as a corporation, the Republicans would not have the slighest interest in regulating it.
Woman priority over what? The kid? Isnt that selffish?
So you're parents planned you and they were well to do?

You mean the fetus? Dough ain't a loaf of bread.
Here's the problem. You libs look upon abortion as a means of birth control for convenience sake.
With mainstream everyday people, that hits a nerve.
That's why this debate rages on.
Not because of the far left's desire to see abortion services become a government entitlement. Not because of the far right religious zealot's view that "life begins at conception"..Not the people who think the woman's life is not as worthy as the baby...
No, it's the rest of us completely normal people who think the left's view that abortion should have zero restrictions is what drives this divisive issue.
Quite frankly when one demeans or diminishes a human life by using the term "fetus" as if to lower the importance of the unborn, it disgusts me. I oppose abortion for birth control or convenience.
Abortion should be legal only in cases where the health of the mother or child is in jeopardy by carrying the child to term. Also, I believe in cases of rape or incest, the woman( or girl) should be permitted to terminate that pregnancy.
Oh unless the mother's life is at 100% fatal risk, third trimester abortion should be outlawed. BY that stage, the baby is viable outside of the womb.

That is just not true!! Why do you right wing nuts continue repeating the stupid talkng points you get from Rush Limbaugh and Fox News?? You do not know what you're talking about.
When will you people stop digging?


I am a Woman and I feel that the REP is not putting a war on us. What I do see is Obama meek attempt to make the media put that out there. Most woman are smart. Well most conservative women are smart and know how to get our birth control pills on our own or go to the drug store to pick up a condom because you know this day in age pregnancy is the least of our worries when we have STDs that can kill us..

The one you should be mad at is Obama since he has been in office Womens unemployment is at an all time high..
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When will you people stop digging?


I am a Woman and I feel that the REP is not putting a war on us. What I do see is Obama meek attempt to make the media put that out there. Most woman are smart. Well most conservative women are smart and know how to get our birth control pills on our own or go to the drug store to pick up a condom because you know this day in age pregnancy is the least of our worries when we have STDs that can kill us..

The one you should be mad at is Obama since he has been in office Womens unemployment is at an all time high..

Yes, of course. Republican women have never had an abortion or had their insurance companies pay for their birth control pills. Actually they never have sex unless they desire pregnancy. They are also the only women that protect themselves against STD's. :rolleyes:

Illinois Congressman Henry Hyde (AP)

Today marks the 36th birthday of an amendment aimed at prohibiting poor women from getting an abortion—and setting the stage for today's battles, argues Jessica Arons of the Center for American Progress.

More: Unhappy Birthday to the Amendment That Started the War on Women - The Daily Beast
Good man to stand up for innocent babies.

Illinois Congressman Henry Hyde (AP)

Today marks the 36th birthday of an amendment aimed at prohibiting poor women from getting an abortion—and setting the stage for today's battles, argues Jessica Arons of the Center for American Progress.

More: Unhappy Birthday to the Amendment That Started the War on Women - The Daily Beast

No one is "prohibited" from getting an abortion. You guys can spin this however you wish. It still doesn't change the facts.

Illinois Congressman Henry Hyde (AP)

Today marks the 36th birthday of an amendment aimed at prohibiting poor women from getting an abortion—and setting the stage for today's battles, argues Jessica Arons of the Center for American Progress.

More: Unhappy Birthday to the Amendment That Started the War on Women - The Daily Beast

Umm what about the guy she decided to sleep with and have unprotected sex? Why does HE get a hall pass and then the taxpayers get that responsibility?
Unless abortion is a medical necessity, the woman carrying the child and the father are responsible.
Now you will reply with some vile insulting crap. Flame away. It won't change the facts.

Illinois Congressman Henry Hyde (AP)

Today marks the 36th birthday of an amendment aimed at prohibiting poor women from getting an abortion—and setting the stage for today's battles, argues Jessica Arons of the Center for American Progress.

More: Unhappy Birthday to the Amendment That Started the War on Women - The Daily Beast

Umm what about the guy she decided to sleep with and have unprotected sex? Why does HE get a hall pass and then the taxpayers get that responsibility?
Unless abortion is a medical necessity, the woman carrying the child and the father are responsible. Now you will reply with some vile insulting crap. Flame away. It won't change the facts.

I agree with the bolded i don't think abortions should be used as an option unless the mothers life is in danger, it teaches people that they don't have to be sexually responisble and they start using abortions as contraception and thats dangerous.
WASHINGTON -- A group of Virginians has formed a political action committee to defeat state lawmakers who have been going after access to abortion and contraception, planning to support pro-choice men and women to take their place.

The Women's Strike Force will be raising money and actively recruiting candidates of all political parties who support women's reproductive rights.

Leslie Byrne, the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia, is one of the leaders of the PAC.

"A number of us were bemoaning the fact that the Virginia legislature had turned into a cross between a frat house and a clown college," she said. "We decided to do something about it. Many of us had been in these wars since the '70s -- and fought for ourselves and our friends in the '70s, our daughters in the '80s and '90s and now it looks like we're fighting for our granddaughters."

Women's Strike Force: Pro-Choice PAC Starts Up In Virginia To Defeat Backers Of Ultrasound Legislation

There'd be more daughters and granddaughters with you if you hadn't killed them all.

Herbert Hoover promised a chicken in every pot. obama promises a penis in every vagina, so women, vote like your vaginas depend on it.

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