The Republicans have a plan to pay for their tax cuts.

Idiot-gram: a single sentence or phrase which lacks substance, i.e. evidence, thought or is thought provoking. Yep, the Odd-One hit each note.

2a. Freudian Projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

Is this taken from your resume?
Well the regressives here on USMB have been begging for a balanced budget. I say we oblige them and cut all the entitlement programs for a few years.

Will they praise Republicans and President Trump if this happens?
You LIE!!! Repubtards ALWAYS EXPLODE Spending!!! Trumptards don't have the stones to slash 10% spending across the board like Obama did with sequestration!!! Clinton & Democrats Slashed Spending in 1993 creating a Surplus in Clinton's second term!!!

The Hussein created $1.3 trillion in debt in FY2009, that was with an all Dem Congress.

Sequestration didn’t happen until Republicans took back the House and forced the Dems to make cuts.
Well the regressives here on USMB have been begging for a balanced budget. I say we oblige them and cut all the entitlement programs for a few years.

Will they praise Republicans and President Trump if this happens?
You LIE!!! Repubtards ALWAYS EXPLODE Spending!!! Trumptards don't have the stones to slash 10% spending across the board like Obama did with sequestration!!! Clinton & Democrats Slashed Spending in 1993 creating a Surplus in Clinton's second term!!!

The Hussein created $1.3 trillion in debt in FY2009, that was with an all Dem Congress.

Sequestration didn’t happen until Republicans took back the House and forced the Dems to make cuts.
Dear Repubtard, that was President Bush's FY 2009 Budget, created & signed into law by BUSH!!! Obama reduced the deficit every year!
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Well the regressives here on USMB have been begging for a balanced budget. I say we oblige them and cut all the entitlement programs for a few years.

Will they praise Republicans and President Trump if this happens?
You LIE!!! Repubtards ALWAYS EXPLODE Spending!!! Trumptards don't have the stones to slash 10% spending across the board like Obama did with sequestration!!! Clinton & Democrats Slashed Spending in 1993 creating a Surplus in Clinton's second term!!!

The Hussein created $1.3 trillion in debt in FY2009, that was with an all Dem Congress.

Sequestration didn’t happen until Republicans took back the House and forced the Dems to make cuts.
Dear Repubtard, that was President Bush's FY 2009 Budget, created & signed into law by BUSH!!! Obama reduced the deficit every year!

You’re right FY 2009 was all Dem congress and lame duck Bush, who was no fiscal conservative.

FY 2010 was all Dem Congress and the Hussein which increased the deficit another $1.3 trillion.

You still can’t demonstrate where Dems have ever reduced the deficit at all.
I'm a fiscal conservative, so I want as many cuts to the Budget as possible. If the dems take the House that won't happen. There will be a shutdown over whether to cut programs or raise taxes. So what McConnel says or does is irrelevant unless the GOP keeps the House. The downside there is, if the Budget Deficit keeps exploding the Debt and the stockmarket crashes there is no one to blame but the GOP, and 2020 will be like 2008 and whoever the dems put up will win and then the Obama style cycle starts again. PING-PONG governance.
Well the regressives here on USMB have been begging for a balanced budget. I say we oblige them and cut all the entitlement programs for a few years.

Will they praise Republicans and President Trump if this happens?
You LIE!!! Repubtards ALWAYS EXPLODE Spending!!! Trumptards don't have the stones to slash 10% spending across the board like Obama did with sequestration!!! Clinton & Democrats Slashed Spending in 1993 creating a Surplus in Clinton's second term!!!

The Hussein created $1.3 trillion in debt in FY2009, that was with an all Dem Congress.

Sequestration didn’t happen until Republicans took back the House and forced the Dems to make cuts.
Dear Repubtard, that was President Bush's FY 2009 Budget, created & signed into law by BUSH!!! Obama reduced the deficit every year!

HA! Obama had the largest deficits by far, so don't brag on his "reduced deficits" since he basically doubled the debt and really put the Budget in a hole with all of the interest on the Debt compounding and compounding, and that will get worse as the interest rates rise to normal levels.
I'm a fiscal conservative, so I want as many cuts to the Budget as possible. If the dems take the House that won't happen. There will be a shutdown over whether to cut programs or raise taxes. So what McConnel says or does is irrelevant unless the GOP keeps the House. The downside there is, if the Budget Deficit keeps exploding the Debt and the stockmarket crashes there is no one to blame but the GOP, and 2020 will be like 2008 and whoever the dems put up will win and then the Obama style cycle starts again. PING-PONG governance.

I think a bigger problem is our border. Right now, Trump is threatening our southern friends by stopping aid to their countries if these people aren't pulled back. With Democrats in charge, that would damn near be impossible.

True, Republicans in Congress are not even taking this issue seriously, but at least they are not making it worse. And if we can actually gain seats in the House, we might get more good Republicans in there.
Here we go again.

Clinton didn’t need to make these cuts to balance his books

Clinton presided during the tech bubble. He didn't need to make cuts to anything. However the Republican Congress did make cuts, especially to welfare.
Trumps riding the obama bubble. He didn’t need to give tax breaks or make cuts either.

Trump isn't riding anything. He created this booming economy by himself and the Republicans. It's been two years since DumBama left. Nobody "rides" a bubble that long.
He rides the economy of the Great Obama

Sure he does, 2 years later? That dog doesn't run anymore. Nobody except the left is buying it.
Things were fine the day before the 2016 election. Trump just stimulated the economy with tax cuts. Bfd. Short term bump long term gonna cost us
Trumps riding the obama bubble. He didn’t need to give tax breaks or make cuts either.

Trump isn't riding anything. He created this booming economy by himself and the Republicans. It's been two years since DumBama left. Nobody "rides" a bubble that long.
He rides the economy of the Great Obama

Sure he does, 2 years later? That dog doesn't run anymore. Nobody except the left is buying it.
Been running since 2009
Same economy

No, this is not the same economy. This economy has better paying jobs, record setting unemployment in nearly all categories, and a strong stock market with no feds dumping trillions in to make it that way.

Consumer confidence at an 18 year high. New record small business confidence (41 years) corporate confidence also at an 18 year high. You didn't have any of these optimism during DumBama because he was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.
No. YOU didn’t see this shit was all true under obama.

Example. When we told you unemployment was low you said that was a fake number.

Another example. When the stock market went up you didn’t care. You pointed to a struggling middle class or the debt. Today u don’t do that.

P.s. small business’ are not feeling the bump like big corporations are. They don’t get to buy back their stocks. And small business only does well if consumers have more money and people do not have more money today. You don’t. Hell, even I don’t. I may be making $3k more because of tax breaks but gas is also $1 more a gallon.

Only rich people are benefitting.

I’m not going to pretend things aren’t better. That’s what you did to obama. All I’m saying is trumpanomics will lead to another Great Recession and I’d give back my 3k to have hillary or obama back
Trump isn't riding anything. He created this booming economy by himself and the Republicans. It's been two years since DumBama left. Nobody "rides" a bubble that long.
He rides the economy of the Great Obama

Sure he does, 2 years later? That dog doesn't run anymore. Nobody except the left is buying it.
Been running since 2009
Same economy

No, this is not the same economy. This economy has better paying jobs, record setting unemployment in nearly all categories, and a strong stock market with no feds dumping trillions in to make it that way.

Consumer confidence at an 18 year high. New record small business confidence (41 years) corporate confidence also at an 18 year high. You didn't have any of these optimism during DumBama because he was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.
No. YOU didn’t see this shit was all true under obama.

Example. When we told you unemployment was low you said that was a fake number.

Another example. When the stock market went up you didn’t care. You pointed to a struggling middle class or the debt. Today u don’t do that.

P.s. small business’ are not feeling the bump like big corporations are. They don’t get to buy back their stocks. And small business only does well if consumers have more money and people do not have more money today. You don’t. Hell, even I don’t. I may be making $3k more because of tax breaks but gas is also $1 more a gallon.

Only rich people are benefitting.

I’m not going to pretend things aren’t better. That’s what you did to obama. All I’m saying is trumpanomics will lead to another Great Recession and I’d give back my 3k to have hillary or obama back

The stock market under Obama was not reflective of the economy as it is today. That’s why I criticized it. Unemployment is still inaccurate, however we do have 7.1 million job openings.

How much more money you have today depends on your circumstance, but yes, you do have more money because of the tax break. You just have to sit down and figure it out. According to my tax preparer, I am going to see a very nice tax return for this year, so many don’t even know how much more the tax cut will save them until they file next year.

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Clinton presided during the tech bubble. He didn't need to make cuts to anything. However the Republican Congress did make cuts, especially to welfare.
Trumps riding the obama bubble. He didn’t need to give tax breaks or make cuts either.

Trump isn't riding anything. He created this booming economy by himself and the Republicans. It's been two years since DumBama left. Nobody "rides" a bubble that long.
He rides the economy of the Great Obama

Sure he does, 2 years later? That dog doesn't run anymore. Nobody except the left is buying it.
Things were fine the day before the 2016 election. Trump just stimulated the economy with tax cuts. Bfd. Short term bump long term gonna cost us

It was more than just tax cuts. He removed the job killing Commie Care fines and requirements. He rescinded job killing government policies. An optimistic business environment is better than an uncertain business environment any day of the week when it comes to job creation.

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Clinton presided during the tech bubble. He didn't need to make cuts to anything. However the Republican Congress did make cuts, especially to welfare.
Trumps riding the obama bubble. He didn’t need to give tax breaks or make cuts either.

Trump isn't riding anything. He created this booming economy by himself and the Republicans. It's been two years since DumBama left. Nobody "rides" a bubble that long.
He rides the economy of the Great Obama

Sure he does, 2 years later? That dog doesn't run anymore. Nobody except the left is buying it.
Things were fine the day before the 2016 election. Trump just stimulated the economy with tax cuts. Bfd. Short term bump long term gonna cost us

Economics 101. You don’t stimulate a growing economy.

This wasn’t about stimulating the economy. It didn’t need it.

It was about theft through market manipulation.

And there needs to be accountability for it.
Republicans just added $1.5 trillion to our debt with unnecessary tax cuts

Now, they look around and say we can’t afford Social Security, Medicaid or food stamps

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